Minutes 10-08-74 (2)MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE PLA~ING & ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON ?~ACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1974 AT 8:00 P. M. PRuriENT Fred J. Kostner, Chairman Joseph Kelly, Vice Chairman Mrs. Marilyn Huc~Xke Mrs. Emily Jackson John Rogers Oris Walker Jack Barrett, Building Official Warren Bushaell, Deputy Bldg. Official Mrs. Suzanne Kruse, Recording Secretary ABSENT Col. Wal~er. 'M. Trauger Chairman Kostner called the Workshop Meeting of the Plamuing & Zoning Board to order at 8:00 P. M. He took roll call and introduced Mr. Barrett, the Building Official and acting City Planner; Mr. Bushnell, the Deputy Building Official; and Mrs. Kruse, the Recording Secretary. He announced the agenda was to continue the work on the pro- posed new zoning code. They left off on Page 36. He called their attention to possibly resolving three matters tonight: the question of motels, recreational vehicles, and mew and used car sales agencies. He stated they discussed this at a prior date and hopefully could resolve this a~d then possibly with one more Saturday, they could finish all the work. The members then discussed when they would be available to meet in workshop sessions to work on the zoning code. It was agreed to held the next workshop meetiags on Thursday, Octo- ber 10 at 7:30 P. M. and on Monday, October 14 at 1:00 P. M. The members then discussed Automobile and Truck Sales and Rental Agencies, Boat Sales Agencies and Recreational Vehicle Agencies. Mr. Barrett suggested placing an asterisk behind these three, Nos. 2, 8 and 22. The members discussed the ordinance and Mr. Barrett suggested amending it to them being referred to the Planning & Zoning Board for review and recom- mendation to City Council. Mrs. Jackson questioned if anything had been done with the City Comncil in reference to having a cover and M~. Barrett advised her that he had stated that it may be Council's de- sire. Mr. Barrett referred to Prior Zoning where residential use prohibited was stated. >~s. Jackson stated she thought they MINUTES WORKSHOP ~ET~G PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE ~0 OCTOBER 8, 1974 should have a prohibition in there. Mrs. Huckle stated "Uses Prohibited" would then be 2, stating any residential use. Mr. Barrett added that the asterisk would remain as a sentence, Prohibitive Use will become #2, C becomes #3, and Area Dimension becomes Regulation. ~. Barrett stated that #1 becomes (a) and they should follow through with small letters. They deleted the word "except" under Buildling Height. Off-street Parking will be 4. ~. Rogers referred to the top of the page where minimum lot dimensio~ and area was shown. He pointed out that the wording of this was not .uniform when being mentioned in var- ious sections. He thought they should follow what they stated previously of lot dimensions and area (minimum) and then building setbacks. ~s. Huckle noted that (1) and (2) under Maximum Building Height had to do with setbacks and not maxi- mum building height. After discussion, it was agreed to put one asterisk by none and two asterisks by last 25! and re- verse the two references to the paragraphs. For clarifica- tion, they decided to state: when abutting a residential dis- trict on either side or at ~ear, 30' setbacks shall be re- quired. Mrs. Huckle referred to adding a protective buffer in this zoning and suggested using the same wording as used previ- ously on Page 34. It was agreed to make a #5, Protective Bnffer. Mms. Jackson noted that no prohibitive uses were listed and ~. Barrett explained that it was not necessary. Mr. Kelly questioned having building and site regulations in the CBD area and Mr. Barrett advised him they were not needed. Mrs. Jackson stated she felt they should limit the height and ~M. Barrett stated he felt they had full control with stating that a proposal must be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Board for recommendation to City Council. The members dis- cussed whether this should be included and it was decided to add the statement that building height is not to exceed 45' or 4 stories following Uses Prohibited. ~. Rogers referred to the first paragraph at the end sug- gesting that a period be put after "requirements~ and strik- ing out the rest: "as opposed to the rest of the City". MINglES ~TING WORESHOP PLA~ING & ZON~G BOARD PAGE THREE OCTOBER 8, 1974 It was thenagreed that the first sentence of the second paragraph should state: "it should be submitted to the Plan- ning & Zoning Board and approved by City Council. Mr. Barrett requested they add to G "See section 1 for defimi- tion." Mrs. Jackson noted that Off~Street Parking became #3 with building heights listed. ~Ms. Huckle noted that reference was made to building height and maximum height. Mr. Barrett stated it should be uniform and stated they should make it: "Maximum Building Height". Pae~40- Section 7, Ind2strial District Regulations and Use Provisions Mrs. Huckle stated that B should be 1 and then follow with small letters. Mr. Kelly stated that "city" should be changed to "municipal". Mr. Rogers suggeste~d adding: ~be referred to the Planning & Zoning Board for recommendations to and action by the City Council". It was agreed this wording would be better in previous similar cases also andMr. Barrett stated he would take care of it. Mr. Kelly referred to the #1 as being very vague and comparable to M-l, which they had to change. This was discussed and it was agreed to replace it 'with: "any residential use, except as provided above". .page 41~ It was noted that D became 3 and #1 became A. Mrs. Huckle referred to #4 and the clarification of this was discussed. It was agreed to stri~e this out and put coverage under building setbacks. Building was substituted for mini- mu~. Mrs. Huckle questioned whether all listed under C belonged together. The wording of this was discussed and Mr. Bushnell suggested stating mechanical roof units for clarification. it was agreed to change E to 4, which will be ~'Building Height Regulations". Other Business Mr. Sherwood A. Jones stated his name and his address as 924 North Federal Highway, Boynton Beach. He said that in the near future, his home will be in Boynton Beach and that he M!NU~ WORKSHOP ~ETING PLANNING & ZONING BQARD PAGE FOUR OCTOB~ 8, 1974 would like to ask the Board two questions. He believed they referred to discussing three things on tonight's agenda: first the motels, second the used car and truck sales and the third he forgot. Chairman Kostner advised him that the question was answered by the fact that the City Council had already acted on it and therefore, it was not in this Board's provision to follow it any further. Mr. Jones questioned whether the meetings that were scheduled for next Thursday and Monday were to be workshop meetings and Chairman Kostner informed him the Board had decided to meet on Thursday and Monday and they would be workshop meetings for general dis- cussion. Mr. Jones then continued that he did not know whether this was the correct time or place or where he would go to find out about the scheduling of his application for an occupational license for a rehearing. The City Manager's secretary informed him that he was too late for the October 1 meeting and then it was rather indefinite as to whether it could be heard at the October 15 meeting. He has been wait- ing for a letter, so he his attorney to prepare the necessary .Mr. Barrett advised him that the City Manager was the one to see regarding the sched- uling of these .items. Mr. Jones stated that Mr. Barrett ad- vised him of this previously and he 'went to see the City Manager and he acted like he did not hear him. He cs~e back again with letters for the City Manager, Mayor and City Clerk prepared by his attorne and has not received a response for the October 15 mee Barrett advised him that this response must come the City ~nager's office and that this Board could do nothing for him. ~M. Jones replied that he would have to go to the City Manager's office tomor- row then to find out whether he was on the agenda or not. Mrs° Jackson advised him that the deadline for the agenda is Wednesday and since tomorrow is Wednesday, it:,would ~e a good idea to have it in writing in ~se he is out. Mr. Jones informed her that he delivere~ ~hree letters: prior to.Octo- ber 1. Mrs. JacP~on told him should be marked ~Agenda" to avoid being lost. Mr. then thanked them for their time. Mrs. Jackson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Kelly. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:30 P. M. MINLrrEs PLANNING 5 ZONING BOARD Saturday, OCtober S, 1974 Present: Mr.. Fred Kostner, Chairman Mr. Joe Kelly, Vice- Chairman Mrs. Marilyn Huckle Mrs. Emily Jackson Mr. Walter Trauger Mr. Oris Walker Mr. John Rogers Mr. Jack Barrett, Building Official Mr. Warren Bushnell, Deputy Building Official The meeting was called to order by Chairma~n Kostner. Work proceeded immediatelyon revisions and corrections to the Official Zoning P. equ, lations. The workshop was recessed for lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., afterwhich work continued on the Zoning Regulations. Considerable progress was made, the Board having covered revisions from Page 22 through Page~,37. It was announced that a workshop Would follow .the regular. Planning Zoning I~eeting on Tuesday, October 8, 1974. The meeting adjourned ai 4:30 p.m.