Minutes 09-10-74 (2)MINUTES OF THE WOP~SHOP F~ETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD I~ELD AT CITY,HALL, BOYNTON BF~CH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, SE~EMBER 10, 1 974 .'PRESENT Fred J. Kostner, Chairman Joseph Kelly, ViCe Chairman Oris Walker Mrs. Emily Jackson John Rogers Walter Mo Trauger ABSENT Mrs. Marilyn Huckle (Excused) Ja¢.kBarrett, Building Official Chairman Kostner called the Workshop Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board to order at 8:44 P.M. Ne announced the matter to be taken up was the continuation of the map and the pro- posed code. Mr. Barrett informed the members he had prepared the new map, but all the boundaries are taped so it will make it easier. He does not want to exhibit it more than possible, as the tape is fragile. Mr. Barrett then referred to the section they had talked about as R-1AAA and having agreed to take it iR as a PUD. PUD is still a holddmE area, as it must come before the Board. If we are going to approve Ms. Taylor's application, we have to put a portion of it as a I~. Mrs. Jackson questioned how much was left and Mr. Barrett informed her there was about 800 acres. M~s. Jackson suggested leaving that as R-1AAA. Mr. Barrett pointed out that the whole area is a PUD and a PUD is just as good as a holding area. Mrs. Jackson replied that she did not .agree, as with R-1AAA they could have some nice executive type homa~built there and that is what they need more of. Mr. Kelly asked for an explanation of an exe- cutive type home and Mrs. Jackson informed him it would be for someone that wanted to live out in the country, such as an estate home. Mr. Kelly remarked that R-1AAA did not fall in that category. Mrs. Jackson stated they should raise them- selves up and gave Boca Raton as an example with some beauti- ful sections and suggested Boynton Beach doing the same. Chairman E. ostner referred to the proposed PUD's in this area and questioned the area left and Mr. Barrett informed him there was a option on the 826 acres and a continuing PUD was planned. He added that he would like to see the same thing as Mrs. Jackson, but it is not in the planning for any- on~ to build a home of such magnitude as they would like to see. Mrs. Jackson pointed out that they did have it marked as a PUD, but suggested changing it. Mr. Barrett stated he MI~TES - WORKSHOP M~ETING PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE TWO SEPTEMBER 10, 1 974 left it to the Board as to which way they wanted to go. Mx. Kelly pointed out to the members that the asking price for the land in that area, which would throw it out of R-IAAA, is $43,560 per acre. Could they imagine anyone paying that price for the land to build a home on? Mrs. Jackson remarked that it has been done in other places. Chairman Kostner stated that since the general trend in that particular area is practically PUD all the way through, he thought it would be wise to designate it as such. If there is some land left, it could be designated R-1AAA. Mr. Rogers stated that theAPlanHing & Zoning Board should not be based on what a developer wants for a piece of land. He thinks some of the problems Boynton Beach is in now is be- cause they are pushed into zoning land to what a developer wants. Mr. Kelly stated the owner of the land is asking this price a~d not the developer and he just wanted to bring this to their attention as he had checked on it. Chairman Kostner stated he thought they should adhere to what the Board feels is best for the City. dol. Trauger questioned if it was left at R-1AAA, it still would not preclude a PUD at a later date and Mr. Barrett stated this was right. ~Mr. Barrett continued that he agreed with M~. Rogers that they have done their planning on what they think is the best possible development of the City at this point. He would like to see a better type home out there. No matter what is planned, this land will lay foul if we want this type of home there. Col. Tramger pointed out that probably the R-1AAA would be ia the class of a Cadillac co~pared to a Buick. Mr. Barrett continued refer- ring to another developer having talked to him and he plans a 1.6 density. A PUD does not necessarily mean 6,8 or 10 ~aits per acre~ Mrs. Jackson stated that he ¢omld come back with this at a later date. Mrs. Jackson continmed that she was distmr~ed at having passed a good many things where children were not allowed. She thinks they need places where children are allowed. Mr. Barrett pointed out that the Harvey Taylor PUD was family oriented. Mrs. Jackson said that Mr. Taylor informed her it was only for adults. Mr. Barrett pointed out that three bedroom tow~houses were planned, but that he would clarify this with him. Mrs. Jackson stated she had asked if childre~ would be allowed and he replied: adult. Mr. Barrett stated there must have be~ a misunderstanding. Mrs. Jackson stated she was reluctant to vote on it, based on it only being for adults. She added that she thought retirement condominium, s were fine, but they could be overbuilt with them. Mr. Bar- rett informed her that he has asked many developers for family MINUTES - WORKSHOP ~TING PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE THR~ SE~MBER 10, 1974 type development. However, developers have three categories and when they state adult, they don't necessarily mean senior citizen. They separate it into family, adult and retired. He definitely would clarify this with Mr. Taylor though. Ghairmsm Kostner stated he had asked Mr. Taylor about this when he met with him in Mr. Barrett'm office and he told him it would Be a family community. He believed he had just mi~rstood Mrs. ~ack~on's question. Mrs. Jackson replied that she hoped so and she had been reluct~t to vote. Mr. Barrett stated again that he would definitely check i~to this. Mr. Barrett referred back to the map a~d stated his impres- sion was that they would like to zone the portion within the City for Ha~vey Taylor as a PUD and the rest as R-1AAA. Chairman Kostner asked Mr. Walker for his comments and he stated he was in accor~ with Mr. Barrett's recommendation in reference to holding a portion of the parcel back and zoning it R-1AAA. Mr. Rogers questioned if they had approved this layout and Mr. Barrett advised him they had only given tentative appro- val. Chairman Kostner instructed ~. Barrett to prepare 86 acres as a PUD and the balance as R-1AAA and the members agreed. Mr. Barrett then referred to the zoning code and suggested taking one page at a time. Page 1 - Introduction. Mr. Barrett referred to the third word "is", stating it should be following ~are" Official Zoning Regulations. Change "that" to ~which" on the second line. Page 2 - Section 1, Definition of Terms. Typographical error on next to last line of first paragraph, ~work~' should be "word~, (change k to d). Page 3 - Automotive ~ervice Stations. In brackets after the word vehicles should be (see definition for minor repairs) and then continue with no vehicle shall Be parked or stored. Page 4 - No corrections. Page 5 - Density, under relationship, it should be by the numbers and not members. Page 6 - No corrections. Page 7 - Under ~egal Access, take out road, lane, place or alley and replace with: dedicated right-of-way or easement. M~VNUTES - WORESHOP ~TING PLA~ING & ZONING BOARD PAGE FOUR SEPTEMBER 10, t 974 Page 8 - On the bottom, after Major Thoroughfares, add: - They shall include complete engine replacement o£ internal parts of engines other than valves and valve parts and overhead cam shafts. Also included i~ the repair of any portion of the drive mechanism, body and fender work, auto painting and customizing. ~_Mino~ Repairs - They shall include engine tune-up, val~:~'~ Wor~----carbureter repair, brake work, whe~l balance, replacement and/or repair of any external parts of engines. Page 9 - Motel, Apartment. Mr. Barrett stated he had a great many comments on this and questioned it. Quite a few questions have come up regarding this as whether it is a fair decision. We put it in to prevent the building-of new apartments and motels that would be devoted only to efficiency units. This being the case, they defeat our~zoning purpose, as they are rented year ~ound as a permanent dwelling. There are some motels that do have efficiency apartments and only rent sea- sonally. This poses a problem. The members discussed this at length including the hardship caused, formula used, etc. ¥~. Barrett suggested giving it further thought and discussing it at the next workshop meeting. Page 9 - Typographical error - "bills" should be"buildings". Page 9 - Nursery School and Day Care Center. Mr. Barrett in- formed the members about a State law establishing what is termed a Family Day Care Center. This is a federally funded program, but under our present code a family d~y care center would not be allowed i~ the City of Boynton Beach unless it complied with all the requirements of a day school, etc. with the Board of Health. The family day care center is designated to assist and increase the employment roles of single people who have children and must work. The Federal Government pays for the cost of maintaining these children and the cost is not paid for by the mother. There is also a stipulation that there should be no more than five children r~:atheme. The federally funded program has approached him and asked if we could include in our new zoning some category that would al- low this to take place. The members discussed this somewhat and Mr. Barrett suggested giving it further thought for dis- cussion at the next meeting. ~Irs. Jackson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. ~alker. Motion carried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:45 P.M.