Minutes 06-11-74MI~UTES OF THE REGULAR ~m-~T~ ~l~_~ OF TP~ PLANNING & ZONING BO~a~D ~LD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, JUNE ~974 ~T 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Fred J. Kostner, Chairman Joseph Kelly, Vice Chairman M~s. Marilyn Huckle Walter M. Trauger ABSENT L. R. Biacketer (Excused) Mrs. Emily Jackson (Excused) Oris Walker Jack Barrett, Bldg. Official Chairman Kostner called the Regular Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board to order at 7:45 P. M. He introduced the Members of the Board, the Building Official and the Recording Secre- tary. He stated in view of the weather during the last half ho~, it is a wonder they are all here and he expressed his thanks for everyone coming. He announced that ~s. Jackson and Mr. Blacketer had been excused from attending this meet- ing, but possibly M~. Walker would arrive later. Chairman Kostner thanked Mrs. Huckle smd Mr. Kelly for bring- ing the minutes of March 20, 27 and May 28 up to date and expressed his appreciation. The Minutes of the Special Meeting of March 20 were read. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes as typed smd ex- tended the motion to include the Minutes of the Workshop Meet- ing of the same date. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion. Motion carried~-x O, with Mr. Trauger abstaining since he was not present at these meetings. The Minutes of the Workshop Meeting of Ms, ch 27 were read. M~. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes. Mrs. Huc~e seconded the motion, but questioned the contents, not the~ validity of same. She questioned whether several things men- tioned had been followed up at a later date. She referred to the last sentence of the first paragraph concerning screen enclosures for pools. She stated they had not come to a con- clusion about this. She then referred to the second para- graph concerning nonconforming lots. ~. Barrett informed her that-he did have notes on both, but they have not been done yet. M~s. Huck~e then referred to the third paragraph where Chairman Kostner read a letter to the ~yor in refer- ence to a joint meeting to discuss the new zoning code and .map. Chairman x~ostner informed her that all these matters were being held in abeyance as it was not advisable to set MINU~S ~A~H~ING & ZONING BOARD PAGE TWO JUNE ~t, 1974 a specific date, but that he is in contact with Ms. Barrett and these will be taken care of as soon as possible. Motion carried 3-0, with Mr. Trauger abstaining since he was absent, The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 28 were read. ~. Kelly stated that he read these minutes thoroughly and found them to be correct and made a motion to approve them as typed. Mms. Huckle referred to Page 3, the last sentence of the first paragraph and questioned the word '~board~, The Members discussed the correctness of this and their discus- sion at the meeting and it was agreed the minutes stated it correctly. Mrs. Huck~e then seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0, with Mx. Trauger abstaining since he was absent. AGENDA Chairmsm Kostner referred to the agenda~ items 1 thru 5, and stated it would be helpful if it indicated whether improve- ments, partial improvement, additions, new construction, etc. was to be done at these sites. Mr. Barrett apologized, stat- ing the agenda was sent out before he read it. He advised the Board that these first five items were all new construc- tion. ~. Edward Duoree stated his name smd that he owned the Exxon Station on the corner of 15th Avenue and South Federal. He referred to Item #5 on the agenda, the First Bank and Trust Mini-Bank. He questioned the driveway setup and how the exit and entrance would affect his service station. ~. Barrett informed him there would be no other entrances or exits created and it would not affect his service station. They will use the ones already there. ~. Dupree thanked him, stating that was what he wanted to know. SiTE PLaiN R~ The followingpzans~ ' were reviewed: Trinity Knights of Columbus Association 3314 Old Dixie Highway ~. Barrett showed the Members the plans and explained where it was located. ~. Trauger questioned the size of the build- ing and Mrs. Huckle questioned the kind of building. Mm. Barrett informed them that a 50 x 1OO ft. clubhouse was pro- posed and pointed out that they had four lots. Mrs. Huckle questioned the zoning and M~. Barrett stated it was R-2 and is all right. He added that everything is okay' and has been approved. Mrs. Huc_kle questioned ps, king requirements and MINU~S PLANNING & ZONING BO~MD PAGE THPG~E JUNE 11, 1974 ~. Barrett replied that they were determined by the square footage in the auditorium and figured on the basis of the number of people, divided by 3. He added they have more than enough parking spaces. Mr. Kelly remarked that it looked all right to him and ~s. Huckle added that it would be a nice addition to that neighborhood.. Mx. Kelly made a motion for the Board to reco;~end to the C~t~ _ ~nmghzs of Columbus ~ y Council aoproval of the Trinity site plan at 3314 Old Dixie Highws~. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Church of God in Christ 722 N. W. 2nd Street Mr. R~ussell stated his name and his address as 1004 N. W. 3rd Street and that he was the builder of this church. ~. Barrett showed the Members the plans and informed them it was a one story CBS church. ~@s. Huckle questioned the capacity and Mr. Barrett replied: 86 seats. ~. Kelly stated that on the original site plan, the parking was not approved by the C.A.B., but the plan was revised and the C.A.B. approved it. Mr. Barrett added that everything has been approved now. Mrs. Huckle made a motion that the site plan for the Church of God in Christ at 722 N. W. 2nd Street be approved. ~[elly seconded the motion Motion carr=em 4-0. A. ~ e~ razolm Apartments 2309 S. E. 3rd Street ~. Barrett showed the Members the olans and advised that a 7 unit apartment house was planned. They are all two bed- room apartments. The layout of the recreation area is the same as the apartments and we must watch that it won't be made into another apartment in the future. Mr. Trauger made a motion to recommend the site plan to the City Council for approval for the Ferrazoli A~oartments at 2309 S. E. 3rd Street. ~s. Huckle seconded the motion. Under discussion, Chairman Kostner questioned if the recrea- tion part shown on the plans was changed to an apartment, woul~d it be in conflict to the parking? ~. Barrett replied no, but only 7 units are allowed. Motion carried 4-0. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD PAGE FOUR JU~ ~I, 1974 Pool Center 703 South Federal Highway Mr. Barrett showed the Members the plans. Mr. Kelly explained where it was located. The old house is to be demolished. It is a three phase project with a complete pool facility. Mr. Barrett stated that it is in C-~ zoning and all operations must be in an enclosure and even though Col. Reid recommended not enclosing it, any type of business must be completely in eau enclosure. Screen enclosure is part of the man's business. M~s. Huc~ule questioned whether he meant fencing and Mr. Barrett replied: no. Chairman Kostner stated this would be a matter of the Planning & Zoning Board then and not the C.A.B. Mrs. Huckle questioned whether this applied to other types of busi- ness and ~. Barrett informed her that it stated outdoor dis- plays are not allowed. He continued that the second phase would be a building right behind the pool, which would be the office and other storage space. Mr. Trauger questioned why everything wasn't done altogether and Mr. Barrett informed him they wanted to get the pool in and landscap~ag planted, so they could get working. ~. Kelly read the minutes from the C.A.B. meeting in reference to this application. He remarked that he thought Col. Reid was interfering into the business of the Planning & Zoning Board. _Mr. Kelly moved that this Board recom~end to the City Council approval of the Pool Center project at 703 South Federal Highws~, the plans of which we have just reviewed, but speci- fically as part of the approval that the pool be enclosed or screened as it is part of the zoning and the property is zoned C-1. ~rs. Huc~e seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. The First Bank and Trust Mini-Bank Sunshine Square Shopping Center S. E. 15th Avenue ~. Barrett showed the Members the plans and ~. ~ke Sutton, Executive Vice President appes~ed before the Board. Mr. Trauger questioned what constituted the word mini-bank and ~z~. Sutton informed him that it was not a branch bank, but a remote facility' limited to drive-ins and walk-ups for deposits, cashing checks, etc. He continued that there would only be five lanes and the building would have a walk-in lobby. ~s. Huck~e questioned the building location and Mr. Sutton showed it on the plan. Mr. Barrett asked if any additional driveways would be created and' ~. Sutton re- plied: no. ~.~s. Huckle questioned the flow of traffic and MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD P~GE F~E JB$~E 1 t, 1974 ~¢r. Sutton explained it on the plan. M~. Kelly remarked that there was plenty of parking in that area. Chairman Kostner stated that this would add quite a bit of traffic in that area and ~. Kelly informed him that in that parti- cular area, there wasn't much traffic. Mr. Trauger asked if they would be leasing the property and ~. Sutton replied: yes, from Sunshine Square. He also informed the Board that they would have s~ electronic teller at this bank, which is totally new to the area. M~. Kelly moved that the First Bank and Trust application for the location of their facility at S. E. 15th Avenue, otherwise known as Sunshine Square Shopping Center~ be approved and reco~mmended to City Co~acil ~s. _ouc~le seconded the motion. ~ ~' ' ~EO~lOn carried ~-0. P. U. D. 0RD INANCE Chairman Kostner recognized M~. Cicchese in the audience, representing The Meadows. M~. Cicchese informed the Board that he was just interested in the final outcome of this. A general discussion was held s~s to the formula arrived at for L.U.I. ratings. Mr. Kelly gave several examples to ex- plain how the formula worked. In finalizing the discussion, ~. Barrett stated they had talked about where they should start. This allows you to go as small as you want, but the smaller it is, the more stringent it is, but 15 is the maximum. He stated he thought it would require additional study. It is a way of taking various acres and dividing it for commercial uses, residen- tial, open areas, etc. He stated he would like very much from a standpoint of time to go back and study this for another week and come back into a special meeting to disco~s it. Chairman Kostner suggested that possibly the Members could get together and work on this. Mr. Barrett asked Cicchese to get the facts and figures on the actual site plan including the open areas, house spacing, average stor- ies, etc. He then suggested to the Board that when he got this information, they should have a soecial meeting to go into this. Chairman Kostner agreed an~ asked M~. Barrett to advise him when it was available and he would contact the Members of the Board. ~¢r. Barrett stated he would do this and the Members also agreed. Chairman I~ostner stated that he would be gone next week and possibly this. could be taken care of this week. MI~J~$ PLANNING & ZONING BO~D PAGE S~ JU~-E 11, 1974 M-1 ZONING ORDINANCE ~. Barrett stated they had discussed amending this ordi- nance. The Members read the ordinance and discussed the changes further. Chairman Kostner stated that he noticed it allowed dry ice under uses permitted and questioned if that meant the manufacture of dry ice. Mr. Barrett replied: yes. Chairman ~ostner stated that ammonia was used in the manufacture and created a strong odor. Mr. Barrett informed him that liquid oxygen was used and believed he was referring to the manufacture of other ices. Mr. Kelly made a motion that Ordinance 73-38 be amended~ u to read as follows: Section 31.10 A. Uses Permitted (b) Certain Industrial Uses. Change machine shops to read: ~machine shops and machine shops including investment type castings" and Uses Prohibited Change smelting and casting operations to read: "smelting and casting ooerations except investment type castings~ ~s. Huck2e seconded the motion. asked what investment type castings were. ~. Barrett in- formed him that it is called the lost w~x method, it is more an infusion. They make a wax mold first, then mold around that in metal and that material is heated and the wax is drained off and it is machined to the exact dimensions. Actually it is all within a centerfu$~ and crucible which is enclosed. Motion carried 4-0. Under discussion, Mr. Trauger ABANDONmeNT M~. Barrett explained on the maps how it appears originally and the revisions proposed. He pointed out there were a num- ber of small lots in the area now. They run all sizes and what ~h~. Murray is proposing is to t~ke these 44 lots and make a total of 20 ~ots. A portion is zoned R-2. He has divided some into 9000 sq. ft. lots, so a duplex could be built on them and that is the area zoned R-2. Ail these roads dead end at the 53 acres just north of it. The Mem- bers checked the plat book and Mr. Barrett explained what MINUTES ~'LA~NING & ZONING BOARD PAGE SEVEN JU!fE 11, 1974 was proposed.-~ When the 53 acres are developed, he has pro- vided for a through street as we requested. He stated he thought it was a better road pattern and land layout. Chairman Kostner then read the correspondence from Mr. Kohl, ~/~° the City Manager, covering the matter of abandonment of roads~&/~9 in Gulf Stream Estates No. 2. Mr. Kelly moved that this Board recommend to the City Council the replat and the abandonment of roads in Gulf Stream Es- tates No. 2 as indicated on the revised plan of M~j 1, 1974, which we have reviewed this evening and everybody seems to be of the opinion that it is a good project and improves the area. ~. Trauger seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~s. Huckle questioned if this abandonment of roads involved a public hearing and Mr. Barrett informed her the City Council would have the public hearing for this. Chairman Kostner remarked there was no change in zoning ~d Mm. Kelly added that the area was not developed. Mr. Barrett informed her further that if it affected the zoning, this Board would have a public hearing. Chairman H'ostner stated that at one of the City Council meetings, it was pointed out that the Planning & Zoning Board has nothing to do with zoning, ex- cept with the changing of zoning. Motion carried 4-0. Under further discussion, Mrs. Huck2e questioned if when the Board reviewed this previously for a replat, had they made a recommendation? Mr. Barrett informed her they had just looked at it, but no formal application had been made then. The Members discussed both the replat and abandonment of roads being included in the motion and whether the correct proce- dure had been followed. M~. Kelly pointed out that the pre- liminary r~plat was approved at a previous meeting. The Members then agreed the motion should stand and was stated correctly. ~. Trauger made a motion to adjourn, seconded by ?~. Kelly. Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 10:00 P.M.