Minutes 01-16-74MINUTES OF THE i['~LAN~{ING & ZONING ~OARD P~ST!NG HELD AT CiTY HALL, 'xO P.M. ~'~' ~ JANU~Y 16, 1974 AT 7.~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, !f.Jm~Nm.~DAY, PRESENT Fred J. Kostner L. R. Blacketer I'~s. Marilyn Huckle Joseph Kelly Mrs. Emily Jackson ~a!ter M. Trs?~ger Jack Barrett, Bldg. Official ABSENT Otis Walker ?~. ?(os~ne_ called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. acting as the pres_amng officer of the previous year of the Board, since the Chairman was not present t~ officiate. He then turned the meeting over to ~. Jack Barrett for nominations. . _ ~' nom=na~on~ Mr. Bar~ett announced the meeting was open for ~- ~ ~ for Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board. M~. Kelly nominated Mm~. Fred Kostner as Chairmen for this en- sueing year, as he is a man who has served faithfully on this Bo~d for several years and has been Vice Chairman previously. I,~. Blacketer seconded the nomination. Mr. Barrett s~ked if there were any other nominations and M~. Trauger stated he would like to nominate Mrs. Emily Jackson. ~s. Jaclcson de- clined the nomination, stating she had not sat on this Board. She then made a motion that the nominations be closed. ~. Kelly seconded the motion. The members voted and the vote was 5-0 in favor of Mr. Fred J. Kostner for Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Bo~d for 1974. ~. Kostner tha~ed~e members anm~ stated before he cepted a°minations fo~ Vice Chairman~ he wanted to make a short sthtement. For the past two years, this Board has worked diligently and hard~ keeping in mind what is good for Boynton Beach. The major portion has been accomplished~ but work still has to be ~one on the map for the City in respect to the Planning & ZOning formula. I hooe this Board will work ~usv as n~d ~d !~uow they wmll. I am very haopy see all the members on this Board and would like to-welcome ~r. Trauger. ~. Blacketer nominaved ~.~. Joseph Kelly as Vice Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board for 1974. Mme. Huckle seconded the nomination. ~. Biacketer then made a motion that the nominatiOns be c~osed ~ana i~ ~ao seconded oy ~s. Huck!e. ~. Kostner addem that the Chair would appreciate an unani- mous vote. The members voted and the vote was 5-0 in favor of ~. JOseph Kelly for Vice Chairman of the Planning & ~on_ng Board for 1974. Both 1~. Kostner and Mr. Kelly thanked the members for their confidence. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BO~MD PAGE T~O JANUARY 16, 1974 Chairman Kostner announced now that the Planning & Zoning Board Meeting is officially in order with the Chairman and Vice Chairmsm elected, we shall proceed with the reading of the minutes. The ~nutes of December 11, the last meeting in i973 were read. M~. Blacketer stated he would hs3;e to abstain from voting, since he was not present at this meet- ing. Chairman Kostner stated that since ~. Blacketer was not present~ they would not have a quorum of previous members smd these minutes would have to be tabled. M~s. Jackson made a motion to table the Minutes of December 11, 1973 ~util the next meeting when M~. ~¥alker would be present in order to have a quorum for voting. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. M~. Blacketer stated he thought it would be in order to look up a rule of orders at this time. He made a motion to adopt the Revised Roberts Rules of Order for operating and conduct- ing business. M~s. Jackson seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. Mr. Barrett stated that the past Chairman, ~. Vastine, had the only copy of the numbered sequence of the zoning ordi- nance and I suggest you contact him to get this back as i do have some correctio~ to ~ke on it. I would like to know from the Board how they would like to work on this and whether daytime meetings would still be possible, i would like the Board to discuss how and when they could hold meetings to complete this. I think the new members would like to review what has been done and I would like to get copies for every- one. Mm. Trauger stated he had a he~3;y class load on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but would be avsilable other d~¥s. ~. Blacketer stated he was free any day, whatever is agree- able with the Board. ~. Kelly stated he was free any day. ~s. Hucl~e stated she was available in the mornings, but Thursday was better than Tuesday. Mrs. Jackson stated she was free any day. It was decided that Thursdsj morning would be agreeable for all, but Mrs. Huckle asked if this meant tomorrow. Mr. Barrett replied: possibly a week from tomor- row, January 24 at 9:00 A.M. and we will meet ~nutil noon, as we did previously. Chairman Kostner ~ ~ as~e~ if this was satis- factory for everyone and the members responded favorably. He added he would contact ~. Vastine first thing in the morning and he would pick up the required copy° Chairm~n Kostner than asked the Board if it would be agree- able to conduct the meetings on the second and fourth Tues- days at 7:30 P.M. M~. Biacketer asked if it was necessary to have two meetings a month, now that we don't have public hearings on site plans? M~s. Jack, on pointed out that last year when the City went to cou~t, we sort of received a MINUTES ~^'~T~ & ZONING BOARD PAGE THREE JAI'~AR~- 16, 1974 reprimand since we had not updated our zoning plan. If we don't do it, the county will. I think we should have two meetings a month until it is completed. ~s. Huckle asked that in spite of the fact the ordinance states there is no public hearing for site olan review, won't we still have to review the site plans? ~r. Barrett replied: yes. M~. Blacketer asked if this could be done at the workshop meet- ings. ~. Barrett replied that he preferred if the workshop meetings were devoted to working on the zoning map. You could give preliminary approval at a workshop meeting, but final approval should be given at a regular meeting. The developers ~muow about our regular meetings and I think it is advisable to keep them as previously set up. ~s. Huckle noted that the fourth Tuesday ~ the month on January 22 would be just orior to the workshop meeting and would it still be necessary? Chairman Kostner replied that he thought it would still be necessary. ~. Barrett added that he was sure there were five or six items for site~-plan review to come up and he suggested they should get them out of the way. M_rs. Jac~on referred back to the bill that was going before the legislature where it says they are going to come in and zone, if they do not like the way the city does it. I don't like it. I kmow Jack Barrett has spent a lot of time on this; however, when Mr. Largent left, Mr. Kohl called the county and asked if when our plan was finished, the county planner would check it over. '~is could save us a problem if this law went through. Possibly this Board would like to get in touch with the County Commissioners and let the county planners look at it from a standpoint of what ~qee-~ ~/L~ ~wa~would do. ~. Kelly stated he understood if that law is passed, it would empower the county to supersede if the municipality does not have a plan, but we do have a plan. I ~s. Jackson read the if the county checked it, we could avert this. Mm~. Kelly requested that copies oould possibly be made for all the members and Mr. Barrett replied that he had copies and would make dupli- cates. ~s. Jackson continued that she didn't agree with this bill, but you still can't tell whether it is going through and if it does, we could take the precautions ahead of time. i think the Board has done a tremendous job a~ud Y~ow the hours you have put in and this is one of the few cities that has a Board that has put in so much dedication. ~. B8~rett stated he had discussed this with the county planners and they are pretty much in agreement, but we still can check with them. One more person looking at it is al- ways favorable. Chairman Kostner asked if each member could get a copy as soon as possible and ~. Barrett reolied that he would have them duplicated. ~. Kelly stated ~f he would MINg_ES PLKR~[ ING & Z ON !~_4~ BO~D PAGE FOUR JANUARY 16, t 974 give him his copy, he would speak to Vera in the morning and take care of it. Mro Barrett asked how-the League of Munici- palities felt about the proposed bill. Mrs. Jackson replied that she was not su_~e if they were aware of it. They have been against ~Big Brother~. They s~e more or less in accord ~,~m.h the neory in certain cases I just feel we should be cautious. The main thine is to get it done and stick to it. M~. B!acketer asked if it would come before the state legis- lature in April and M,~s. Jackson replied: yes. Mm. Blacketer asked if the en~m_e county delegation was in favor and ~s. Jackson ~rep!ied that they didn't M~. Trauger asked to be excused to attend the Charter Revi- ~~/~ sion Commission Meeting, so they would have a quorum to finish their work and Chairman Kostner replied favorably. They confirmed the next meeting dates and ~'h~. Trauger thanked him. Chairman Kostner stated he didn't believe the Board should go ma~ ~ers, into any work ~ ~ since this is an organizational meet- ing and Jack Barrett doesn't feel well. ~. Kelly made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Mr. B!acketer. Motion carried 5-0 and meeting adjourned 8:00