1974 AT 7:30 P. M.
Fred J. Kostner, Chairman
Joseph Kelly, Vice Chairman
Mrs. Marilyn Hmckle
Oris Walker
Mrs. Emily Jackson
Joh~ Rogers
Jack Barrett, Bldg. Official
Col. Walter M. Trauger
Chairman Kostner called the regular meeting of the Planning &
Zoning Board to order at 7:30 P.M. He introduced the members
of the Board, the building official a~d the recording secre-
tary. Mr. Barrett informed Chairman Kostner that Col. Trauger
had called to say he was on vacation and would not he present.
Before hegi~aing, Chairman Kostner welcomed Mr. Rogers to the
Planning & Zoning Board. He stated he did a little checking
on Mr. Rogers' backgromnd as he was not acquainted with him
a~d k~ows he will he an asset. He also thanked him for ac-
ceDtiag this appointment.
The Minutes of the meeting of July 9, 1974 were read. Mr.
Kelly moved to adopt the minmtes as typed, seconded by Mr.
Walker. Motion carried 4-0, with Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Rogers
abstaining since they were not present.
ChairmaaKostner announced Mr. Kelly had advised him that due
to the death of a good friend, he would like to leave early
and hecamse of this, they would review Item #3 first. Mr.
Kelly clarified that Mrs. Winifred Larson had passed away.
She had an accident Thursday and died of a perforated ~cer
on Smnday, because they were not aware of it.
Item #3 - Harvey S. Taylor Project
2424 N. Federal Highway
Chairman Kostner stated he was not smre whether all the mem-
bers had a copy of a letter from the Mayor of Boca Raton re-
ferring to serioms school problems, especially school construc-
tion. In. this letter, they show the dire need for additio~mul
J~Y 23, 1974
schools and with a project of this type, you may keep in mind
the seriousness of this. Since this project probably will be
a family type project, he imagined there would be school
children involved. He just wanted to smggest this for con-
sideration. He added he would get a cody of this for say
member that did not have a copy.
Mr. Kelly asked where this was located and Mr. Barrett in-
formed him it was om Congress Avenue, immediately semth of
the proposed Meadows project. The Federal Highway address
is incorrect$ that is another Taylor project.
Mr. Barrett stated that the Taylors were at City Nall today
and informed him there would be a modification to these plans.
The somth portion is withi~ the City limits, but the balance
is mot. There will be an annexation request for the parcel
to the north. He showed how they planned te fled vario~
areas to bring the commercial area to complement the Meadows.
He continued that their density at the moment is 6.48 for
the entire tract, but they have agreed to reduce their den-
sity to brimg it in the 6 density limit. This is just a pre-
liminary review. He pointed out some other planned cha~ge~e
Ne further informed the Board that 80% of the homes would be
waterfront dwellings. The homes are not in the low priced
class. The lowest ce will be abomt $39,000. It
is family oriented. Mrs.
be amy single dwellings amd
be tow~houses for family
they had made J~ the re
been talking to their
this project.
questioned if there wo~ld
Barrett advised they woul~
then showed some changes
He added that he had
for two to three months about
Mrs. Hmckle questioned the total occupancy and Mr. Barrett
informed her that they have roughly 95 acres and with a gross
density of 6, there will be a papmlation of about 1,800.
This is based on family type units for approximately three
Mr. Barrett then referred to Chairman Kostner mentioning the
schools. He advised that there was nothing that could ~e
required by law right now. The small developer has gotten
away so far scot free in providimg schools. They have a land
bank, possibly taking a small parcel for recreational purposes
at the moment a~d them it is deeded to the school board. This
is their plan. At the time the school board needs this, they
cam. approach the commmmity sad request they buy the recrea-
tional facility back and ~amk the money for schools. That is
what they plan, but there is nothing now. The school board
realizes there is an impact from family oriented commumities.
They are aware there is a meed, acknowledging the school
board,s requirememts for fmtmre schools.
~Y 23, 1974
Mr. Barrett informed the Board that this was only a prelimi-
nary look amd a revised plan would be presented. They are
apply~ for amnexation. They will present am overall plan
in two parcels, one which they won't develop~at the present.
Mr. Kelly questioned if this required any action tonight and
Mr. Barrett informed him this was just a prelimimary view for
their comments and questions that he could discuss with their
Mrs. Huckle questioned if all the area was residential and
commercial amd Mr. Barrett then pointed out the recreational
areas. Mrs. Huckle asked if playgrounds were specified and
~. Barrett replied: no, no general playground area, open
courtyards, etc. Mr. Rogers remarked that it would really
be for adult families then and Mr. Barrett replied: no, not
with two story and three bedroom homes. Ne added that he
thought only one or two children pr family would be moving
in. Mr. Kelly rem~mrked that it was his opinion that until
they knew mere about it, the families to buy these homes
would possibly have teenaged children. Mr. Barrett stated
he thought this would be the first step in a yo~ug married
man's life. Mr. Kelly stated that youmg people are not ia
the~pesition to bmy a ho~se in that price range. Mr. Barrett
said they were doing it thc Mrs. Jackson remarked she
though% it was about time had family homes in the area.
~hairman Eostner added that he thought it possib~would be
available thromgh F.H.A. financing. Mr. Barrett advised him
he thought this outfit was going to do their own fiaamcing.
Mrs. Hmckle stated that in view of the idea they may cater
to young families, she definitely wanted to encommter a lower
demsity. Mr. Barrett stated that density does not enter into
popmlation. Mrs. Jaoksom referred to all the little pools
shown and stated if it was children oriented, she thought it
would be advisable to have recreational areas aromad them.
Mr. Barrett stated they did small recreational areas
aromad each one. Chairmam tner remarke~ that the plan
should be blown up larger. Huckle added that she still
thought there would be more 1,800 people living there.
Chairman Kostner announced that the Taylor Project had been
presented for a preliminary review by Mr. Barrett and con-
sidered and discussed by the board members. Suggestioms
have ~een'made and one definitely is to obtain a larger type
layout showing more detail.
Item #2 - MacDonalds - New Restaurant
1810 $. Federal Highway
(Site Plato)
Mr. John Ridenour and Mr. Allan Silverberg representing
MacDomalds explained the plan. Mr. Kelly remarked that it
looked beautiful to him. Mrs. Huckle 9uestioned if they
JULY 23, 1974
planned any outdoor eating facilities and the representatives
replied: ne. This is the first one to be built with dimi~
rooms om each side. The theme on the inside will be a nauti-
cal type theme with a sumken dining room. They also plsmned
to serve pancakes. It will basically look the same from the
outside. Chairman Kestner asked if they were doing away with
the high arched sign and the represemtative replied: yes. Mr.
Barrett added they requested this because of the sign ordi-
nance. Chairman Kostner remarked that it looked very attrac-
tive. The represemtative continued that the b~ldimg would
he half brick amd half stucco. Ne added they had made some
changes requested by C.A.B. Mrs. Huckle questioned the
possible completion and the representative informed her
they hoped by the end of this year or the f~st quarter of
next year. Mr. i the traffic flow from the
highway and Mr. ermed ~ the Police Department
would take care of this. Mrs. Huckle questioned if the
parking requirements had beem met and Mr. Barrett replied
that they had ample parking. The representative added that
they found by just having enough according 'to ordimances
was mot enomgh.
Mrs. Jackson moved to recommend to City Coamcil the site plan
for MacDonalds Restaurmmt at 1810 S. Federal Highway as ap-
proved by_this Board. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Motion
carried 60.
Mr. Kelly then asked to be excmsed at ~:10 P.M., since mo
representative from Charter World was presemt. Chairma~
Kostner said he could leave and thanked him for staying.
He also asked him to please express regre~m from every mem-
ber of the Board.
Item #1 - Charter World, Palm Land Development Corp. 3625 S. Congress Avenue
Phase #1 Models
Golf and Tennis Club
Golf Cart House
Maintenance Building (Site Pla~s)
Mrs. Jacksom questioned if Charter World was aware this was
on the agenda and if so, why they did mot have a representa-
tive present? Mr. Barrett advised her they were aware this
was on the agenda, but that he had all the information and
could answer the questiona~ ~s. Jackson remarked she thought
they would be interested enough to come.
Mr. Barrett showed the plans and advised this was entirely
different from what the Board looked at previously. This is
for the purpose of site plan review. This concer~$ three
buildings in Section 17 and the gro~ads maintenance building
im Sectiom 18. Phase 1 is 15 buildings, 4 units each, or 60
total ~its.
JULY 23, 1974
Chairman Kostner stated he had a letter in reference to
roads which he discussed with Mr. Barrett yesterday. Mr.
Barrett stated that this had nothing to do with the roads.
The letter has to do with the approval of the sections.
He stated he was just trying to get the paperwork done now
and ne permits will Be issued.
Mr. Rogers questioned if this was the only clubhouse they
would have and Mr. Barrett replied: no, only for this first
section. Other areas are planned. Mrs. Euckle asked to
see a blowup of this amd Mr. B~rett showed it to the mem-
bers and explained it. He added that it was well planned
in the overall planning. They are presenting it in phases
and sections now. They have gone through all the steps.
Chairman Kostner asked if all the Boards had approved the
proposed plans and Mr. Barrett replied: yes.
Chairman Kostner them referred to the letter, asking if it
regarded this. Mr. Barrett stated that he recommended that
the letter not Be accepted. You can approve this, But no
building permits will be issued until full approval of the
road change is received. Chairman Kostner then read the
letter written to Joe DeLong, Mayor of Boynton Beach, by
John D. McKay, Jr., attorney for Bill Sexton. It referred
to a letter of MaY3 protesting the re-alignment of roads
and advised that his client had reached an agreement with
Palm Land and withdrew his objection te the re-alignment of
the first phase. They requested to be advised of plans in
this regard, so the approval and development process would
not be delayed in the future. Chairman Kostner advised that
I~yor DeLeng sent copies to all departments concerned in this
matter. Ne added that he would also have copies made for
each member. Mr. Barrett stated it was his feeling the Board
should not accept the letter in that it doesn,t release the
entire project with just stating he only releases Phase 1.
He clarified that the comnection points were identical to
what was originally plied, just internal roads were changed.
A straight-thru road pattern was made originally and now it
is curvilineal to prevent speeding through the proj!ect. He
stated he felt they should get a full release. Chairman
Kostner stated he was sure the members agreed with this rec-
Mr. Walker made a motion to recommend approval of the Palm
Land Development site plam contingent upon receipt of sm
acceptable road cha~e plan as recommended by the Building
Department. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion. Under discus-
sion, Mrs. Huckle questioned if just one model was planned
and Mr. Barrett replied: no, 15 which, heshowed them first.
Mr. Rogers asked where the models were located in reference
to the Golf andTennis Club? Mr. Barrett stated he would
JULY 23, 1974
show the overall plan to Mr. Rogers after the meeting, as
it was in the Building Department. GhairmamKostner stated
Mr. Rogers could abstain from votimg until he reviewed theme
plans. Mrs. Huckle reqmested further clarification of the
I5 models a~d Mr. Barrett informed her there would be 15
~odels with 15 different floor plans. The model on Congress
Avenme will be tern dowm. These new models will be sold as
residential units after all the others are sold. They will
do this from phase to phase. This is standard proced~e.
Mr. Rogers stated he would meet with Mr. Barrett after the
meeting to get up to date on Charter World. Motion carried
4-0, with Mr. Rogers since he was mot familiar
with the project, stated that at a later
date, Mr. Rogers could indicate his feelings on this matter.
Mrs. Jackson questioned if they had any ordimamce for when
a zonimg change was to be made, a sign was put on the prop-
erty stating a change was planned? Mr. Barrett stated they
did not imclude anythimg like this in the ordinamce. Mrs.
Jackson stated that many people remarked they were not aware
of zoning changes. Mr. Barrett stated this happened because
people did not want to read the public notice. Mrs. Jackson
asked if they thought it~would be a good idea to publish it
in both ways? Mr. Barrett replied that he had mixed emotions.
It would only be a notice so big and people wouldm't bother
to read it. Mrs. Jackson stated she found even thomgh you
are not in the alloted number of feet, yo~ may be interested.
Chairman Kostmer welcomed Mrs. Jackso~ ~ackand added that
she had been missed. Mrs. Jackson replied that she was very
glad to ~e back.
Mrs. Huckle asked if they were getting any closer to the mew
proposed zoning code? Mr. Barrett replied that he does have
a mew assistant and can devote some time to planning & zo~ng
Mr. Barrett referred to a full page ad for the zoning and
showed what size they would have to come down to. Ne thought
it was much too small. Mrs. Jackson asked if it would be
separated for the north and south ends om differemt nights.
Mr. Barrett stated this would have to be discussed. Mrs.
Huckle questioned if it could be put on a double page? Mr.
Barrett informed her they would have to get two centerfolds
to publish the presemt amd proposed. He added that he just
offered this for consideration amd discussiom. The Oity
could possibly be separated in half. Mrs. Huckle remarked
JULY 23, 1974
she thought it would be better that way and give mere people
am opportunity. She thought it was much more logical. Chair-
man Kos~tner agreed. Mrs. Jacksem s~gested that the Chairma~
approach the City Council about this. She added that they
have mot had a zoning change since 1962. Chairman Kostner
agreed and stated he would like to have the entire Beard dis-
cuss this a~d work out the plans they would like and wo~d
submit it to the Oity Cemacil.
Mrs. Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded By Mr. %~alker. Motion
carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:45 P.M.