MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1 975 AT 7:30 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly, Chairman
Col. Walter M. Trauger, Vice Chairman
Mrs. ~rilyn Huckle
Jo~m Rogers
~s. Vicky Castello
Enrico Rossi
Jack Barrett,
Bmilding Official
Warre~ Bushaell,
Depmty Bldg. Official
Oris Walker
Chairman Kelly welcomed the ladies and gentlemen present to
the Special Workshop Meeting of the Planning & Zoning B~d
and called the meeting to order at 7:57 P. M. He announced
that he had hoped to have a full Board present tonight, but
Mr. Walker forgot about this meeting and has another engage-
ment, bmt he will attend the meetings tomorrow night and
Wednesday night. He then introduced the members ef the Board;
Mr. Bushnell, Deputy Building Official; and Mr. Barrett,
Building Official and Acting City Planner. He announced they
were please~ to see Mayor Roberts, Councilma~ Strnad and
Councilwoman Jackson present in the audience.
Mr. Barrett anaounced this workshop meeting was called to
sort out some trouble areas, which perhaps they have inad-
vertently zoned.
Mr. Barrett first referred to an area marked on South Federal.
He stated that when this map was done, this area was not
developed like it is now. There is no office or professional
use in the lower end of the City. Col. Trauger questioned
if he was referring to the line ru~ning up to 15th and down
to the bottom and if he was separating this from the C-17
Mr. Barrett reDlied that this would be R-3 and to omit the
squiggley line~.
Mr. Barrett then referred to another problem area in which
he thinks they made a mistake in that they did not follow
M~ner Road through. He pointed out that they came do~ the
back end of the lot lines and they should have followed the
street line.
~m. Barrett then referred to the extreme west side of the
map in the C-3 area and stated they probably should have
followed the road line, which they should also consider.
Mrs. Huckle questioned the name of th~s road and Mr. Barrett
informed her it was Hoadley Road and they should have followed
this, rather than splitting the parcel.
J~NUARY 27, 1975
Mr. Barrett then referred to the extreme east side to the
east of the R-lA area and pointed to some lots bordering the
intercoastal. He stated that he has had a lot of static
from owners of these lots bordering the intercoastal stating
they are not worthy of a R-lA zoning.. Col. Trauger ques-
tioned what zoning they felt they shomld be and ¥~. Barrett
replied: R-3. ~s. Huckle questioned who owned these lots
a~dMr. Barrett advised her there were about six owners in
Mr. Barrett then referred to one, which he believed was an
honest error, and pointed to a corner where there is a zoning
of R-3 where Four Seasons is located at the south and the
southwest two lots and the southeas~ two lots only. He added
that they should not change the middle at all, just these
lots.~ It just straightens out the lower line with the ex-
ception of the dip northward in the center and don't straighten
that out. Mr. Rossi questioned the reason for this and Mr.
Barrett informed him that they have a building on one and
they plan a building for another. We had an agreement with
them in the beginning.
Mr. Barrett then referred~ to the downtown development area
and an agreement which was made by the City. He advised that
this was the Adams Properties where the little houses are
right behind the Town Tavern and Royal Castle. He deeded
the City two feet and the City agreed. Originally, it was
included as C-2. We straightened out the zoning line and
apparently we should make the change here. Chairman Kelly
read from the agreement that it was to Bill Cook to build a
business building adjacent. Mr. Barrett stated that the
whole area was concerned. Chairman Kelly questioned how he
received this deed and Mr. Barrett informed him that it was
delivered in person by ~ir. Adam~. ~s. Hnckle questioned
his point and Mr. Barrett advised her that they have zoned
him out of his agreement with the City. He was zoned C-4.
Mr. Barrett stated there was one other area which was
brought to his attention this evening and he advised that
apparently when the City sold the tract of land south of
the water plant, they made an agreement with M~. Rose to
zone this for motels, industrial use, etc. He stated he
wo~ld like very much to go into correspondence withMr.
Rose to see exactly what the agreement reads. Mr. Rossi
stated that as he understood, Mr. Barrett feels there i~
an agreement in the City records signed between the City
and Mr. Rose. Mr. Barrett replied: yes, but he would like
to go imto it further to see what the agreement states.
Mrs. Padgett received a letter from him today.
JANUARY 27, 1975
Mr. Barrett continued and referred to an area west of Lei-
sureville, which is the old Farber piece. It was zoned C-4
after very careful consideration, because when 1-95 decided
to go through the City it would divide the City by east and
west. He pointed out that they have a C-4 area on Federal
Highway which can take care of the requirements on the east
side of 1-95 and he believes it is required to provide a C-4
area for the west side of 1-95. We have heard about DeBartolo
developing an area not within the City limits and possibly then,
there may be another use for this C-4 area. At this point,
he thi~ they must provide an area for the west side of the
City for a general development area. Congress Avenue cur-
rently has a 120 feet right~of-way. If all things ge the
way it is planned, there will be additional ground taken for
Congress Avenue as it is going to be a mai~ artery. We
probably will have a 200 ft. area between Leisureville and
the commercial area on the west side of the road~ Also, we
have an agreement with Farber to zone this commercial.
Mr. Barrett said he just wanted to point these areas out for
the Board to consider and discuss them. Chairman Kelly
stated they would discuss these areas at the public hearings.
Chairman Kelly then announced the plan for the public hear-
ings. He stated that no decisions should be requested. Any-
thing that is brought up must be given f~ll consideration.
We will have full notes. He then gave an outline of perti-
nent points. He stated they would try to adjourn the meet-
ing by 11:00 P. M. He will allow each person to speak for
a reasonable amount of time. If they exceed a reasonable
amount of time, he will ask them to conclude within a minute
or two. He will request them to come to the microphone and
speak slowly and clearly, so the secretary can make necessary.
notes for the Board to consider. We should try to find amy
errors that have been. made on Tuesday and Wednesday nights,
but don't consider any request for a decision at the public
hearings. Undoubtedly, some changes will be aecessary~ Ask
the people to bear in mind that the map was prepared by us
guided by a comprehensive plan. prepared for us. He then
asked if anyone had any other suggestions. Mr. Barrett stated
that he believed there would be confusion with starting at
the north end and they shOuld just hear people as they come.
He will pinpoint the area. We should have a legal descrip-
tion of the lot or an address, so we can consider and check
back for the particular use they are applying for. Chairman
Kelly stated that he did want them to give their name clearly,
the property address, a legal description or lot and block
number if at all possible. Mr. Barrett stated that he thought
they should also include the fact that when the Board considers
any use, they should notify them of any decision and if they
have any further objections, they can come back. Mrs. Huckle
JANUARY 27, 1975
questioned if this meant writing a letter to each one and
Me. Barrett replied: yes, he believed they should be noti-
fied. Mrs. Huckle questioned if this was to be done before
the City Council public hearing and Mr. Barrett replied that
regardless, they should notify them of the Planning & Zoning
Board decision. They can reapply to the City Coumcil. If
we notify thembefore the City Council meets, we can save
them from appearing before the City Couacil and save them
some time. Mr. Bushnell added that they should also in-
clude the subdivision name. Chairman Kelly stated that he
made a ~ote per the recommendation that each request will
be considered by the Planning & Zoning Board and a letter
will be sent to each applicant advising of the decision.
Mr. Barrett asked if the Councilmembers present agreed and
Chairman Kelly added that any comments would be most welcome.
Mayor Roberts appeared before the Board and stated that by
no stretch of the imagination of trying to inter~ere, he did
have a few questions he would like to ask. He asked if
Chairman Kelly would be meeting and Chairman
Kelly replied: yes. said he believed he should
suggest that if they have a they should have a
spokesman. He believes th some changes and errors
to be corrected such as Mr. Barrett mentioned, but he did not
hear any comments from the Board members about them. Chairman
Kelly replied that they have not had time to consider them
yet, but possibly will them at the end of this meet-
ing. ~myor ROberts qu
public with all changes that
Kelly replied: yes. Mrs.
they should not make
has received maps and these
ance. She believes they
sider the areas.
was just a question of
Mr, Rogers stated he
feels they should conside
others brought up at the
~s. Castello and Mr. Rossi
stated it was her feeling
since the public
be kept in ahoy-
them when they con-
~ and addedi that it
all ~uderStood the areas.
the problems are, but
es the same as any
Col. Trauger,
Col. Trauger questioned who would keep track of the requests
and M~. Barrett replied: the secretary. He added that as the
people ask for changes, he would mark it on the plastic Sheet
over the map. Mr. Rossi stated that instead of people sug-
gesting changes and marking it on the map, he believed it
should just be comments. Chairman Kelly stated that he in-
tended to ask the people to speak slowly and clearly.
JA~UARY 27, 1975
Mr. Rossi referred to these problem areas and stated that
some appeared to be the draftsman's errors. Mr. Barrett
agreed stating perhaps a combination of draftsmam error and
inability at the time to decide just where the lime should
go. He didn't think a~y were of any great consequence, ex-
cept for the one on the intercoastal. Col. Trauger ques-
tioned if this was the area they spent a great deal of time
arguing about believing there should be some areas left along
the intercoastal for large homes and Mr. Barrett replied that
he was right.
Mrs. Euckle stated she was not in favor of the line on S.W.
15th Avenue, which goes up for two lots instead of down for
two Lots. She is against invading any further into the re-
sidential areas. The two corner lots where that goes up are
not as deep; but at the same time, that is a high residential
zoning. This is a R-1AA neighborhood, which they have too
few of. She feels sorry for the people on the corners, but
it does not appeal to her to further invade that area.
Ym. Bushnell stated there were two absolute mistakes on the
map which happened between the tracer and when it came back
from the printer. He pointed to two little pieces of line
missing on the southwest corner of the large PUD Meadows
where there is a small umbilical which should be lined off
to separate from the PUD. He then pointed to the end of the
C-1 at the hospital where R-lmAAB is 83ad the east/weSt line
should continae west.
The members then discussed the changes suggested by I~.
Chairman Kelly referred to the area where the bank and
Gentleman Jim's is located and asked Mr. Barrett to ex-
plain further. Mr. Barrett replied that one thing they
omitted was that this C-3 has an open area. The C-3 should
run all the way across to the waterway. He stated he was
just asking them to consider it, since they should have a
C-1 zone in here for multiple family. He suggested that
before going to the public hearings to tab the different
zones so they could open right to it. Mrs. Huckle pointed
out that motels were not allowed in C-t. Mr. Rogers pointed
out that the line went right thromgh the Sage-N-Sand. Col.
Trauger remarke~ that it would bring a lot of fury at the
meeting. Mrs. Huckle questioned why and Mr. Barrett in-
formed her that there were developed uses there already.
Mrs. Huckle stated that it was advertised as R-3 and Me.
Barrett agreed, but stated that this area was developing
different t~an how they drew it a year ago.
The members then checked the zoning on the large map.
JANUARY 27, 1975
~. Barrett advised the members that during the past two
weeks, he has listened to about 250 complaints and out of
them, he recognized about five legitimate ones to be brought
before this Board. W.e haven't changed things too much, but
have cleared up some of the hodge-podge. Mrs. Huckle added
that they must consider the people, especially when a person
has bought property years 2go and it was zoned for a certain
use. Mr. Barrett gave her some examples of changes being
made when it was not necessary. Col. Trauger suggested that
they try to reach, some mutual agreement tonight to eliminate
some rhubarb at the public hearings.
Mr. Barrett referred back to the area on South Federal stat-
ing they must decide where the C-1 line should fall. Possi-
bly they should extend the C-3 line to the Sage-N-Sand. He
asked them to bear in mind as far as the west side of the
road, the multiple families that exist do not conform in a
C-1 zone and could be changed to office or professional use
if they so desire. Col. Trauger suggested possibly bringing
the C-3 down to include the Sage-N-Sand. Mr. Barrett stated
this would bring it not quite to 20th Avenue and possibly
this should be considered. Mr. Rogers pointed out that there
were small lots in there with apartments. Mrs. Huckle ques-
tioned if it would complicate it with putting C-1 across the
highway? She added that on the east side, she could see the
reasoning, but it is already established on the west side.
Also, she asked about the area below 20th Avenue? Mr. Barrett
informed her that C-3 extends one lot the other side of 23rd.
He added that he would like to get a full copy of the map
that wasn't marked up and work out that section. He stated
it would be a lot better to w~rk with pencil in there and
come back with a recommendation for this Board. Mrs. Huckle
remarked that everything on the west side of the highway
would be non-conforming. Mr. Bs~rett replied that they may
want to bring the C-3 He asked her to give him
a chance to study it. he would also like to
visit the area. Mrs.. Huckle said that C-1 just wasn't an
accurate zoning. Mr. Barrett stated that he hesitated to
extend the C-3 too much, as they would have a shoe string.
We would get back to highway use and this is not good, as
we do not have the area to pull off into the stores. He
added that he would study it and work it out. Chairman
Eelly suggested just putting a question mark on this area.
Mr. Barrett informed him that tomorrow night he would have
this area marked for the Board. Col. Trauger remarked that
the little places along there were going to really develop
in the ~ext year. Mrs. Huckle stated she would like to keep
the east side C-1. Mr. Barrett informed her they had more
things to consider and not t zoning, such as: impact of
traffic, impact on nei .d areas, etc. Mr. Bushnell
added that a petition w~ he presented at the public hear-
ing on Wednesday night in reference to this piece. .Mr.
JAh~R¥ 27, 1975
Barrett informed them that most of the inquiries have been
solved, but these are the problem areas which he believes
they should recognize. Mrs. Huckle replied that she thought
it deserved a lot of consideration.° It is probably one of
the most heavily travelled areas of the City. Mr. Barrett
said that hopefully when 1-95 is completed and Congress Ave-
nus is widened, it will take off a lot of thru traffic from
Mr. Rossi referred to Congress Avenue and the plans for widen-
ing it. Mr. Barrett explained to the Board how the City a~d
County worked closely together.
P~. Rossi referred to these questionable areas stating it
seemed there were errors more so in residential than com-
mercial. He referred to the area on Congress Avenue stat-
lng he believed the zoning of C-4 would be questioned as it
allows more extensive uses than C-1. Mr. Barrett replied
that he thinks they must provide an area for a major develop-
ment on the west side of the City. Mrs. Huckle questioned
if there was a binding agreement and Mrs. Jackson replied
that it was done by ordinance. They had three years and
asked for extra time because of the moratorium. Mr. Barrett
added that they may have other ideas for the development of
this area. Mr. ROssi gave examplesi~of possible objectio~
to the C-4 zoning and the members checked what was allowed.
It was decided to put a~ asterisk by E. Mr. Bushnell added
that an asterisk meant that approval by the City Council was
required. After discussion, they decided to eliminate P.
Mrs. Huckle then. made the following corrections to other
pages in the book~ Page 30,~Uses Prohibite~should be
listed instead effuses Permitted~te~i~. She then pointed
out that they agreed to use:" Building and Site Regulations
instead of ~Density Controls". Page 16, No. 2 still lists
Density Controls and should be change~. Page 17, same, near
the ~ottom. Page t9, same, at the very bottom and at the
top under 2. Page 22, the ~and" was left out. Page 22,
b, shoul~ ~e permitted mses to keep it uniform. Page 23,
under the small letters, the last one under L should state
refer to Planning & Zoning Board for recommendation to City
Council. Page 36, ~and" s~ould be inserted and should read
"building and site regulations~,. Page 1, just a mistake in
the third line where
and should be 1972.
on both streets" with
Chairman Kelly stated that technically he didn't believe
they would have any problem with the Miner Road area.
JANUARY 27, 1975
Mr. Rogers referred to the Hoadley Road area stating he did
not believe the front yard should face the back side of a
commercial development. ~. Barrett informed him that a
buffer would be required and Mr. Rogers still disagreed.
Mr. Barrett stated that possibly a service road would be
required and Homdley Road would not be used as a service
road. Mrs. Huckle questioned if calls had been received
a~ut this a~d Mr. Barrett replied: yes, as the owners bought
it as one piece. Col. Trauger questioned what Mr. Rogers
thought should be done and Mr. Rogers replied that it should
be left as it was drawn and is published. Mrs. Euckle pointed
out that the property would be split and Mr. Barrett replied
that it would still be .ntial area whether front
or back yards. Mrs. Huckle d that she didn't like to
go through property with zoning lines. Mr. Rogers remarked
that they have done it in other places. Mr. Barr~ett informed
them that the same owner owns all the way to Hoad'ley Road and
a good deal of engineering has already been done on it.
Mrs. Huckle told about a man calling her that lives at 4th &
Seacrest and has R-yin his front yard and ~_
R- in his back
yard. She pointed 6ut that in many cases, they ~reed t~ do
it by streets and not back yards. Mr. Barrett replied that
they did try to follow road lines or streets, except on Route
1. Mrs. Huckle stated that many times they tried not to get
in back yards and M~. Barrett replied that sometimes it could
not be helped. Mrs. Huckle stated that she suggested that he
come to the public hearing. Mr. Barrett stated that zones
for the large part are buffered.
Getting back to the Hoadley Road area, Mr. Rossi suggested
that R-3 could be put in for a buffer. ~r. Barrett stated
that he would ask for an additional 10 feet and for a ser-
Vice road. The buildings will probahl~~ ~a~s~ f. ee~t~~ ~
rom the property line. Col. Trauger?~~'~
Mr. Rossi questioned if it was developed there and Mr.
Barrett informed him there were just three older houses
there. He added that there would be zoning a~plications to
Mrs. Huckle questioned if any minutes would be read at the
public hearing meeting? Chairman Kelly replied that he
thought they should postpone them and just consider the site
plan and public hearing. The members agreed.
Col. Trauger made a motion to adjourn, seconded by
Huckle. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly
adjourned at 9:45 P. M.