Minutes 11-26-74 (2)MINUTES OF THE WORE. SHOP MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, NOVEmbER 26, 1974 PRESENT Fred J. Kostner, Chairma~ Joseph Kelly, Vice Chairman Mrs. Marilyn Huckle Oris Walker John Rogers ABSENT Jack Barrett, Building Official Warren Buskmell, Deputy Bldg. Official ~n~e Kruse, Recording Secretary Walter M. Trauger (Excused) Chairman Kostner called the workshop meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board to order at 8:18 P. M. He them took roll call. Chairmam Kostner called the members' attention to certain matters that should be reviewed on the map, which he felt were vital for further consideration. He then asked if any- one had received amy correspondence in reference to the pro- posed map. He stated he would advise them of correspondence received by him after they reviewed the map. He added the reason for this was that he did not wish to influence them in any way. Mr. Kelly advised him that he had received one letter, but it would not influence his decision. Mr. Barrett thea pointed out on the map two changes that should possibly be considered by the members. Discussion ensued regarding the changes. Mr. Barrett stated that the one portion discussed was the land which lies east of Federal Highway with the south bound- ary at the north limits~ of the existing C-1 area and extends northward to the north City limits and runs eastward to the proposed 300 ft. depth, which you proposed C-3 instead of R-3. ChairmamKostner then requested each member to state his feel- ings on this. Me. Rogers stated he believed this was a more uniform approach if they were going to change it at all. It looks like a rea- sonable compromise between a totally residential or commercial area. He concurs with the changes as recommended. Mrs. Huckle stated she thought it was reasonable to have com- mercial uses along the highway. C-3 requires pretty large lot dimensions though, but people could always come in for a change. She generally concurs it should be in a commercial area, but is not fully convinced that it should be C-3. MINU~S - WORKSHOP MEETING PLANN~G & ZONING BOARD PAGE NOVEMBER 26, 1 974 Mr. Walker stated he conc~red with the other members and feelsit is justifiable. Mr. Kelly stated that he felt the same way and that it would put the land to the best use. Chairma~Kostner stated he felt the members made a wise feel- ing and he concurred. It was officially decided that the change shomld be made in this area from R-3 to C-3. Chairman Kostner then read a letter dated November 15 from Millicent Opportunities, Inc. of Boynton Beach. It referred to the new proposedzoning map and the Board wishing to change property owned by this corporation to residential. It stated they purchased this commercial property in 1969, When they first purchased this land, they were told by the City Manager there would be sewers within one year, which finally came in 1974, but they are unable to hook up to it. The height and density have been reduced and now a zoning change to residen- tial is proposed. The letter outlined several reasons for not doing so. It ended with stating they would be pleased to give a tour of the property to any City official a~d ~e- lieved there could be no other zoning than commercial for this ~area. Chairman Kostner added that there were letters attac~hed dated back to July 24, 1972, in reference to this. He st~ated he read this letter ~ow, but did not want to read it until the Board made their decision. Mr. Barrett referred to the other change the Board had dis- cussed and stated he believed this change should be made, as he believed there was an error made i~ drawing the li~e. He believes the C-3 zone was intended to go f~ther west. This area extends from the railroad and 1st Aven~e on the north to 6th Avenue on the south, its boundary is the east side of the railroad and it is one ~leck deep west of Fed- eral Highway. The Board proposed that this be changed from R-2 to C-3. Chairman Kostner then requested each m~mber to state his feelings o~ this. M~. Rogers referred to their discussion when they viewed the map and stated it appeared to be a more logical layout te follow this line, so it has the C-3 zoning joining the C-4o He believes the changes they outlined on the map are appro- priate. Mrs. Hmckle stated she concurred with the general feeling. Mr. Kelly and M~. Walker both agreed. Chairman Kostner stated that he concurred. It was decided at one time that this was what the Board agreed to and evi- dently it was an error as shown on the map. He added that he discussed both these areas with Mr. Trauger prior to the meeting and he was also i~ agreement. MINU~ - WOR~SHOP ~ETING ~ANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE THR~ NOVEmbER 26, 1974 Chairman Kostner anmom~ced that the members would be notified in regard to a meeting in December. Mr. Kelly ~de a motiom to ad~Jo~n, seCOnded by Mr. Rogers. Metio~carried 5'Oand the meeting was preper~ adJe~d at 9.03 P' M.