7:30 P.M.
Fred J. Kostner
L. R. Blacketer
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Col. Albert J. Wehrell
Joseph Kelly
Jack Barrett
Building Official
Richard B. Vastine
Otis Walker
Chairman Kostner called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
He announced that the meeting tonight was a regular meeting,
plus a notice of hearing. He introduced the members of the
Board and announced that he was presiding, as the Chairman,
Richard B. Vastine, was out of town. He stated the Board
would take up the matter of the public hearing first and then
proceed to the regular meeting.
~. Hugh F. Quinn appeared before the Board and stated his
name and that he represented the firm of Tietig, Van Koughnet
& Quinn and owns the property at S.E. 21st Avenue and Sea-
crest Boulevard. He also stated that he owns all the shares
of stock of Seaworth Shire, Inc., which owns the remaining
property. He informed the Board that Seaway Terrace Subdiv-
ision is vacant land and has remained that way since record-
ing approximately 20 years ago. There are five existing homes
in the plat, but they will not be affected. The easements
are ones that run north and south in back along Seacrest
Boulevard and backing on them are additional lots, also all
utility easements that are upon those lots that are blocked
off by streets in the northeast corner of the subdivision.
Actually, the southeast corner of the subdivision will not
be affected. Ail three streets which exist in the plat, two
running north and south and one running east and west are pro-
posed to be abandoned. Southeast 21st Avenue would not be
Chairman Kostner asked Mr. Quinn if he was referring to the
following notice advertised July 5 and July 12 in the Boyn-
ton Beach News Journal:
Notice is hereby given that the Planning& Zoning~
Board of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida shall
meet at 7:30 P.M., Thursday, July 19, 1973 at the
City Hall, Boynton Beach, to consider
Abandonment of a portion of the plat, includ-
ing rights of way and easements of a parcel
more particularly described as:
JULY 19, 1973
All in Seaway Terrace
Recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 127
Palm Beach County Records
Located West of Florida East Coast Railroad,
North of S.E. 21st Avenue, and
East of Seacrest Boulevard
S.E. 1st Street (Brad Road) lying East of
Lots 10 thru 18 incl. and West of Lots
19, 29, 30, and 37 thru 39 incl.
S.E. 20th Court (Mayberry St.) lying
North of Lots 25 thru 29 incl. and
South of Lots 30 thru 33 incl.
S.E. 2nd Street ( Hawthorne Rd.) lying
East of Lots 33 thru 36 incl. and
West of Florida East Coast Railroad
And all existing easements for utilities upon
or abutting Lots 1 thru 18 incl., and upon or
abutting Lots 30 thru 39 incl.
Applicant - Hugh F. Quinn, of the firm of Tietig,
Van Koughnet & Quinn, individually and
representing Seaworth Shire, Inc.
Mr. Quinn replied: Yes, that is correct. Chairman Kostner
said since nobody seemed to be present to object and it was
evident that Mr. Quinn was in favor of this project, he re-
quested that the members question Mr. Quinn regarding this
~. Blacketer questioned wells in the area. Mr, Barrett
said that prior to Mr. Quinn's application for abandonment
of this plat, the city had talked about additional wells
for water supply. He was sure Mr. Quinn had talked with
Mr. Clark about locations of these wells. Mr. Quinn said
there were three proposed well sites which he pointed out
to the members on the map. He noted two well sites in
the back corners of the property, which he had no objection
to; however, the third well was located right in the middle
of the entrance to the property. He added that a better
location along Seacrest Boulevard could possibly be found.
The well situation was discussed thoroughly between the
members and ~. Quinn.
Mr. Kelly then referred to a letter from Florida Power &
Light Company stating their objection to the abandonment
of all rights of way and easements in this subdivision.
Col. Wehrell questioned the guarantee of an~ecess road to
JULY 19, ]973
the property in the rear owned by someone else. Mr. Quinn
replied that there is a road which runs east and west along
the north end of the property from Seacrest Boulevard back.
Col. Wehrel! stressed that this man must be assured of ac-
cess. Mr. Quinn replied that there would be no problem and
that he would assure by his company access to this property,
except if a well is put in there. Chairman Kostner then
asked if a site plan was available and Mr. Barrett replied
that he would get it from his office. ~. Blacketer referred
to access to the rear property pointing out that it was
zoned C-1 and if trucks used the road, would he still agree?
Mr. Quinn replied that he checked with Mr. Clark and was ad-
vised that only small trucks would be using the road. ~.
Barrett returned and presented the members with the site
plan. ~. Quinn was able to point out the well locations
more accurately on this plan. The well locations were fur-
ther discussed and Mr. Quinn again pointed out the undesir-
able location for the third well. Col. Wehrell questioned
the necessity of three wells and Mr. Quinn replied that
that is what the city requested and that he had no objec-
tions to the ones in the back~ just the front one. Mr.
Kelly asked what these well locations would look like. Mr.
Barrett replied that they are basically a large pump which
must be housed and fenced. The well situation was further
discussed and it was pointed out that this front well had
to be a sufficient distance from the other two. Mr. Quinn
thought possibly it could be moved north of Lot 1, which
would be on the adjoining property. Further discussion
followed, after which Mr. Quinn summed up that access to
the lot north of the property had been covered, the two
well locations on the east side of the property had been
covered, and that the members seemed to be in agreement
with him that the third well was not an ideal location and
he was willing to get together with the city engineer to
discuss this.
The next objection was from Florida Power and Light Company,
which Mr. Quinn was not aware of until this meeting. Mr.
Quinn said he would appreciate if the Board would give him
approval based that within one week he would get this re-
solved with Florida Power & Light Company. ~. Quinn said
Florida Power & Light Company is referring to the easement
which abutts running in an easterly/westerly direction and
backs on lots 19 thru 24 and also lots 25 to 29 and that
this easement is not affected is correct. These lots are
serviced by that easement and it will remain. Mm. Quinn
added that his time was crucial and that he must commence
construction within the very near future. Col. Wehrell
added that possibly ~. Barrett could speak to Mr. Flushing
about having this well relocation resolved.
JULY 19, ~I973
Chairman Kostner said if we proposed questions to be ans-
wered and innumerated these and subject to these questions
being answered satisfactorily, that this Board would give
tentative approval. Mr. Barrett pointed out that these
conditions should be met before going to Council for final
approval. Mr. Quinn stated that he would like to have final
approval subject to these questions being answered instead
of tentative approval. Chairman Kostner replied that he
would want to see these questions satisfactorily answered
by the various departments involved before giving final
approval.M~. Quinn asked if it would be possible for him
to answer these questions in writing to the Board and when
these answers were favorably resolved that he could continue
onto the City Council for the August 7 meeting, instead of
waiting until the September meeting so he could proceed as
time is important. The members discussed this possibility.
Mr. Kelly made a motion that Mr. Quinn be given the oppor-
tunity within the next week to correct the following ques-
1. The matter of the location of the third
well somewhere immediately east of Sea-
crest Boulevard or anywhere the City
Engineer decides.
2. That he present a letter from Florida Power
& Light Company expressing no objection
to the removal of the easements.
These questions being settled, he is to come before the
Planning & Zoning Board the latter part of next week at a
special meeting incorporated into the workshop meeting and
recommend that the public hearing be kept open and this
matter before the Board be tabled until the workshop meet-
ing within a week. Col. Wehrell seconded the motion. All
voted in favor and it was carried 5-0.
Mr. Quinn acknowledged, ascertaining that the questions are
Florida Power & Light, the well and access to the road in
the back? Chairman Kostner replied: Yes.
Chairman Kostner announced that the Board would proceed with
r~gular business at 8:35 P.M.
John Neible - Warehouse
Lot 29, 520 West Industrial Avenue
Industrial Park, Zone 1
Mr. Barrett presented the members with the plans. Chairman
Kostner asked if it conformed with all requirements and Ms.
Barrett replied that all boards had approved.
JULY 19, 1973
Mr. Blacketer made a motion to approve the John Neible
Warehouse plans and it was seconded by Col. Wehrell. All
voted in favor and the motion was carried 5-0.
Jim Edward - Warehouse
Lot 19, 601 Industrial Avenue
Industrial Park
Mr. Barrett showed the Board the plans and pointed out that
just a top section was being added. Chairman Kostner asked
if all requirements had been met and Mr. Barrett replied:
Col. Wehrel! made a motion to approve the plans and it was
seconded by ~. Kelly. All voted in favor and the motion
was carried 5-0.
~disnPatrick Nursery School
100 N.W. 19th Avenue
Mr. Barrett showed the Board the plans. Col. Wehreli asked
if the C.A.B. had approved and ~. Barrett replied: Yes,
planting is minimized to sodded area for playground. Mrs.
Huckle questioned the zoning and M~. Barrett replied that it
'was C-1.
Mr. Kelly made a motion for approval of these plans and it
was seconded by Mr. Blacketer. All voted in favor and the
motion was carried 5-0.
The minutes of June 21, 1973 were read. Col. Wehrell brought
the members' attention to the second paragraph where it stated
he had abstained from voting, but he was sure he was there.
Col. Wehrell made a motion that the minutes be passed as cor-
rected and it was seconded by ~. Kelly. All voted in favor
and it was carried 5-0.
Mr. Blacketer made a motion to approve the minutes of the
workshop meeting of July 9. Col. Wehrell asked that an
amendment be made to the motion to include the minutes of
the work~hop meetings of July 10, July 12, and July 17 as
presented. Mr. Kelly seconded the motion as amended. All
voted in favor and it was carried 5-0.
Mm. Kelly made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by
Col. Wehrell. Meeting adjourned 9:00 P.M.