1975 AT 7~30 P. M.
Joseph T. Kelly
Mrs. Marilyn. Huckle
Oris Walker
Walter M. Trauger
John Rogers
Mrs. Vicky Castello
Enrico Rossi
Jack Barrett,
Bldg. Official
Warren Bushnell,
Deputy Bldg. Official
Acting as Chairman, Mr. Kelly welcomed the ladies amd gentle-
men present and called the first meeting in 1975 of the Plan-
ning & Zoning Board to order at 7:30 P. M. He announced t~.hat
this meeting would also be an organizational meeting. He
welcomed the two new members, Mrs. Castello and Mr. Rossi.
He also welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Jackson present in the audience.
Mr. Kelly announced that the agenda consisted of one item
for this meeting. Mr. Barrett advised him that he had an
additional item which came from the City Manager's office
today and is Section 10, Leisureville for final approval.
Mx. Kelly announced they would defer ~he reading of the
minutes until after election. He stated he appreciated
serving on the Planning & Zoning Board during the past l½
years. He stated that since he was Vice Chairman last year,
he didn't feel he should move into the Chairman's position;
but if the members desired this, he would be happy to do so.
Election of Officers
Mrs. Huckle nominated Mr. Joseph Kelly for Chairman for the
coming year, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Motion carried unami-
mously. Chairman Kelly thanked them for their confidence and
stated he would do his best.
Mr. Trauger nominated Mrs. Marilyn Huckle for Vice Chairman
in recognition of her long service on the Planning & Zoning
Board, seconded by Mr. Walker. Mrs. Huckle thanked them,
but respectfully declined. She stated she would like to have
someone else considered for this position.
Mr. Rogers nominated Mr. Walter Trauger for Vice Chairman,
seconded by Mrs. Huckle. Motion carried unanimously. Mr.
Trauger thanked them for the opportunity and their expressed
JANUARY 14, 1975
The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board held on Dec-
ember 10, 1974, were read. ~s. Huckle moved that the minutes
of December 10, 1974, Be approved as submitted, seconded by
Mr. Walker. Motion carried 4-0, with Mr. Trauger abstaining
since he was not present at this meeting and Mrs. Castello and
Mr. Rossi also abstained since they are new members and were
not present.
The minutes of the special meeting of the Board held on Dec-
ember 16, 1974, were read. Mr. Walker moved mto adopt the
minutes as presented, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Motion car~
ried 4-0, withMr. Rogers abstaining since he was not present
at this meeting and Mrs. Castello and Mr. Rossi also abstained
since they are new members and were not present.
Mr. Barrett informed the members that a new book has been
prepared and they are numbered in sequence from 1 to 100.
The reason for the numbering is that these will be available
to everyone, but they must sign for them by number. They
will be available to the general public for a deposit of
$10.00. He requested each member to come to the Building
Department to pick up a ~opy of the reduced zoning ma~ and
a copy of the book and sign for it.
Ehairman Kelly apologized for overlooking the introduction
of the members of the Board and did so at this time. He
also introduced the Acting Planner and City Buil~g Offi-
cial, Jack Barrett, and his Deputy, Warren Bushnell.
Plan Review
Refield Construction Co.
Office Building
2620 No E. 1st Court
Mr. Barrett showed the members the plans and advised that a
six unit office building was planned on N. E. 22nd Avenue.
He pointed out the office building, parking areas and septic
JANUarY 14, 1975
Mr. Trauger questioned the size of the building and Mr.
Barrett informed him it was 36 by 100. Mrs. Castello ques-
tioned if any structures were on either side and ~. Barrett
replied that he believed there was a beauty shop to the east
and a 200 ft. strip to the west between Cumberland Farms.
Mr. er asked what type of offices a~d Mr.
units were a~v type of
office. Ee added that this was only a simp lan approval.
Mr. Rossi asked if this had been approved by the other Boards
and ~o yes and showed their approval stamps.
~rso Huckle q the current zoning and Mr. Barrett in-
formed her it wa~ C-1.
M~. Bob Field, President of Refield Construction Company,
appeared before the Board and informed them that he has the
contract with the owner to build this build~ug. He advised
the Board that the area to the west is being developed by
jointly trying to work out land-
They are aware of the fact there
is another site in there and they are working with the C.A.B.
on ~he landscaping. He has talked to Col. Reid about a simi-
to the west by
plan. Col. Reid
said if and when a permit was brought in for a building to
go on the west, he would like to review both sites to work
it jointly.
Mr. Walker asked if the septic tank would be located in the
front and Mr. Field replied: yes and it will be contained
within the front planting area. ~t won't be paved over, so
they can service it. Mrs. Huckl~ questioned the amou~t of
parking spaces and Mr. Field informed her there would be six
in the front and six in the back. Mr. Rossi questioned
drainage and Mr. Field advised him of the percolation test
and that the 2 feet would handle most normal ~ainfall. ?~.
Rossi stated he was just wondering whether it would be drain-
ing on someone else's property and Mr. Field informed him
that additional elevations have been made in the front, so it
will be contained within the property. Mr. Rossi remarked
that needless to say, with a heavy rainfall it would fill ~p
~he whole area. He then asked if the alley would take any of
this water and ~. Barrett replied: yes. Mr. Rossi asked if
it was a paved alley and Mr. Barrett replied that it would ~e
paved. ~. Rossi questioned the comments noted on the plan
and Mr. Barrett informed him that the red were made by the
Technical Review BOard and the green by the Community Appear-
ance Board and they inspect after it is completed to make
sure the requirements hawe been met. Mr. Field added that
before he could get a C/O on this building, he must meet all
the requirements of all the Boards.
JANUARY 14, 1975
Mr. Trauger moved to accept the site plan of the Refield
Construction Co. as presented located at 554 N. E. 22nd Ave.,
Boynton Beach. Mr. Walker seconded the motion. Motion car-
ried 5-0, with Mrs. Castello and Mr. Rossi abstaining since
they did not see the site.
Leisureville, Section 10
Final Approval
Mr. Rossi, Engineer for the Boynton West Development, ex-
plained the plan for Parcel F, Parcel G, Lot 9, Block 84.
He also withdrew from voting, since he is working with the
developer. He advised that this was formerly zoned for
aps~tments, but the developer elected to sub-divide this
into single family lots. This shows 59 lots aromnd the
lake. The development plans have been revised and sub-
mitted to Mr. Clark for his review and approval. Mr.
Rossi continued that he feels it is an improvement chang-
ing from apartments to single family homes, plus single
family homes are moving faster. Mrs. Huckle remarked that
she believed they discuss~ed this at the last meeting and
felt it was good in that it reduces density. Mr. Rossi
continued that the dr~ show a sloDe going from the
back of the property to lake. All the fill has been
compacted and tested. Kelly questioned if there
had been any problems the other lakes and Mr. Rossi
replied: no, none with the other three lakes. They solid
sod everything there and that prevents erosion.
N~. Walker made a motion to recommend approval of Leisure-
ville, Section 10. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion
carried 5-0, with Mr. Rossi and Mrs. Castello abstaining.
Mrs. Huckle requested a clarification of the public hearings
to be held for the zoning~map. Mr. Barrett advised that
public hearings would be held by the Planning & Zoning Board
on January 28 for the north section of the City and on Jan-
uary 29 for the south section of the City.
Mrs. Castello asked if the procedure was to pick up the
notices at the box and Mr. Barrett informed her that they
were normally delivered to the members and they also would
receive a phone call.
Mrs. Huckle asked when the maps would be mailed and Mr.
Barrett informed her they would be mailed sometime this
week. Mr. Trauger questioned who received a map and how
the listing was prepared~ Mr. Barrett advised they would
JANUARY 14, 1975
be mailed to every~:water meter address. Mrs. Huckle ques-
tioned how condominium residents would receive one and ~.
Barrett informed her that extras would be supplied. ~M.
Rogers referred to undeveloped property without water meters
and the notification to these owners. Mr. Barrett informed
~m that this wo~d ~e advertised and possibly the list may
have bee~ taken from the tax roll. He added that he would
check with Mr. Kohl in the morning.
Mr. Rossi referred to the matter of the new ordinances and
the new zoning map and asked if someone could give an idea
of the sequences which would take place smd the adoption of
same. Chairman Kelly read the notice stating that the Plan-
ning & Zoning Board would hold two public hearings to hear
objections, if any, to the proposed map. Subject material
is available for review at the office of the City Clerk and
the Building Department. ,osed zoning map of the north
end of the City, all the
discussed by the
on Tuesday, January 28,
chambers. The
City, all the area south, of
by the Planning
nesday, January 29,
of Ocean Avenue, will Be
i Board at a public hear~g
30 P. M. in the council
the south end of the
, will be discussed
at a public hearing on Wed-
7:30 P. M. in the council cham-
Bors. This is the notice published in the Boynton Beach
News Journal.
Mr. Rossi questioned what took place after the Planning &
Zoning Board public hearings? Mr. Barrett informed him that
the City Council then holds public hearings. After that,
the zoning ordinance is read for first and second readings.
He thinks also that ten days must elapse before it Becomes
a legal document. Mr. Trauger questioned if it would Be read
word by word and Mr. Barrett replied that he thought so on
the first reading and on the second reading, it would be read
by caption only.
~Ms. Huc~e referred to the map and questioned if people
would have the copies of the book in advance and Mr. Barrett
replied that the books are available now and it is stated in
the notice. Mr. Trauger questioned if the chart was i~cluded
and ~M. Barrett informed him that it was part of the map.
~Ms. Huckle qUestioned if the legal notice was the onIy thing
infori.~ing the people that a book is available and Mr. Barrett
advised her that a notice would go with the map. He added
that he would talk to Mr. Kohl in the morning about this.
Chairman Kelly agreed, stating he should discuss this with
~. Kohl to make sure the people are advised. ~s. Huckle
added that in order to have an effective meeting, they should
have a reference point to save a lot of confusion. Mr.
JANUARY 14, 1975
Barrett stated he would make sure they get a clarification.
100 are available and we have stencils to make more. Most
of the people who will pick them up are real estate people.
Previously, only about 65 people picked them up.
Ers. Castello asked who would give the presentation at the
public hearings and i~. Barrett replied that he would pro-
bably. ~s. Huckle asked how it would be displayed and ~.
Barrett informed her it would be mounted on a 5 ~ 8 sheet.
It will be available can look at it and work with
it. He added that tkey are not going to have a per-
fect document. Even with as much time as we have spent on
it, there will be errors and the will be amended~
from time to time. He stated he would to clarify just
how these notices were going to be mail~ md he would ad-
vise the members when they picked up their maps and Books.
Chairman Kelly announced that the of %he month
is sehed~ed for January 28. Er. added that this
for the zoning, map, But they could
Mrs. Huckle moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Traugero
Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned
at 8:30 P. M.
Regualr meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board.
Date: Tuesday january 14, 1975.
Time: 7:30 P.M.
Place: Council Chambers, City Hall.
New Business':
Refield Construction. Coo,
Office Building
2620 N.E. 1st Court.