1975 AT 9:00 A. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Tra~er (Arrived 10:20)
Mrs. M~rilyn Huckle
John Rogers
Mrs. Vicky Castello
Enrico Rossi
Oris Walker (Arrived I :30)
Jack Barrett,
Building Official
Warren Bushnell,
Deputy Bldg. Official
Chairman Kelly called the meeting to order at 9:52 A. M. and
welcomed the gentlemen present and introduced the members of
the Board, Mr.. Barrett, Mr. Bushnell a~d Mrs. Kruse. He
nounced they had Been delayed in calling the meeting to order
due to the fact that this morning one of the members came in
with. a marked map showing the areas of the City as a result
of the meetings they have had aud they made copies. He stated
this would be a workshop meeting intended to consider all the
requests made at the two public hearings. They will afford a
short period of time to anyone in the audience wishing to make
additions or amendments to their statements. However, they
must limit the time in order to get ~_~ything done.
Mr. Bill Elam appeared before the Board and referred to the
change of the proposed zoning along 23rd Avenue between the
railroad tracks west to Seacrest, which is proposed R-lA.
Mr. Barrett clarified that this was coded as No. 52 on the
map. Mr. Elam continued that his main objection was to
stress the importance of the f'act that S. W. 23rd is desig-
nated by the new co~e as being a major thoroughfare and ia
his opinion this would be very restrictive and confiscatory
to the value of the peoples' hemes along that street if
traffic becomes unbearable and eventually it will. They
will have to take a lower price for their homes, because
people will not buy homes on a major thoroughfare. His
opinion is in an article in the February 23 edition of Palm
Beach Post Times, which says it all stating the residents
wamt the access road rerouted. These are residents of Chapel
Hill which are now getting the traffic 23rd Avenue will.
He would recommend a C-1 professional area along that little
strip to go with the zoning on both sides and which would
give relief to people owning homes there. He owns a
lot there and
sell it,
If it is
He gave the
traffic was
pointed out
tioned the existi
it was R-1. Mr.
~e is no way he could build a house and
.e do not want to buy on a thoroughfare.
it will be a slow transitional period.
article to Mr. Barrett to show how
~d through a residential area. He also
on old map. Mrs. Huckle ques-
aan KeIly informed her
out that the homes south are
~*~CH 1, 1975
zoned R-1A~&. It would be a benefit to those people to have
offices behind them, rather than low class houses or low
class rentals. Businesses would close· at 5:00 and would not
give them 24 hour neighbors. Mr. Barrett stated he would
like to correct that in the newspaper article, it referred to
S. W. 6th Street. The City and ~.O.T. met and D.O.T. stated
they were not going to change it. This article is not referr-
ing to 23rd Ave., but to 6th Street. Mr. Elam stated he just
presented this as a parallel example and thought they were
talking about 23rd Avenue. Mr. Barrett advised him that they
would take this into consideration, but they must only con-
sider it after it is developed as a major thoroughfare and it
is signated as a major thoroughfare now. They mmst
~tion only as problems occur. Mr. Rossi referred
to 23rd smd stated he didn,t think there was anything
in the two lanes. There is only
a~ 80' Kelly pointed out that the
uti were set both sides of the read, which
may indicate they will widen it. Mr. Elam stated he Would
not for several years Just waiting for it
to be him.
Mr. Juliam Patrick appeared before the Board and referred to
the area adjacent to the E4 canal on the west and $. W. 15th
Avenue, off the approach ramp to the interchange. There is
a strip oflland that is zoned R-1AA PUD. It is too narrow
a strip of land to do a~ything in R-1AA. He requested that
the be turned to the west at the north end of the
pro run down to 15th. Mr. Barrett agreed with Mr.
Patrick and stated this would be the logical thing to extend
that zoning along the E4 ca~al. He thins it was obviously
an error.
Mr. Patrick then referred to the north end in the Rolling
Green Ridge Addition and pointed out that this area was 85%
to 90% developed. He mentioned previously that these were
F.H.A. approved lots with deed restrictions. Some lots were
R-1 and some R-2. Ne thinks this should remain the same
instead of changing all to R-2. Even though the City does
not recogaize deed restrictions, they are a fact and it would
be misrepresenting a~yon$ that buys property in there. They
would like to retain that R-2 transitional zoning and also
want R-2 around the sewerage plant. Mr. Barrett pointed out
that only the Seacrest addition has been zoned R-2. He ques-
tioned if he wanted R-2 along the C-I zoning and the other
changed to R-l? Mr. Patrick replied that even though it was
zoned R-2 previously, the~ are all single family homes and
have deed restrictions. Ne wants R-2 around the sewerage
plant, so it can apply as transitional zoning. ~. Barrett
stated that there are areas there which even though zoned
R-lA are not really desirable, because the property owners
MARCH 1, 1975
have let them deteriorate. The City- is not concerned with
deed restrictions. The old R-2 and the new R-2 are not the
same. In a low class residential area, it is~good to allow
duplexes. Usmally the owner resides in one side and keeps
it nice. The fact that it is restricted to just duplexes
makes it probabl~' that aa investor won't come in and buy all
these properties. Mr. Patrick replied that he did not see an
advantage in downgrading an area which has a higher classi-
fication that is 90% developed. Mr. Barrett informed him
that for the amount of lots left, a combination of duplexes
them up. As a duplex,
Mr. Patrick informed him
that if he was living in a single family home in that area,
he would not like it.
Mr. Patrick stated he would also like to discuss the~zoning
regulations as written. Mr. Barrett advised him that they
would have another meeting to discuss them and would advise
~m of the date. Mr. Patrick stated he would be out of town
on March 15 and questioned if he could meet with Mr. Kelly
another time to briefly discuss it with him. Chairman Kelly
Mr. Patrick then referred to a PUD zoning in the north end of
the City and questioned if plans had been filed for this
zoning? Mr. Barrett replied: yes, they had been applied for.
Ps. Patrick advised that they would like the same thing on
the area immediately south which is zoned R-IAAA for a hold-
ing area. ~. Patrick stated that he did not want R-1AAA to
preclude a PUD. Mr. Barrett advised him that it wouldn't and
that an ordinance is created for each PUD. Mrs. Huckle ques-
tioned if it should be designated on the proposed map as a
PUD, even though it is not existing? Mr. Barrett informed
her that it has been requested with the annexation applica-
tion. If they change, they must go back to the highest type
of zoning and must re-apply~. ChairmamKelly stated that
this Board spent many hours studying the proposed PUD ordi-
nances existing in ether cities and the one we proposed. He
suggested that Mr. Patrick get a copy of the City PUD ordi-
namce. Mr. Patrick referred to Mr. Barrett's reference of
accepting property into the City and stated they have a pro-
blem with the Rolling Green Ridge School property which is
zoned R-1AA and when that was brought into the City, it was
agreed it would be commercial. Mr. Barrett advised that the
City Attorney stated that the City could mot Be bound by
legal opinions. Mr. Patrick remarked that this could be a
source of conflict later on. ~. ROssi again referred to
the PUD shown and ~ ioned if it was im the City limits?
Mr. Rogers stated as of today, it is not part of the
City until annexation is final and Mr. Barrett informed
them that final reading would ben, at the mext City Council
MARCH 1, 1975
meeting. Mr. Rossi stated that he understood that under a
PD~, after it is an exed mt becomes a PUD and therefore, mt
is ~ll tentative now. Mr. Barrett informed him that when it
comes into the City, it will have the PUD zoning. The south
portion is in the City; but when this becomes final, all
will be a PUD with the development pla~s. Mrs. Huckle ques-
tioned if they should have a R 1AAA holding zoning mntii the
PUD was finalized and Mr. Barrett advised her they could
legally do it this way. Mr. Patrick stated if they could
do it this way, they wanted PUD now. Mr. Barrett advised
him that his is a holding area because they have no appli-
cation for a PUD and do have applications for the other
areas. You is basically a holding area.
If it is not with your development, you may apply
for rezoning. We are granting a PUD to the others providing
they comply with the ordinance, feels
the PUD should be zoned as R-1AAA Mr.
Barrett informed Mr. Patrick ha~ not applied for a
PUD, so we his land as a PUD.
Mr. Carl Zimmerman appeared before the Board and questioned
why the Leisureville area was designated for the most part as
R-!AA and has the PUD im paranthesis undermeath? Mr. Barrett
informed him that the ordinance was created and in the PUD
for single family
still a PUD regard-
less of the zone applied. Chairman Kelly recommended that
Mr. Zimmerman read the PUD ordinance.
Mr. Zimmerman then referred to some changes in Section 10
being R-1AA instead of RT3 a~Mr. Barrett advised him that
this was correct. Mr. Zimmerman then referred to the R-3
parcel that is by PM! presently. They have appeared
at one of the me~ and asked for a rezoming to commer-
cial. ~. Barrett informed him that they hadn't gotten to
g nsidering any requests yet. Mr. Zimmerman continued that
hey would like to see this parcel remain R-3 as proposed.
Chairman Kelly i~formed him that they ha~e maps marked so
they can cover the points cussed at the two meetings.
Mr. Zimmerman stated that was brought up, but it is
not marked it is not red a~d Mr.
Barrett poiz that it was No. 10 on the map.
Mr. Zimmerman stated they would like notification in case
the Board does c~ this from what is proposed.
Mr. Barretit~advised would be another public
hearing by this Board after are made.
Mr. Zimmerman then referred to the C-4 zoning in the area
wast of Congress. He stated they would like to see a large
type shopping center as planned, but which has not started
~RCH 1, 1975
and they are now afraid they will get a conglomeration of
everything. Mr. Rossi stated that he evidently fomnd sev-
eral things objectionable' under the C-4 zoning and this
would be discussed at another meeting. Pk. Barrett agreed
and stated this would be considered when they discussed the
zoning ordinance. Mr. Zimmerma~ continmed that they did not
want the type of commercial zoning in there with noise,
pollution, traffic congestion, etc. He also pointed out the
~ice lakes and waterways im their golf course and stated if
there were certain types of low commercial construction here,
the sarf&ce drainage would pollute their water. ~. Barrett
stating that restrictions are enforced. Mr. Rossi
about a ago, a water quality act was passed
and some ~olding must be provided before the water is
released. Mr. Z~merman disagreed stating they would still
get some chemic~s in their water.. Mr. Barrett advised him
that this was no longer ~rmiSsable. Mr. Zimmerma~ replied
that they have it now and womld get more. Mr. Barrett in-
formed him that it was not permissable to do it the same way.
Mr. Simon Ryder appeared before the Board and also referred
to this C-4 area and stated this was the end of the line.
It is a catch-all an~ who knows what in the future. He
~oesn,t think it is important at this time to say what acti-
vities are permitted under C-4. It still states it is sub-
ject to further inclasion. It downgrades what we have there
Chairman Kelly ascertained that nobody else desired to speak
and requested ~. Barrett to proceed with the discussion of
the requests from the public hearings. Fm. Barrett stated
he wouid like to take the requests as they occur from north
to south on the map.
No. 8 on Map - Request of ~. Paul Wesson. The members read
Mr. Wesson's comments from the minutes of the public hearing
and discussed his request. They decided to extend the present
R-2 zoming line west to include the Storybook School and one
let beyond.
No. 13 on Map - Request of Mr. Eric Swanson. The members read
M~. SWanson,s comments from the minutes of the public hearing
and discussed his request. Mr. Barrett added that he also
talked to the residents in this area and they have no objec-
tion to the front portion being C-3. He thinks they could
arbitrarily go and change it to R-1AA withomt any contro-
versy. The members also noted that a petition had been re-
ceived on this dated January 25 and signed by 24 residents
of this area. They also discussed the non-conformance o2.
the trailer park in this area. After farther discussion,
it was decided to change this area indicated in red to R-1AA,
the whole area blocked in all the way to the City limits$~ The
parcel south, which is white, should be R-3.
I~RCH 1, 1975
Chairman Kelly declared a five minute recess at 11:22 A. M.
At 11:27 A. M.,the meeting was called Back to order.
No. 9 on Map - Request of Mr. Ralph Kell~y. The members
read Mr. Kelley's comments from the minutes of the public
hearing and realized that he didn't have any objections to
the zoning as applied, but objected to the zoning ordinance
with regard to the front footage requirements. They decided
to mark the map that this would be considered when the ordi-
nance was reviewed.
No. 19 on Map - Request of Mr. Thomas Boffey. The members
read Mr. Boffey's comments from the minutes of the public
hearing and Mr. Barrett pointed out that he only objected
because he did not understand the difference between C-3
and C-4. Mr. Barrett stated he thinks he wants to expand
C-4 all the way to the highway. The Board told him he could
use the front portion as C-3, which is contiguous to that
area. He suggested leaving it as is with C-3 in the front
Chairman Kelly questioned if he had
Mr. Barrett after the meeting, as he
suggested~ Mr. Barrett replied that he had. After discus-
sion, the members agreed to make no change,
No. 3 on Map - Request of ~M. K. Granger representing Four
Seasons. The members read Mr. Granger's comments from the
minutes of the public hearing and Mr. Barrett suggested that
since they owned this property and it was included in the
original development, they should change these designated
lines to include R-3. The members discussed this and looked
at the area on the aerial map. They then agreed with Mr.
No. 16 on. Map - Request of Mr. Eugene Harris. The members
read Mr. Narris' comments from the minutes of the public
hearing and Mr.~Barrett point out that there was no action
required on this. The lot area is insufficient for building
a duplex.
No. 15 on Map - Request of ~M. Julian Patrick. The members
read Mr. Patrick's comments from the minutes of the public
hearing and looked at the area on the aerial map. After dis-
cussion, they decided th~cruise this area o~ their bus trip
next Saturday and consider it further then.
Chairman Kelly called for adjournment of the meeting at
11:59 A. M. for lunch. Mr. Barrett invited the members to
be his guests for lunch.. The meeting was called back to
order at 1:30 P. M.
MARCH l, 1975
No. 11 on Map - Request of Mrs. John Balker. Mr. Barrett
pointed out that Nos. 6 and 20 also referred to this area.
He added that Nos. 6 amd 20 were propoments of the zoning
change amd No. 11 was an opponent of the zomi~g cha~ge.
The members read the comments from the public hearing min-
utes. Mr. Barrett added that they also have a petition
from the residents of Lake Addition stating they do mot
want t~s rezoned as R-3, signed by 43 individuals and 27
families. After a lengthy discussion of the size of the
lots, b~lding ~f sea walls, d~sirability of multi-family
or single family homes, etc. and consulting the aerial map,
each member gave their viewpoint. It was decided to table
this matter for further comeideration in view of the differ-
ence of opinion from the members. Mr. Barrett added t~at
he would determine when the ordinance was passed zoning this
pro check to see if a public hearimg was held and! if
were present, etc.
No. 5 on Map - Request of Mr. Stephen Kochakien. The members
read Mr. Eoch~kiem,s comments frOm the minutes of the public
hearing. Mr. Barrett suggested taking the horizontal line
along 2nd Avenue and coming over one lot, just east of the
to the top at 6th Avenue,
to adjoin the other C-4 line.
The members dis the difference between C-3 and C-4
zoning and de, they Would have to rewrite some of the
code with reference to their defimitions. After discussion,
the members agreed to Mr. Barrett,s suggestion amd also to
rewrite the C-4 classification.
No. 17 on Map - Request of Miss Heather Williamson. The mem-
bers read Miss Williamsom,s comments from the minutes of the
public hearing and Mr. Barrett explained that she was refer-
ring to the area north of Boynton Road and adjacent to the
railroad. The members agreed that no change was required.
No. 4 on the Map~- Request regarding the little houses behind
The Town Tavern. Mr. Barrett advised that he has a deed
signed by the City stating the property can be used for busi-
ness. The members discussed what category of commercial would
be appropriate. After discussion, the members agreed to move
the C-4 zone line just to include the shaded area.
Mr. Robert Burgess, Jr. appeared before the Board and referred
to a letter he sent to the Board. He referred to the triangle
of land zoned R-2 on Old Boynton Road, just east of the dirt
Caunty road. He informed the Board that this small piece of
land has always been commercial and it is so small and in
such an active area,~that he would like to have it remain as
commercial. It was a fair sized ~imee of property ~util New
MARCH 1, 1 975
Boynton Road was put in. F.P.L. have a right-of-way on
the dirt road amd also have a tranformer station o~ the
poles there. It is already commercial across the street.
Mrs. Hmckle clarified that it was zoned C-1 now and they
pls~uned to change it to R-3. Mr. Barrett added that he
thought there were plans by a large corporation to purchase
the land all the way to the point and abandoning the dirt
road and they may possibly contact Mr. Burgess about p~r-
chasing his property. Mr. Burgess still aske~ if his la~d
could remai~ commercial? Mrs. Huckle pointed cut that 0-1
zoning was all around. She added that the new proposed C-1
offers some things that would be compatible to that area.
Chairman Kelly gave the i regulations for C-1 to Mr.
Burgess to read. Mrs. added that they womldn't be
creat~ spot zoning, 0-1 is all around there. Mr.
will rezone
copy of
or put it
was pla~ing to
have sewers. ~. ~
plan te the
look favorable om
if was
show them somethimg that
with zo~ng amd they
ested that he get a
it of $10.00 and
some~ ~ in a C-1 zome a~d
R-3. Mr.
this property
replied ~hat he
b~t did not
him that the sewers are
if he plans
· to
~asonable for 0-1.
No. 7 on Map - Request of Mr. Hamgge. The.members
read Mr. Hamgg the minutes of the public
hearing. ~, they agree~ not to make any
change and leave it as proposed.
No. 12 on Map - Request of Mi~ Alberta King. The members
read ~ss King,s comments from the minutes of the public
hearing amd Mr. Barrett out that the proposed zoning
made her nom-conforming, not put her out of business
like she thought. After discussion, the memberm decided that
no change was required and to leave it as proposed.
No. 14 om Map - Request of Rev. Lee. The members read Rev.
Lee's comments from the minutes of the public hearing amd
Mr.~Barrett pointed out that no action was required as far
as changing the zoning line, bus they should review the R-3
MARCH 1, 1975
zoning ordinance. The members agreed with Mr. Barrett stat-
ing they could correct ~h~$ in the zoning ordinance.
Nos. 1, 21, 22 and 18 on Map - Requests of Mr. Walter Dmtch.
The members read Mr- Dmtch's comm6nts from the minmtes of the
public hearing. Mr. Barrett added that this was deliberate
zoning, because offices and professional buildings do not
create in and out traffic like a commercial area like Mr,
Dmtch was requesting. It was the Bosrd's opinion at that
time that this area was not suitable for that type of devel-
opment, but was highly preferable for office or professional
use which would not generate the traffic. We did realize
that commercial use should be applied. The members looked
at the area on the and gave their opinions individ-
ually in a discussion, agreed to make
on Nos. 1, 22 amd 21 and tc ave it as proposed. They
cussed No. 18 a little f~rther and thenagreed that no action
was required and te leave it as proposed.
Mr. Barrett noted the time and announced they had completed
the north end of the City with the exception of Nos. 2, 10
and 38. He suggested starting with these at the next meet-
ing, as they will possibly require lengthy discussion. Chair-
man Kelly announced that the Beard would meet on March 8 for
a bus trip and then meet in workshop session in the afternoon
to discmss the sites they visited. A regmlar workshop meet-
ing will be held on March 15 from 9:00 to 4:00.
Mr. Walker made a motiom to adjoin, seconded by Mrs. Huckle.
Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjoined at
3:57 P. M.