Minutes 06-25-74MI~TES OF THE R~GULAR ~m~TiNG OF THE PLA~ING & ZONING BO~qD T ~ . .... W'T ~'~'~Tr~ TUE~D~V JUNE 25 ~LD AT CITY HAL~, BOYNTON BE~CH, ~ ...... ~ .... , ~ 1974 AT 7:30 P.M. I~ESENT Joseph Kelly, Vice Chairman ~s. Marilyn Otis Walker Walter M. Trauger Jack Barrett, Bldg. Official ABSENT Fred J. Kostner, Chairman (Excused) L. R. Btacketer (Excused) Mrs. En~iy Jackson (Excused) Vice Chairman Kelly called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. He welcomed everyone to the second monthly regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board. He announced in the absence of ]~. Kostner, he would be presiding as Chairman. He then took roll call. MINU_~ES The _Minutes of June 11 were read. ~s. Huck~e referred to Page 5 and questioned where Mr. Barrett explained about the PUD Ordinance and what "15 maximum' referred to. Mr. Barrett stated it meant t5 unit density. Mrs. Huc~e then referred to the last page where the Board moved on abandonment of roads in the Gulf Stream Estates and ~. Kelly's first motion was to recommend abandonment of roads. The motion was just for abandonment and not replat. She had questioned the replat and that was what the discussion was about. Mr. Barrett stated this was Just a preliminary review and should have been stated as such. It is scheduled for the July 9 meet- ing as a regular ~ _ _uem of discussion. ~s. Huckie questioned if this was a preliminary review as it was brought up on May 28 and the Board looked at the replat and realized they could not consider it, as they had not received a request for the abandonment of roads. She had asked if they should consider the reptat and not just abandonment. She asked if this would come up again and ~'~. Barrett replied: yes, the first time it was considered, it was for an abandonment of roads without the replato When it came back the second time~ he had olatted out the roads. It should have come back as a replat and abandonment. It was a preliminary review the last time and it is now scheduled for a final review. ~s. Huck~e continued that she had asked about a 'oublic hearing on this and was ad- vised they only had a public hearing for zoning changes~ Barrett advised that vn~s was his error. Mr. Kelly referred to Page 6 and stated it actually was a ~centrifuge~, change S to G. Mrs. Huc~e referred to this page where it stated they had checked a plat book and she questioned ~f they had checked this. Mr. Barrett replied: yes, he did show the book to the Members. MINUTES PV~^~'T~'T~'w~ & ZONING BOARD PAGE JUNE a~, ~ 974 Mr. Walker moved to adopt the Minutes of June 11 with the necessary corrections. Col. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. PUBLIC A~ARING GuifstreamMarina Mr. Walker stated this was not supposed to be on the agenda for this meeting, but is scheduled for the meeting of July 9. M~. Barrett stated this was correct s3nd requested that it be stricken from the agenda. ~. Walker added they did have a sketch showing what they planned to do and the public hearing will be on July 9. Gol. Trauger questioned if this was the place that had the fire and Mr. Barrett replied it was, but since it has been stricken from the agenda, we should not talk about it now. PLAN REVI~~ No. I P~at of Palmland Sections t, 17 and 18 M~. Barrett showed the Members the plan smd stated Palmland would be developing it section by section. He explained the layout of the roads. This plan shows the location of Parcel #1 with relationship to Congress Avenue. ~nis is the devel- oped road pattern of what they plan. All they are applying for is Phase 1 and he showed which buildings. In order to grant a building permit, they must show the entire parcel. ~' four units to a building. Col. They will be o~ngle stories, Trauger questioned the density anm Mm. Barrett mnxo_med him it was 6.5. ~. Walker asked where it was located in refer- ence to Charter ~orld and M~. Barrett advised him that this was Charter World. He showed the easements for sewer, water and ~ ~ ~affmc. He pointed out they were not looking at the requirements for zoning, ~ust that it met the requirements for density. Mrs. Huc~e questioned if this was just their first phase and ~. Barrett replied: yes, it is noted Par- cet t, ~-~ase 1. Mm. Walker made a motion to recommend approval of this plat, Parcel 1~ of the Palmland and/or Charter World Plat. Col. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ~. Barrett then showed the plans for Parcels 17 and 18. He expl!ained they wanted to erect the golf and tennis club in conjunction with the general grounds maintenance building. Those outlined in deep black are the ones they want to do now. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD P.~GE THeE JUNE 25, 1974 M~s. HucLu!e questioned if the parki'ng was adequate and ~. Barrett replied: yes and added there would be additional p~rki._g in other areas. Mrs. Huc~le remarked that it looked acceptable to her. Col. Trauger moved to recommend acceptance of Parcels 17 and t8 of Palmland anc~/o~ Charter World as presented on the maps. ~. ~alker seconded the motion. ~ovmon carried 4-0. No. 2 - ~est Boynton Bank 333 N. Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida ~. Barrett showed the Members the plans and stated it had been reviewed previously for the temporary site ~ud he showed where it was located on the plan. The landscaping is in. He showed where the drive-ins would be located. Col. Trauger questioned if this was ~u independent bank and a representa- tive from the bank stated they were a member of the First Bank Shares. Col. Trauger remarked that it was going to be a nice looking building. M~. Barrett pointed out that it would be one story at this point. The bank representative stated after they moved in, the modular trailer would be moved and the parking extended. Mrs. Huckle remarked that it looked very nice. Cot. Trauger moved to recommend approval of the plans as presented for the ~¢~est Boynton Bank at 333 N. Congress Ave. M o ~alker seconded the motion Motion carried 4-0. No. 3 - Bethesda Hospital - Phase No. 10 Addition 2815 So Seacrest Boulevard Boynton Beach~ Florida ~. B~rett showed the Members the plans and pointed out where the present administration wing was, which is being demolished. He showed the additions planned. Mrs. Huck!e questioned if they were just adding a second story and Mr. Barrett replied: no, a brand new building. Col. Trauger asked how many stories it would be and ~!~. Barrett informed him it would be two stories and a basement. It will be a 54 bed addition and the administration offices will also be in this building. Temporary quarters for administration are ,in a trailer now. Mrs. Huck!e remarked that the front of the hospital would have a whole new look. Mr. Barrett explained further that the dotted lines showed what was existing, the cross hatched were future plans and the parched or shaded section was what they planned now. I~s. Huck!e questioned if the dark blue was existing or proposed and ~o Barrett clarified that it was proposed. MINUTES PL~N~ILG & ZONING BOARD PAGE FOUR JUNE 25, 1974 Col. Trauger moved to accept the additions as presented in the plan for Bethesda Hospital for recommendation to City Comucil. ~s. Huckle seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ABANDON~NT PETITION RE~ Chairman Kelly read a letter from the Four Sea Sores Condo- minium community. It requested review of an attached peti- tion for abandonment by the City and with the Board's aploroval to be forwarded. It stated the petition contained 58 signatures and the community had a total of 94 owners, but many were away on vacation and they did have powers of t ~ ~ at orney~o~ several but didn't use them. The letter was signed by Herbert W. Ranke. Chairman Kelly read the petition requesting the abs~dOnment of the right-of-way of N.E. 17th Avenue as shown on the attached plan. It is requested as it will better serve the residents for a reason of public safety if it were not a thru street. Chairman Kelly noted that 59 signatures were on it, but the plan was not attached° M~. Barrett agreed that he also had not seen a plsmo Chairman Kelly noted that a $50 check was attached. ~. ~aiker made a motion to refer this to the City Manager for the necessary action along with the attached check in the amount of $50 payable to the City of Boynton Beach for an application fee. Col. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. CONSIDERATION OF ~03~OSED PUD ORDiN~CE ~. Bsmrett stated that at this late date, they received to- night the HUD pamphlet No. 7 which outlines in detail the operation and formula for the L.U.I. ratings. He suggested going through the Coconut Creek. ordinance, ~hmcn is the same as they would adopt, with the changing of some wording. Mr. ~a!ker pointed out that three members were absent smd he suggested discussing the proposed ordinance, but preferred to wait until they had a full Board before acting. Chairman Kelly stated he could see the logic for his reasoning, but at the Same time they did no~ know when Mrs. Jackson would be back~ but Chairman Kostner and M~. B!acketer will be back around the first of July. ~rs. Huck!e stated that Mr. Black- eter did say at the last meeting he was very well satisfied with the~contents of this. Mr. Barrett added that he thought Chairman Kostner had also stated the s~me. MINUTES ~A~!NG & ZONING BO~D PAGE F=V~ JUh~ 25, 1974 ~s. Huck!e stated she had some questions before taking amy action. Col. Trauger stated that as he read through this, he o~bs~mtu,em the words of Boynton Beach for Coconut Creek and did fine until he remembered the ordinance. M~~. Barrett informed him they would revise the sections to fit their own particular ordinance requirements. Mrs. Huck~e pointed out that in all the instances in this ordinance, they talked about rezoning to a PUD and she questioned how they covered taking a parcel in on annexation and giving a PUD and not rezoning. !~. Barrett stated it could be changed to zoning instead of rezoning, it could apply either to zoning or re- zoning. This is a change we c~n make. The Members then discussed the ordinance page by page and decided on the following changes: M~. Barrett suggested crossing out Orm_nance 4!9-00 and letting the attorney do this. He requested that within the City of ~Coconut Creek~ be crossed out ~d ~Boynton Beach~ substituted. He thought from the standpoint of articles, they could leave them alone and correct them as they correct the rest of ~n~ ormmnan~e The Members agreed that the b~l- ance of Page 1 would remain as it is. ~,~. Barrett re~erred to Section 301 where it stated boundaries of land ~rezoned~ ~md stated they should take out ~re~. Mrs. Huckie stated this is what she meant aud then Mr. Barrett ad- vised striking out the prefix ~re~ in every case. Col. Trauger referred to Section 50t and questioned why the particular circumstances justify such reduction should be underscored. M~o Barrett clarified that the topic is the reduction and you are justifying the reduction and not the circumstances. ~s. Huckle questioned why~thing should be underscored and stated she thought it should be removed. The Members then agreed the underscoring should be removed entirely. Mr~ Barrett then read the poor typing area on the bottom for clarification. Col. Trauger stated that since the LUI ratings were passed out with the scale, etc.~ should this not be incorporated as part of the ordinance? M~. Barrett replied: no~ as this was a solution to the formula. If you incorporate all that, you would be confusing a lot of people. Col. Trauger sug- gested that possibly it should be foot noted with a reference MiNU~S PLANNING & Z,~J~NG BOARD ~GE SIX JU_~ 25, 1974 to this document and Chairman Kelly and M~s. Huckle agreed. ~. Barrett stated a foot note to Table I as indicated and referred by HUD publication No. 7. Mrs. Huckle questioned whether an asterisk should be on there and M~. Barrett in- formed her it would be an'added sentence. He added he thought they should leave the LUI ratings in as part of the table. Mr. Barrett referred to where it stated ~Southern Florida Building Code~ and stated ~t should be caangem to: ~Southern Standards Building Code". Mr. Barrett pointed out they had discussed some questions about multi-family dwellings. They decided under "C" it should read: multi-family dwellings, town houses~ garden apartments and cluster houses. ~. Barrett and the Members then discussed the reference to recreational facilities. It was agreed to state: private parks, tennis courts, playgrounds, putting greens, golf courses and driving ranges and other recreational facilities. M~. Barrett referred to '~G" and stated they should t~ke out c~m~_~ care centers~ and insert ~nursery schools~ kindergar- tens and hospitals~. ~s. Huckle referred to prohibitive uses stating any struc- ture more than 45 feet in height limited to 4 stories. The Members discussed this further and the sequence in which it should appear, it was dec~ded that ~'?ermitted Uses~ would be "J~' and ~'Prohibitive Uses~ would be ~K~. It was agreed that this page was~,ekay. Mms. Huckle referred to changes in ~'C'~ in parking and Mr. Barrett agreed that it should be 2 spaces. They also dis- cussed off~street ps, king and off-street loading. [~. Barrett suggested striking out '~a combination of useage shall be permitted if tn~ same is justified~. It w~s agreed to leave the top line as a cavtion and take "off- street loading,~ out of the second li~e. Col. Trauger referred to ~B~ where it stated it is governed by Table 1~ Section 40~ smd he questioned if it should be 80~. M~. Barrett advised they would have to change these sections to cover their particular useage. MINU~S i~ANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE S~IEN JUNE 25~ 1974 The Members then discussed underground utilities ~ud whether the statement could be applicable in all phases and whether it should be a requirement, it was agreed to add to the sentence ~underground utilities to the maximum extent prac- ticable~. Col. Trauger questioned what the legal documents for unified control were and Pk. Barrett advised him it was a deed stat- ing ownership. ~s. Huckle questioned whether they automatically referred any project of 200 acres or more to an environmental impact study? This was discussed by the Members. ~L~. Barrett then stated it should read: ~required by the Area Planning Bos~d (cross out and zoning board and projects of 200 acres or more) an environmental impact study shall be supplied~. Tn~ wording of "City Planning ConsuitantTM was discussed and it was also noted that an article number was needed at the bottom of the page. Page_ _. 9 Col. Trauger quest~onem the underscoring of deviations and it was decided to t~e out the underscoring. Mrs. Huc}~e referred to the last paragraph and ~s. Jackson's suggestion. Mr. Barrett stated they wanted it to read that it shall not remain on the land~ but shall be void. Mrs. Huck~e stated that it should revert back to the original zoning. Mr. Barrett suggested stating the LUI rating shall revert to the original zoning. Mms. Huckle questioned what it would revert back to if they had a new piece of property that didn,t hs~e a zoning. Mr. Barrett replied it would be t~e highest zoning. Col. Trauger suggested starting a ~_ew sentence with: ~A new pl~u~ etc?. Commencement witb~-~ __n 18 months was then discussed. Mm. Barrett ~aved it should be if the preliminary deve!bomentp~ia~_~ and final development plan have not commenced within 18 months after the date of filing. ~e are not talking about construc- tion commencing within the I8 months. There could be a 12 month engineering delay. It should be as long as a plat is filed. Chairm~ Kelly stated the addition of: ~shaii have the effect of increasing the LUi rating as previously applied~. MINU~S ~ANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE EIGHT JUNE 25, 1974 Chairman Xetly stated the following words shall be added at the bottom: '~shall be within the sole discretion of the City Council~,. ~Ars. Huc~e questioned if it was usual to issue a building erm~t before the zoning was a~oplied as stated. M~. B~m~rett suggested crossing out the last p~t, as they did not agree. ~. Barrett read ~ Sec,_on 1301 He pointed out it was in oppo- sition to the Charter. ~e suggested crossing out everything after Article 11 after ~these zoning regulations~, as we have separate provisions for this. The Members agreed this completed consideration of the ordi- nance~ M~. Barrett stated he would rewrite it and get it ready for presentation to the Board, so they could all study and read it and come back for a special meeting on this for presentation to the Council. Mrs. Huckle questioned whether fees should be included and I~. Barrett explained they were covered under a separate item. i~s. Huckle referred to other papers submitted from Coconut Creek and read sections referr- ing to fees being included. M~. Barrett informed her that fees for everything would be covered by a separate ordinance. M_r. Barrett continued that they were satisfied ~that it was now ironed out and in accordance with the requirements. He stated again he, would rewrite the whole thing and get it ready for this Board to present to the City Council. He suggested having a special meeting before July 9 if it was ready. Chairman Kelly announced there was no Old Business or Other Business to discuss. He announced the next regular meeting would be held on July 9. Col. Trauger made a motion to a 3ourn, seconmed by M~ Huckie. Motion carried 4-0~ ~ud the meeting was properly ~ - am~ourned at 9:55 ?. M.