O~ AT 9:~ A.~. ON MO~AY:.~OV~ !gth~ 1973 ~H T~
FOL~G ~S PRESET: Chai~ Vast~e~ Vice-Chair.~ Eostner~
~. B!acketer~ ~s. Nuck~ ~.- Ke~ ~d~ ~i!d~g Oiz~c~ai~' '
Jack Barret.
The p~pose of tkis meetiug is to give consideration to the request that
has comeb~e~ore this Board for a recommendation to City Couucil on the
annexation of a
. svr!p ox !and contiguous to the City of Boynton Beach aud
now belonging (St. Andrews) Scott & Dickinson] Zt is also necessary to give
tentative zon~_ug to this parcel of land. The Chair has full documentation
submitted by the City ~anagers office under transmittal letter of November
7th~ 1973.
The Board now has this d ·
ocumentatlon before it for consideration. Zt has
gone through review as per establishment in said documentation and the Chair
is now prepared to entertain a motion recommendation of ~unexation and also
· en~a~ve zonLug after City Council has approved the annexation.
Discussion was held by the Board and all documentation thoroughZ
r~v~e~edo ~ y studie~
[~. Kelly: '~l~r. Cha~man~ after extensive study this ~- ~
mo~nzu~ of the
various aspects of the St. Andrews req uest~ Z move that..~his Board recommend
to the City Couucil the annexation of the contigu~ms piece of property~ or
rather the piece of property contiguous to their present l~d area as stated'
and determined by the legal d ' '
escrmptmon of said property and that simultaneously
it be zoned as C-1 in conformity with the immediate adjacent a~ea.~'
~gro Eostner seconded the motion°
Under discussion ~o VastLue stated that it is to be understood that
the C-1 Zoning would apply ~ the amuexation ~s approved by~'~mty Council.'
~r VastLue: ~'Zs there ~uy further dmscussmon on the motion ?:~
Call for the question°
~. Vastine~ UA11 those in favor of the recom~endati6n give their
consent ~y saying ~'~A!~.~,. There were five favorable votes; none "Nay~o
Zs there any other business to come before this Board. Zf not~ may the
Chair hear a motion that this meeting be adjourned~o
~. Eostner: ~'.T move for adjourrm~ent.~, ~otion seconded by ~r. Blacketer.
~otion un~aLmously approved.