1973 AT 7:30 P.M.
Richard B. Vastine, Chairman
Fred J. Kostner, Vice Chairman
~s. Marilyn Huckle
Col. Albert J. Wehrell
Joseph Kelly
Jack Barrett, Bldg. OffiCial
L. R. Blacketer
0ris Walker
Chairman Vastine called the Regular Meeting of the Planning &
Zoning Board to order at 7:35 P.M.
Chairman Vastine introduced the members of the Board and
announced that Mr. Walker was absent due to illness.
The minutes of the regular meeting of August 16 were read.
Mr. Kelly made a motion to accept the minutes and it was
seconded by Col. Wehrell. M~. Kostner said he would abstain
from voting since he was absent from this meeting. Motion
carried 4-1.
The minutes of the special meeting of August 20 were read.
Col. Wehre!! made a motion to approve the minutes as written
and it was seconded by ~. Kelly. ~. Kostner said he would
abstain from voting since h'e was absent from this meeting.
Motion carried 4-1.
The minutes of the workshop sessions of August 20, 22, 27 &
29 were read. The members did not have the minutes of Septem-
ber 5, but Chairmsm Vastine informed them that they were in
the book downstairs. Col. Wehrell said he was not present at
the September 5 meeting. M~. Kostner said he would abstain
from voting since h~ was absent from these meetings. ~M.
Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes from these five
workshop sessions and it was seconded by Mrs. Huckle. Motion
carried 3-2.
Chairman Vastine announced that the correction to the August
2 meeting was on record and. there was no need for any action.
C O~.~$'~N iCAT IONS
Chairman Vastine read a letter dated September 6 from the City
Manager advising of a joint meeting between the various boards
on September 13 ~ud said he trusted as many members of this
Board as possible would be present.
SEPTE~ER 1P, 197~x
Chairman Vastine announced that Boynton Supply was taken
care of at the special meeting on August ~6. He questioned
what happened to Sun Wah Restaurant? Mr. ~ieiiy replied that
according to his notes from the August 16 agenda~ the C.A.B.
had it and we approved it 6-0.
Chairman Vastine announced that in the workshop this after-
noon, the Chair had prepared a motion for the men, ers' con-
sideration. He read the motion twice and then asked for a
discussion. He continued that he thought such an ordinance
would be appropriate since there are other boards existing
right now under the charter that are so complemented by
staggered terms. I want to compliment the members for their
service. Possibly after January, an entirely new board could
be appointed ~md if this is the case and new regulations are
completed, there should be somebody on this board that has
had some experience on this board previously. Other boards
have staggered terms and think we should also. Mr. Kos~r
said that it would possibly be in order to insert "amendment
to the present ordinance~'' in this motion and the others agreed.
~Lr. Kos~er then made a motion that it be recommended to the
Boynton Beach City Council that an amendment to the present
ordinance be prepared and enacted, as soon as possible, pro-
viding for staggered terms of office for members of the Plan-
ning and Zoning Board in order to ensure a continuity of
experience, effective, and efficient operation of the duties
and responsmbm~_tmes of said Board. ~.~ Ke~!y seconded the
motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Parcel #1 - That certain easement~ being 12.0 feet in width,
lying between Lots 25 and 26, together with that
certain easement~ being 12.0 feet in width, lying
between Lots 24 and 26, less that part lying
across the North 6.0 feet of said Lot 24, Ail in
Block 41, Rolling Green Ridge First Addition, as
recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 226, Palm Beach
County Records
Applicant - Refield Construction, !nc.
M~. Robert Field stated his name and that he was President of
Refield Construction, Inc. and ascertained that the members
had copies of his plan. He stated that they also had an
application for two triplex structures to be erected at the
SEPTFP~ER 12, t 925
end of this block. I plan to dedicate a new easement and
this will allow me the use of this entire block. The area
shown in red is the easement we would like to have abandoned.
The area shown in yellow is the new ease~en~m ~ we intend to
dedicate to the city. ! have already contacted the engineer-
ing department, Southern Bell Telephone Company and Florida
Power & Light Company, s_nd none have any objections to aban-
doning the easement if at the same time, we dedicate the new
easement. Col. Wehreli stated that he looked into this quite
thoroughly and could see the desirability of }e'. Field's
point. }~. Kostner asked if the abandoning of the easement
would coordinate simultaneously with the granting of the new
easement and }~. Field replied: yes and that there would not
be any time lapse. Mr. Kostner said that based on this, he
could find no objection. Chairman Vastine then ascertained
that no one was present in objection to this easement. Mm.
Kelly added that he took a look at the property and agreed
that this new plan would be better. Chairman Vastine said
the members had two drawings prepared by O'Brien & Suiter
and questioned whether they had anything to do with this and
Mm. Field replied: Yes, they go toge2her and s~e the two
building sites.
PP. Kelly moved that the Board pass on with approval of the
site plan of the proposed abandonment and new easement and
recommend it to the City Council. Col. Wehre!l seconded the
motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Refield Construction
~660 N.W. 5th Street
1690 N.W. 5th Street
(Triplex at Each Address)
..~. Barrett showed the Board the plans and said the proce-
dure had been changed where the plans now come to this Board
first before the C.A.B. The T.R.B. has approved these pl~ns.
Col. Wehreli questioned whether cars could park in the spaces
shown and Mr. Barrett assured him there was sufficient room
and T.R.B. had approved. Mr. Field informed the Board that
this particular portion of the plan corresponds with some
duplex buildings that I currently own immediately to the east
and this woUld give me the same appearance with the same park-
ing arrangements. It corresponds with six other .... oullmmngs
right down the line. }~. Barrett added that the density is
Col. Wehreli made a motion that this Refield Construction plan
be approved as shown on the plan and it was seconded by Mm.
Kostner. Motion carried 5-0.
SEt'OTE~fi~ER t 2, 1 973
Seacrest Gardens (Townhouses)
Seacrest & N.E. 7th Avenue
Mr. Barrett presented the members with the application and
plan. Col. Wehrelt questioned how many ftoors and M~. Bar-
rett replied there would be three units to a building, two
stories high. Mr. Kostner questioned the density and ~.
Barrett said it was 9.6, which ~ exactly what the ordinance
allows. M~s. Huckle questioned the total number of units
and M~. Barrett replied there would be ~5 buildings and they
have Yw ~ they need
and lah~Yw ~c They have everything
People very ciSsety. Chairman
Vastine asked if they were to be rentals and ~. Barrett
replied: no, condominiums.
~. Kelly made a motion to approve the plan and it was seconded
by Mrs. Huckie. Motion carried 5-0.
C. Refie!d (Stores and Warehouses)
410 E. Ocean Ave.
M~. Barrett advised the Board that they wanted to withdraw
this~ as they have some prOblems with parking and will have
to go to the Board of Adjustment first.
Boynton Lodge (Added living area to owner's quarters)
N. Federal Highway & N.E. 2nd Ave.
Mr. Barrett presented the Board with plans end. advised that
they have a driveway under a carport and want to close off
the driveway and make a amtmonal living quarters.
M~. Kostner moved that the application of Boynton Lodge for
adding living area to the owner's quarters be approved. The
motion was seconded by ~. Kelly. Motion carried 5-0.
E. Bud's Chicken (Parking & Front Elevation)
507 N. Federal Highway
Mr. Barrett presented the Board with plans and advised that
they want to take the adjoining store and e~pand there. They
did not have sufficient parking and we made them provide park-
ing across the alley. They now have the required number of
parking spaces. They want to update the appearance of the
front of the store.
M~s. Huckie moved that the Planning & Zoning Board accept
this site plan for Bud's Take-Out. Col. ~ehreli seconded
the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
S~P~MBER 12, 1973
Dr. Skocik (New addition & res~rangement of parking)
301 N.W. 2nd Ave.
~. Barrett presented the Board with plans and advised they
had already been submitted to the C.A.B. and will be resub-
mitted as there was a problem with parking. He will pave
this alley. He had auprob!em with shielding the garbage and
trash containers, etc. Chairman Vastine questioned the di-
rection of the traffic pattern and i~. Barrett replied that
it would go both ways, but it is a dead-end alley. Col.
Wehrell questioned whether the building department insisted
on paving-~and M~. Barrett replied: yes. P~. Kostner ques-
tioned whether it was on record that the alley would be
paved and Mr. Barrett replied: yes.
PL~. Kelly moved that Dr. Skocik's plans be approved and it
was seconded by i~. Kos~ner. ~ovmonM ' ' carried 5-0'.
G. Giovani Artist Studio (Stuo. mo)
916 S.E. 1st Street
~. Barrett requested that this be taken out as ~. Giovani
was not ready.
Sun Wah Restaurant (Addition)
30t0 S. Federal Highway
Mro Norman Strnad, Vice Chairman of the Community .Appearance
Board asked the Board in what order the ~pplicant would pre-
sent his case before the Boards, before the Planning & Zoning
Board o~ Board of Adjustment first? Mr. Barrett informed
him that it had gone through the Board of Adjustment.
Barrett presented the Board with plans and stated they planned
new additions and are remodelling the entire kitchen area and
addin~ a new roof. Chairman Vastine questioned the setback
requirement and Mr. Barrett informed him they had gotten a
variance on the setback, because the highway took it off.
Col. Wehreil referred to the minutes of August 16 and asked
if th~s was something different. ~. Barrett reolied that
they had revised it. They just decided they wanted to change
it after the original presentation. The members discussed
the procedure to follow, since this was a revision of a plan
already approved. ~. Strnad pointed out that the Sun Wah
Restaurant was not only to be altered in the interior, but
also the exterior. Mr. Barrett said the original outside
plans remain the same, but they have made changes in the
interior. There are no changes in the exterior dimensions,
but additional changes in the interior.
Mr. Eelty stated that in accordance with Roberts Ruies~ he
moved that the approval of the Sun Wah Restaurant plans
granted on August 16 be rescinded and it was ~econdems ~ by
Col Wehre_l Motion carried 5-0.
SEPT~.~.ER 12, 19?3
M~. Kelley made a motion that this Board pass the recom-
mendation to the City Council that the new revised plans
o£ Sun W'ah Restaurant with the new changes which we have
reviewed be approved. Mrs. Huckle. seconded the motion.
Motion carried 5-0. ~ -
Chairm~u Vastine announced that he appreciated the atten-
dance o£ ~s. Frances Fry, Cnamr~:an,~ ' ~ and ~. Norman Strnad,
Vice Chairman, o£ the Community Appearance Board.
I~. Kelly made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by
Col. Wehrell. Motion carried 5-0 Meeting adjourned 8:30