Minutes 11-13-73MINUTES OF THE PLA?'~N'iNG & ZONING BOARD I"'~ETING tLELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, TUESDAY~ NOVEMBER 13, 1973 AT E~ESENT Richard B. Vastine, Chairman Fred J. Kostner, Vice Chairman Mms. Mariiyn Huckle Col. Ai~ert J. Wehrel! Joseph Kelly Jack Barrett, Building Official ABSENT L. R. Blacketer 0tis Walker Chairman Vastine called the Regular Meeting of the ?ianning & Zoning Board to order at 7:~5 P.M. He announced to the audi- ence ~nav before opening the agenda, the Charter Revision Commission Meeting was being held downstairs. in taking roll call, Chairman Vastine informed the members that Mr. Biacketer had called him today and was unable to attend the meeting this evening, but that ~. Walker would probably arrive later. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of October ~6 were read. _,.~ Kelly made a motion to acce~ot the m_nu~es and it was seconded by Mr. Kostner. Motion carried 3-0, with Mms. Huck!e and Col. Wehrell refraining since they were not pre- sent at this meeting. The minutes of the workshop sessions of November ~ and 9 were read. M~. Kelly made a motion to accept both minutes and it was seconded by M~. Kostner. Motion carried 5-0. Chairman Vastine announced he had received a letter dated November ? addressed to the Chairmsm of this Committee from ~. Frank Kohl, City Manager, and the City Council asked that we review the attached application from St. Andrews for annexation. He asked if any of the members had re- ceived a copy of this and all replied negatively. He then read the information regarding this and asked M~. Barrett to further inform the Board. I~. Barrett informed the mem- bers that this was a piece of property left out in the north corner. St. Andrews has purchased this and wishes to include it in their parcel. They are putting in sewers and water for the multiple family units and clubhouse. The addition of sewers and water is of no consequence, they just want to con- tinue this with their property. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD ~ETING PAGE ~'~0 NOVEMASER 13, 1 973 ~. Kostner made a motion that since we have not received a copy, I would suggest that this be postponed until our next meeting. Col. Wehrell seconded the motion, stating that he agreed with M~. Mostner that we should be made aware of what we are approving. Under discussion, M~. Barrett stated that only a couple hundred feet were involved. Chairman Vastine stated the only thing we could do is recommend zoning contin- gent to smnexation in proper form. Chairman Vastine ascer- tained that all. the members were in favor of tabling this matter until the next meeting and the motion was carried 5-0. Under further discussion, Chairman Vastine asked ~. Barrett to assist the Board in getting copies of this full documenta- tion. Mr. Barrett agreed that it should have been placed on the agenda with ~e proper backup material. Chairman Vastine stated he thought just a breakdown in communications had oc- curred. Mr. Barrett agreed ~ud stated he thought there would be no problem in tabling it until the next meeting. ~. Kostner asked if this was urgent at this time and if so, it oould possibly be included in a workshop meeting. Mr. Barrett replied that it was somewhat urgent due to the rising costs of material, labor and mortgage money. Chairman Vastine asked how it would be affected if it was delayed until the next meeting on November 27? ~r. Barrett replied that in view this meeting is a public hearing, I would withhold other items from the agenda. Perhaps, the first workshop meeting after the material is assembled for your consideration would be appropriate. Chairman Vastine asked if Monday, November ~9 would be agreeable with the members and all responded favorabiy. Mr. Kelly made a motion that at the same time or right after the workshop meeting on Monday, November 19, a special meet- ing would be called to consider St. Andrews annexation as discussed. ~. Kostner seconded the motion and it was car- ried 5-0. Chairman Vastine announced that he would like to request the members not to forget the Planning & Zoning Board Public Hear- ing at 7:00 on Tuesday evening, November 27 for the purpose of hearing the application of the Lehigh Portland Cement Com- pany, to be followed in this same room by the Community Appearance Board. NE~I BUS INESS Pastel Oriel - Preliminary Development Site: Corner east of Saacres~ - South of 31st Ave. MINUTES PLA_~_~N~ & ZONING BOARD i~ET_~G PAGE THP~E NOVE~ER t 3~ 1 973 ~. Barrett showed the members the plan and pointed out that S,E. 2nd Street had been changed. ~o Kelly a~d i~. Kostner agreed that it was definitely an improvement. Mr. Barrett pointed out that it was not a question of zonings but a pre- !i~nary review of a piat~ Preliminary approval is requested just for the lots smd general layout. ~. Kelly made a motion to indicate approval of the prelimi- nary plat as received from Pastel Oriel. ~s. Huckle seconded the motion and it was carried Inlet Bay C'ondominium Site: 16a,~6 ~orth Federal Highway M~. Barrett showed the plans to the members and stated it was within the density requirements. Mr. Kelly ascertained that it was a 9½ acre tract and Mr..Barrett added that t00 units were ptanmed and it was zoned C-1 and R-3o It is within the framework of all the ordinances amd parking is 1½ per unit. Col Wehrel! ~ ~'~ . qu~sbmoned if the fire ~ad police departments had approved and Mr. Barrett _ep±med: yes~ everything has been approved. Chairm~m Vastine asked if the standpipes in the building provided adequate protection and M~. Barrett re- plied: yes. Mr. ~ostner asked about drainage and ~. Barrett informed him it was all worked out and approved by engineering. The members looked at the plans ~u_vher and were very pleased with the planning. ~. ~(e!ly made a motion to approve the site plan £or the Inlet Bay Condo~nium~ which looked very good. Mr. Kostner seconded the motion and. it was carried 5-0. ~{rs. Huckle asked that it be noted now that Mr. ~i~a_ke_~ ~ had not yet arrived. Boynton Beach L~brar~_ _~ Site: Seacrest B!vd. ]v~ Barrett showed the members the plans for the final site plan approval. He pointed out there was a setback of ~0 ft. from Seacrest Blvd, and there would be an entramce off of Seacrest and one off of 2hdc M~'so Huckle asked if the exist- ing library would remain and i~. Barrett replied: yes and it will be the new Building Department. The members viewed the plans further checking the exits~ front e!evatiom, etc. and agreed it looked very nice. Mrs. w,.~ka.~ made a mot_,o., to give final approval for the site plan of the new Boynton Beach Library and it was seconded by Col ~'ehrell Motion carried ~-0. MINUTES _~.~_i~i~u & ZONING BOARD I~ETING PAGE FOUR NOVE~¥~ER 13, 1 973 d. Charter World - Sales Office and Models Site: South Congress Ave. Mr. Barrett showed the members the plans and stated they were only temporary sites and models. He pointed out where the septic tank. and well would be and that there would be no facilities in the models, only the sales office. Mr. Kostner stated he would like to question Mr. Wardlaw about impact study. ~. Dwight Wardiaw stated his name and his address as 640 East Ocean Ave. He informed the members that at one time ~. Kohl mentioned an area of impact study and we filled out a form as requested. We studied this and our attorneys felt we were not in an area of impact study. We have a letter of interpretation of the state law and according to this~ it would have been the responsibility of Boynton Beach to request it when we applied for our original zoning last August or September° I have copies if you would like to see it. Mr o Kostner stated he thought it would be a good idea for the members to have copies of this. !¥~. ~ardlaw replied that he would make copies for the Board's approval and Mr. Barrett added that it would also be advantageous to them in the future. Mr. W ardlaw continued that one of the things entailed in impact study is the time study that we have ex- panded in developing land plus we are surrounded by other projects. If we are in an impact study~ it is the duty of the State or city to require this when the law was passed. Mr. Kostner replied that it would help the Board to have this material and Mr. Barrett added that any material he could supply would be beneficial. Mr. Wardlaw replied that he would copy the pages. Mr. V~a~rdlaw stated that their ex- penditures through this year and prior to January ~ would exceed one million dollars plus the cost of the sewer~?plant~ etc. It will total over two million before we build the first units. Chairman Vastine asked if the models planned were just temporary and Mr. Wardiaw replied: yes~ the driv- ing range in back is anticipated as a permanent installation and the models are on the range and will be removed. Col. Wehreli made a motion that the site plan for the models and sales ~ ~ r o=f~ce for Charter World be approved at this time. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion and it was carried 5-0. Holiday Inn- Restaurant and Rental Un~s"~ Site: 2626 North Federal Highway ~'~. Barrett showed the plans to the members. He pointed out that it would be two stories and ]63 units were proposed. l~. Kostner maae a motion to approve the final site plan of the Holiday Inn located at 2626 North W - - _ederai Highway includ- ing a restaurant and rental units. Mr. Kelly seconded the MI}~ TES ~TT ~G BOARD PLANNING & ZO~,~N= M~ETING PA,~E FIVE motion. Under discussion, [~s. Huckle questioned whether adequate parking spaces would be available for the meeti, ng room and restaurant and Mr. Barrett assured her there would be and it was all approved by the T.R.B. Chairman Vastine asked if the fire deeartment had approved and Mm. Barrett replied: yes. Motion carried 5-0. Chairman Vastine recognized the people in the audience and thanked them for coming. Mm. Kostner made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Mr. Kelly Motion ca~_med 5-0. Meetins adjourned 8:~0 P.M.