Fred J. Kostner, Chairman
Joseph Kelly, Vice Chairman
L. R. Blacketer
.Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Oris Walker
Walter M. Trauger
Emily Jackson, excused
Jack Barrett,
Building Official
Chairman Kostner called the Wor~hop Meeting of the Planning &
Zoning Board to order at 8:20 P. M. He took roll call and an-
nounced that Mrs. Jackson had written a letter stating she
was unable to attend and therefore, she would be excused. Mr.
Trauger has requested to be excused at 8:30.
Before Mr. Trauger left, Mr. Barrett asked to bring him up-to-
date. He informed he had desperately been trying to get the
formula for the P.U.D. together. He gave him several examples
of assigning a L.U.I. rating for density. Several things are
required to work it out. Mr. Trauger then had to leave at 8:30.
Chairman Kostner read a letter from Mrs. Jackson dated ~y 14.
She stated they had just received word that it was necessary
for them to go North on very important business. As she did
not _know how long this business would take, she hoped this
letter would suffice for any meetings she was unable to at-
tend. As this business was of an unexpected nature, she did
not know how long they would be gone. She requested that the
Minutes be mailed to her at P. O. Box 191, Boynton Beach, as
her mail would be forwarded to her.
Chairman Kostner then read suggestions attached to the letter
in reference to P.U.D. She referred to Page 9, Article 10
(B-3), last paragraph, Section H, questioning if the P.U.D.
has not been commenced-within 18 months, wouldn't it be better
to have the land revert back to the original zoning? Chair-
man Kostner stated he would take note of this suggestion and
would take this matter up in order of the business as they
went on with this project. He stated he thought they should
stsmt at the beginning and discuss this at the proper time.
Mr. Barrett stated that actually from a standpoint of these
L.U.I. ratings, that he had gone through the rest of it and
'there are very little changes to be made. He suggested they
table this P.U.D. until they received the L.U.I. ratings.
~Yf ~ 4, t 974
Mr. Barrett continued that the formula for working it out is
very complicated. There are some specifications from H.U.D.,
plus the presentation, fee, formula for L.U.i. ratings, etc.
These deal largely on an area covered by square footage of
buildings. It leaves the control of density strictly with
the Planning & Zoning Board. The L.U.I. ratings are recom-.
mended by H.U.D. to determine density. He gave examples of
applying the L.U.I. ratings. There is a variant that leaves
you in full control. The L.U.I. rating can be changed to
suit you. It works itself out to a straight formula when
done. It is comolicated. He stated he had talked to several~.~
~~.~ttor~a~ trying-to get this together. He added that he ~ ~/~
thought it wasnecessary to have this in order to gauge what ~ ~
we are doing in the balance of this and it is necessary to
have these L.U.I. ratings.
~. Blacketer agreed with ~M. Barrett. Mr. Kelly stated that
before going any f~mrther, he thought they should have a clear
understanding of this too. Mr. Walker stated he also agreed
and felt it should be tabled. F~s. Huckle stated that she
agreed. Chairman Kostner announced that this matter would
then be tabled until the next workshop meeting. N~, Barrett
stated that as soon as he received this information, he would
notify the Chairman to call a workshop meeting, so they
could work with it in its entirety, fully discuss it, etc.
He continued that it was recommended by many planners in the
country. Some are sl0w to notice the value of this formula,
because of its complication.
Mr. Blacketer questioned if there would be a workshop meeting
tomorrow afternoon. ~. Barrett informed him there would not
be, as he was still working on the overlay, etc. Chairman
Kostner clarified that F~. Barrett would notify him in refer-
ence to a future date for a workshop meeting.
Mr. Barrett then showed the Members a copy of the size of the
City map if it was printed on a one page ad. He stated this
would be hard to understand~ therefore, he had recommended to
the City Manager that they go to two pages, a centerfold, so
they have a full map. There will be four pages, showing the
present and proposed. He added there were minor corrections
to be done on the overlay. Mrs. Huckle questioned if the
newspaper ad would be almost twice the size of the sample
and Mr. Barrett replied yes, which he thought would be a
very readable copy. Chairman Kostner questioned what paper
it would appear in and Mr. Barrett informed him it. would be
in the local paper, the Boynton Beach Journal.
N~. Walker referred to the presentation to the City Council
and asked if it would be possible to use an opaque projec-
tion. ~. Barrett replied that he thought the Fire Department
~Y 14, 1 974
had such a projector. He added though that with the way the
room was set up, either the City CounCil or the audience
would not be able to view it.
Mr. Kelly questioned whether Mr. Barrett was talking about
the size of the page or the imprint. Mr. Barrett clarified
he was talking about the size ef the page. Mr. Kelly stated
he thought he had showed them a centerfold showing the old
map and proposed map of Pompano and questioned whether the
cost of such would be prohibitive. Mr. Barrett informed him
that the map of Boynton Beach is larger and has to go on a
double page.
Chairman Kostner asked ~. Barrett's feeling with reference
to advertising it on two dates. ~. Barrett stated that with
this particular case, they could advertise for one hearing.
The same advertising would hold true for both the Planning &
Zoning Board Hearing and the City Council Hearing. It would
cost roughly $800 for advertising. The whole City would be
advertised in one publication. Chairman Kostner stated he
thought they would need two meetings to cover the sections
of the City.
Mrs. Huckle questioned what would be done if some pretty
valid changes had to be made before going to City Council?
Mr. Kelly suggested if this happened at the public hearing,
they could use a color crayon to outline the changes, then
meet with the City Council at a workshop meeting to discuss
them and if they agree, possibly make the changes before
their public he~ Kostner added that they
would have everything said at the meeting
and could discuss it thoroughly and note it before the
City Council meeting. M~. Barrett stated that he did not
have a date on the plan. Mr. Kelly remarked that the City
Council did not necessarily have to meet two weeks after the
Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Barrett pointed out that the
dates could be published in the s~me notice. M~s. Huckle
questioned the possiblity of getting stalled with valid
changes ~_ud if so, would they have to decide at the public
meeting? ~. Barrett replied no, the changes could be made
at a workshop meeting and then call a special meeting to
present the recommendations to the City Council. ~s. Huck~e
questioned if the public would be advised if they made the
changes and M~. Bs~rett informed her they would find out at
the City Council meeting. He pointed out that they were
only a recommending board and recommended to City Council.
Mrs. Huckle stated she just questioned if they would have to
go back to public hearing after making the changes and ~.
Barrett replied no.
MAY 14, 1974
Mr. Blacketer stated he thought there was one change they
were going to have to make and that was in reference to the
annexation of all the land to the west and that they must
include agricultural zoning. He then referred to the Meadows
annexation, including the Knollwood Groves property. Mr.
Barrett stated that this property would come in as a P.U.D.
The areas are outlined when presented. They just asked for
this property to have th~ same density as the County had
allowed. ~Ms. Huckle questioned if they were planning to
develop this area right now and Mx. Barrett clarified that
they were planning to present it. He asked them to bear in
;mind one thing, that this is property coming into the City.
Before it is legally annexed, the zoning is applied to the
annexation, so we are not rezoning. If it was in the City,
we would have to apply rezoning. Chairman Kostner clarified
that there is no zoning as far as the City is concerned on
that property at the present time. ~. Barrett stated they
would apply a new zoning to a new piece of property, which
has never been in the City. Mr. Blacketer remarked they had
stated they would apply the same county zoning to any proper-
ty annexed into the City. Mr. Barrett suggested discussing
this when they reviewed the book again to see if it needed
clarification. He pointed out that the County has a R2C
zoning, which the City does not even have a zoning classifi-
cation for. It the County allows a Ge.~ ns!ty' of ten, we would
apply our comparable zoning. It is the intent to accept the
density, not the County zoning. ~..Blacketer stated they
knew the City was going ahead with this ~unexation thing.
He stated again that they were going to have to allow some
agricultural zoning.
M~. Kelly referred to a change made recently dropping the
frontage on C-3 from 300 to 250. He questioned if a change
was made in the square footage of the area. ~. Barrett re-
plied no, that was as far as they had gone. ~. Kelly ques-
tioned if it would proportionately drop down. He stated
that 300 feet meant it would require roughly 133 depth to
get 40,000 square feet. M~. Barrett stated he thought the
40,000 square feet could remain. Mr. Blacketer stated he
thought they agreed to knock out the 40,000 feet and would
use 4~ maxin~umo M~. Kelly clarified that this was referred
to in Section 14 Continued, second page, under C-3. ~.
Barrett stated they should still require the 40,000 square
feet. Mms. Huckle clarified to change 300 to 250, but leave
it at 40,000. ~. Kelly remarked that it would require a
1~0 feet depth then.
Mr. Barrett stated they should discuss screen enclosures when
they go through the book. He stated he didn't think they had
included it anywhere. He didn't think~they set'a setback for
fully screened-in enclosures, those that enclose a pool and
~Y 14, 1974
those that are part of a structure. ~. Kelly stated they
had discussed it, but did not put it in. ~. Barrett con-
tinued that he didn't see the difference between a screen
enclosure, whether it enclosed a pool or not. He didn't
agree with the way the present code reads. If a pool area
can be enclosed back further, why not just enclose your back
yar~ with a screen enclosure? He stated he wanted the Board
to think about this. A back yard can be just as much a recrea-
tion area as a pool. Mrs. Huckle remarked that enclosing
pools was a Safety factor. What if it is a roofed-over screen
enclosure? Mr. Barrett replied that they would have to stay
25 feet back. Mrs. Huckle questioned the difference between
roofed-over or screened-over. ~. Barrett stated that he
could not see the difference. Mr. Blacketer agreed he was
sure they did not mention screen enclosures. He questioned
if there was something in the Southern Building Code to go
by. ~. Barrett stated no, that the Southern Standard does
not deal with setbacks, only the construction. Mro Blacketer
asked if it was in the old code and Mr. Barrett stated that
it was. He suggested that they m~J~e a little study between
now and their next meeting. It was included in the old code
under Special Conditions or Swimming Pools.
Mr. Blacketer referred to the Meadows property and asked if
the utlities were going to be underground. Mx. Barrett
stated that it did not say. He believed Florida Power &
Light would govern this. Sometimes they can't go under-
ground. He thought they preferred to go underground, but
could not always do this. However, if you take an already
developed area and change it to underground, there is a lot
more expense.
Mrs. Huc~kle remarked that she could not find anything in the
old code in reference to s~reen enclosures. M~o Barrett sug-
gested looking under Section 12 and that it was in the zoning
Mr. Blacketer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by ~. Kelly.
Motion carried 5-0, with the meeting being properly adjourned
at 9:15