Minutes 07-27-73Planning and Zoning orkshop meeting was held in the Conference
Room at the City Hall City of Boynton Beach, Fla. July27, 1973
at _ 7:30 i~.'{. Continuation of Public hearing Hugh F. Quinn.
Mr. R. Vastine Chairman
Mr. Fred Kgstner Vice Chairman
Col. A.J. Wehrell
Mrs. G. Huckle ....
Mr. L. Blacketer
-Mr. J. ell¥
J.W. Barrett
Building Official
Continued Public hearing: Mr, Quinn appeared before the Board
for the purpose of road abandonment and location of City,wellS and
required easements, Discussion ensued with no firm, commitment being.
made, ~4otion made to table action-until well sites mud 'easements
are established by lVlr, Quinn and City rmgineer,