AT 7:30 P.M.
Fred J. Kostner, Chairman
Joseph Kelly, Vice Chairman
L. R. Blacketer
M~s. Marilyn Huckle
Oris Walker
Mrs. Emily Jackson
Walter M. Trauger
Jack Barrett, Building Official
Chairman Kostner called the Regular Meeting of the Planning &
Zoning Board to order at 7:30 P.M. Ee introduced the Members
of the Board, the Building Official and the Recording Secre~
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 14 were read. Mrs.
Huc_kle moved that the N~nutes of the Regular Meeting of May
t4 be approved, seconded by Mr. Blacketer. Motion carried
The Minutes of the Workshop Meeting of May 14 were read. Mr.
Kelly referred to Page 2, Paragraph 1, where ~. Barrett
stated he ~alked to several attorneys and he questioned
whether he talked to attorneys or planners. M~. Barrett
stated that he had talked to planners; therefore, change
attorneys to planners. ~. Kelly then referred to Page 3,
Paragraph 3, where Chairman Kostner stated they would have
clarification of everything said at the meeting. He contin-
ued that he thought the word recording was used and would be
proper instead of clarification. The Members discussed the
intent of what was said and Chairman Kostner then requested
that the word '~clarificatio~~ be stricken and the words~'a
recording~' be inserted. ~. Walker moved to approve the
~nutes as corrected, seconded by Mr. Kelly. Motion carried
Chairman Eostner asked ~. Barrett if at this time it would
be desirable to go into New Business as noted on the Agenda
or take care of Old Business. N~. Barrett requested that
they consider New Business as one visitor was present for
the Replat, Item #2 on the Agenda. Chairman Kostner replied
they would take this matter first then in order not to delay
the gentleman.
MAY 28, 1974
BlOck No.'s 8 thru 13
Gulfstream Estates No. 2
~. Barrett explained ,#here this was located smd explained
what was existing and what was planned. Mr. Blacketer ques-
tioned the size of the lots and Mr. Barrett informed him
that some were 90 x 101'. Mr. Kelly remarked they were plan-
ning larger lots than shown originally and it looked better
to him. Mr. Barrett added that he has a request for the
abandonment of roads which will go to the City Clerk, Mrs.
Huckle questioned if all homeS were plagued and Mr. Barrett
pointed out that part was zoned R-2, so some would possibly
be duplexes. The Members discussed the abandonment of' the
roads. Mr. BS~rrett informed them that the abandonment must
be applied for, advertised, etc. first. The recommendation
for replat could be made to the City Council. This recom-
mendation could be made and held in abeyance until the aban-
donment is approved.
~. Kelly moved that this Board after reviewing the prelimi-
nary replat layout recommend to the City Council the approval
of the preliminary plat and further recommend advertising
for the abandonment of the roads be embodied in the action.
Mr. Blacketer seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mrs.
Huckle questioned if an application for abandonment should
be made before recommending abandonment. ~. Kelly then
withdrew his motion and Mr. Blacketer withdrew his second.
Mr. Kelly then made a new motion to recommend approval of the
replat in a preliminary review. ~. Blacketer seconded the
motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Lake View Haven - Annexation
Chairman Kostner read a memo from lit. Frank Kohl dated May
28 and ascertained that each member had a copy together with
7 pages and a map indicating the parcel under consideration.
~. Barrett requested the Members to strike the zoning of
R1AAB and nots that it will be R1AA. He then explained the
map and the exact location. M~s. Huckle euestioned the exist-
ing zoning in the adjacent area and M~. B~rrett informed her
it was R1AA.
Mr. Walker made a motion to recommend a~nnexation of the Lake
View Haven Subdivision under the zoning of RI~. Mr. Kelly
secon~d the motion. Under discussion, ~r. Blacketer asked
M~_Y 28, 1974
if any questions regarding rezoning would be raised and Mr.
Barrett replied: no, the annexation and zoning are carried
on in one ordinance. We are taking something in and annex-
ing and zoning at one time. Mrs. Huckle questioned if the
City Council had approved annexation, since Mr. Kohl's memo
stated the application was approved. Mr. Barrett clarified
that they approved and accepted the application only. After
their approval of the , it comes to this Board
for study and Mr. Blacketer questioned if
a public hearing was necessary for this annexation and ~.
Barrett informed him that this Board was just a recommend-
ing board. Motion carried 5-0.
M~. Barrett referred to the study of L.U.I. ratings and asked
to forego this, as it is quite apparent that one page is
missi~ug. He stated he had been trying to secure this, but
had been unsuccessful. He continued that this being the
case, there would be no need for a wor~hop meetirg. Chair-
man Kostner stated that he believed this matter was tabled
at the last meeting and should be left on the table then.
~. Barrett stated that canceling the workshop meeting would
leave it on the table.
M~. Barrett referred to the M-1 zoning and the inclusion of
casting and smelting operations as prohibitive uses. He
stated it was brought to his attention that there is a small
casting and smelting operation that makes small castings.
He stated he thought they were referring to ledge ssmd cast-
ing operations. We have had a request for investment type
casting. Investment type casting is a liquid or wax type
casting. A machine mold is made and the wax i~ injected into
the mold and goes through an oven. There is no du~t or smoke.
He stated he wanted to Ymow if it was the Board's intention
to exclude this type of operation.
Mr. Kelly answered that he didn't think so. Chairman Kostner
stated he was personally f~miliar with this type of work and
agreed there is no smoke or dust involved and it is strictly
used for machine shop~ work. He asked the Members of the
Board to consider this and include this in the ordinance, but
to be careful to make sure there is a breakoff so an appli-
cant cannot argue that it is foundry work. ~. Barrett con-
tinued that if a small machine shop needs a small part, they
m~ke castings to make the part. We might mention that it was
not meant to include all smelting and casting operations,
that some could be included providing they make application
to the Planning & Zoning Board. M~. Kelly recommended that
the Board ask ~. Barrett to formulate under the allowed
activitieS. He recommended wording so they could consider
28, 1974
it and ~ke the change in the proposed M-1 zoning. Mr.
Blacketer questioned if this could be included under light
metal production and Mr. Barrett replied that they didn't
intend to include casting in that category. Mr. Barrett
continued that before he formulated anything, he would like
to meet with the City Attorney to make up an amendment.
Mrs. Huckle questioned if it would be possible in order to
avoid difficulties to include this under machine shops and
Mr. Barrett replied that he thought the proper route to go
is the same as they have done in stating that any use not
herein above mentioned, specifically enumerated or categorized
may apply to the Planning & Zoning Board and City Council for
use. This would not discriminate. We actually categorize
a light industry instead of heavy.
Mr. Kelly made a motion to recommend to the City Council that
it was not the Planning & Zoning Board,s intention to arbi-
trarily say any and all casting operations should be included
as a prohibitive use because there are certain desirable
smaller operations which could be included in the M-1 dis-
trict providing the proper amendment is made. ~. Blacketer
seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~ ~lk~r referred
to other prohibitive uses under M-1 and asked what would pre-
vent the Board at a later date from taking another plant if
it came within the pollution control. ~. Barrett stated he
would like to discuss this with the attorney. M~. Walker
stated that he thought this motion would be premature. Mrs.
Huckle referred to the particular sentence stating any use
not herein above mentioned, specifically enumerated or cate-
gorized~ etc. and stated she felt it did not belong under
prohibitive uses, but allowable uses. Mr. Barrett stated
that he would check this with the attorney. Mr. Kelly stated
he still thought they should give Mr. Barrett the privilege
to recommend to City Council ~ud have him get together with
the City ~ttorney to see what way they should go. ~s.
Huckle added that she thought he should explore this whole
situation. Mr. Barrett stated that he did plan to do this.
Motion c~ried 5-0.
Mrs. Huckle referred to M-1 zoning, under #9 and asked if
residences and trailer parks was correct. ~. Barrett clar-
ified that it meant any type of residence.
~s. Huc~e. asked if there was anything f~ther on the screen
enclosures and ~. Barrett replied: no, that he must still
go through it to find out.
Mr~ Walker made a motion to cancel the wor~hop meeting,
seconded by Mro Kelly. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Walker made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Kelly.
Motion carr_e~ 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
8:35 ?.~.