Minutes 02-25-75MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1975 AT 7:30 P. M. PRE~,SENT Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman Mrs. Marilyn Huckle John Rogers ~rs. Vicky Castello E~ric o Rossi Jack Barrett, Bldg. Official Warren Bushnell, Deputy Bldg. Official ABSENT Oris Walker (Excused) Chairman Kelly called the meeting to order at 7:40 P. M. and welcomed the ladies and gentlemen to the second regular meet- ing in the month of February for the Planning & Zoning Board. He introduced the members of the Board, N~. Barrett and Mx. Bushnell. He added that they were probably aware that Mr. Barrett was also the Acting City Planner. He announced that N~.~ ~alker was excused on account of the death of his brother- in-law. He ac~n~owiedged and welcomed the presence of last year's Chairman~ Mr. Fred Eostner. ~NU~S The Minutes of February 11, 1975 were read. Col. Trauger re- ferred to Page 2 and questioned, if tkey determined if the proper date was 12/~2/717 Chairman ~ielly informed him that he went to City Hall last week and personally asked for the black book, which is the code. He found there were 23 pages of Code 62-9 which were not in conformity with the recent changes. He discussed this with ~s. Huck~e and whether she felt it important enough to call a special meeting. She sug- gested discussing it this evening. If you have your code copy here, we could discuss it later or possibly find time during the meeting on March 1. He added that he received wonderful service from Betty Rothman and she had 'the entire 23 pages xeroxed. She withheld making copies for the rest of the men-bets until we decide. We may have to use this code for awhile. Col. Trauger stated he wasn't questioning this, but Just the date in reference 'to correcting the minutes. Chairman Kelly advised him that there were no dates on the supplements. Mr. Rossi referred to Page 3, under the item to review the site ~ p~an for Milnor Corporation. It should be Col. Trauger made a motion to table and not approve this plan and this was seconded by M~s. Huckle. Col. Trauger agreed. MINU~S ~ANNING & ZONING BOARD IE[~GE T~70 FEBRU~"~Y 25, I975 M~. Rogers moved to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded by Col. Trauger. Motion carried 6-0. OLD BUS INESS Mr. Barrett stated that the oBiy Old Business was the plan for Milnor Corp., which was listed on the agenda under New Business. Col. Trauger moved to take the Milnor Corp. plan off the table and let it appear on the agenda as published. ~:~. Rogers seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. NEW BUSINESS A. 'Ward Cummings - Apartments & Office Building 413 S. E. 4th Street ~M. Ward Cummings appeared before the Board and explained the plan showing the two offices and three apartments planned. The members discussed and reviewed the plan. Mr. Rossi ques- tioned what was located next door and Mr. Barrett informed him there were single family dwellings. Mr. Rogers made a motion to recommend approval te the City Council of the Ward Cummings site plan for offices and apart- ments at 4t3 S. E. 4th Street. Col. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. B. Henry Roberson - Triplex 419 N. Seacrest Boulevard Mr. Barrett showed the plans and the members discussed them. Mrs. Huckle questioned the~zoning and Mr. Bushnell advised her it was R-2. Col. Trauger made a motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the Henry Roberson site plan for a triplex at 419 N. Seacrest Boulevard. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mrs. Castello stated she would like to see that they get a u~ity of title. Mr. Barrett informed her that the ordinance does not require it. Motion carried 5-1, with Mrs. Castello voting no. Milnor Corp., Norman M~chae!s Golf View Harbor Abandonment of 28th Avenue M~. Barrett showed the p~an and explained where it was located. He informed them that it was abandoned byj'regu!ar abandonment procedure over a year ago. Mrs. Huckle pointed out that the agenda stated it was for abandonment of 28th Avenue. Col. Trauger advised her that the agenda was incorrect amd that MINUTES PLAN3~ING & ZONING BOARD FEBRU~.x~ 25, 1 975 i't was a site plan approval. The members discussed access. ~. Rossi questioned the reason for the abandonment and Barrett informed him that the County engineers reco~.mm~ended it as they did not ~ so many roads going into Congress. P~rs. Huckle moved to accept 'the site plan for ~"~mtnor~-~' Corp. with -~ ~ tn.. corrections marked on the plan and reco~mend it to C t~ Council Col. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. OTH~ M~. Bs~rett informed the members that ~Ir. Bushnell would dis- tribute the new scale zoning map. Chairman Kelly referred back to the old zoning code and stated he '~ ~ ~ou~d give the supplements for the members to note on their copies. M~. Barrett stated he thought it should be duplicated for every- one on the Board and. they could discard their old ones. ~. Rogers, ~s. Castello and ~.. Rossi stated that they had never received copies. Chairman Kelly stated he would take care of this tomorrow and have the City Clerk's office or Building Department make copies. Col. Trauger stated that he~-~ece~.d~ ~= a ~ersona_~ ' ~ ~ letter ~'onms' afternoon pertaining to the Board's activities. It disturbed him considerably to receive such a letter and to the fashion in which it was written. He then read 'the following letter: "t! send letters and prevail upon. you because Z f~e_~ that way. i have a very difficult time seeing how you and the Board can decide that my rights as a home- owner can be violated. M~- home was stated as R-1AA property and now you tell me at a b~u~iness meeting what you are going to do with my property. I hope you can shed your masonic to look at a true llfe procedure. ?~ith reference to Mr. ~.eaton~{' on S 15th Avenue and John Dewey on S. Seacrest across the street from your ? church, these men live in Fmt, Lauderdale and constantly' refus~ to sell the property and only 'try to have it rezoned. Whoever told you 'that should be commercial had to be a real- tor, whose interest is only to ~ke money. There is plenty of undeveloped land to the west of Boynton that can be made commercial. Signed: R~. Judson Wes tgate ." Col. Trauger pointed out that they provided for all the pro- cesses of law and Boynton Beach in their open meetings and he ao~eared. We are going to reconsider these matters and 'we are looking at the future of Boynton Beach. He doesn,t believe this personal attack is proper. Chairman Kelly agreed. Mrs. Huck~e stated she also received a letter from Mi~T~S ~ANNiNG & ZONING PAGE FOUR FEBRU~Y 25, t 975 Rev. Westgate written in his hand quite similar to this. Chairman Kelly stated he thought he was out of order. Mrs. Huckle added that it wasn't put on a personal basis, even thoughi they were neighbors at one time. Chairman Kelly stated that he also received a letter from Rev. Westgate, not as Chairman but to him personally. Mrs. Huckle asked if March 1 was a defi~te meeting date? Chairman Kelly advised her that they would meet from 9:00 to 4:00 for a workshop meeting and then woul~ take the Bus trip on March 8. ADJOURNM~ M~s. Hmckle moved to adjo~mrn, seconded by Mr. Rogers. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:40 P. M. Time: 7:'30 P.M. Date: . Tuesday,~February-25, 1975- Place: Council Chambers, City Hall. Acknowledgment of 'members and visitors. Re~ding and approving of minutes. Old Business: 4.:~. New Business::a. Ward~-Cummings .... -.~Apartment ~and-Office.Building~ 413:S.E.~4thSt,, Henry Roberson - Triplex 4t9:N. Seacrest Blvd., C. -~ Miilnom ~Cor.pormti~onv, -~No~man-~-~Michae Is Go 1~- -~Vi ew ~Harbor. _ Abahdonment~f 28th ~Ave. ~- Enclosed: Site Location.