Minutes 06-21-73MINUTES OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, JUNE 21~ ~g73 AT 7:GO P.M. PRESEN~ Richard B. Vastine L. R. Blacketer Fred J. Kostner Oris Walker Col. Albert J. We~hrell Joe Kelley ABSENT Mrs. Marilyn Huckle Mr. Vastime called the meeting to order at 7:33 P.M. ~nutes The minutes of May 17 were read. Mr. Blacketer made a motion to approve the minutes and it was seconded by Col. Wehrell. All voted in ~avor. The minutes of May 29 were read. Mr. Vastine asked the Board to refer to Page § where Mrs. Huckle referred to the zoning map as stating R1AA. It was suggested to amend this paragraph to s~y the zoning map shews this parcel on Page 5 of the minutes of May l? as RtAA. Col. Wehrell made a motion to accept the minutes with the above amendment and it was seconded by Mr. Walker. The motion was carried 5-1; '~ol. Wehrell abstaimed as he was not present at the meeting. The minutes of June 1 were read. Col. Wehrell made a motion to approve the minutes as written and it was seconded by ~. Kostner. All voted in favor. The minutes of June 11 covering a word. hop meeting were read. Col. WehreI1 made a motion to approve subject to heading that it was a Workshop Meeting of the Planaing and Zoning Board. ~. Kostner seconded the motion. The motion was carried 5-1; Mr. Walker stated he was net present at the meeting~ Communications Mr. Vastine read a letter of resignation from Robert Olds dated June l~, ~97G. ~. Vastine stated that the Board was very grateful ~and very appreciative for the service that Chairman Olds has given to the Plannimg and Zoning Board and to the City of Boynton Beach. MINUTE~ PLANNING & ZONING BOAteD ~ETING PAGE TWO JU~E 21, 1 g?8 Agenda Annexation - Carl J. Grummans. Mr. Vastine stated it Wa~l not witht~ the power ~and province of this Board to grant annexa- tion. Mr. Kostner made a motion that this request for annexation~ by referred to the City Council without recommendations. Mr. Blacketer seconded the motion. Discussion: ~. Kostner said it must be stated that all reserve areas may be annexed. Mr. Vastine said it was stated in our charter that application must be made to the City Ooumcil. All voted in favor. Mr. amd Mrs. Carl ~. Grummams then brought the Board,s attention to their presence. Mr~ Vastine suggested to them to come to City Hall and refer to the City Charter on Page 17 for the Procedure of A~uexation. ~. Xostner made a motion to remove the request of Ridge Grove Estates from tabling and it was seconded by ¥~. Walker. All voted in favor. Mr. Owens stated his name and address as 1~2 North l~th, Lantana and that he was the Vice President of Reed Construction. He informed the Board that this property was purchased about 18 months age and it was zoned R-2. They put in water and sewers right away, but had difficulty getting the road finished. ~Aring~ this time, the city changed the R-2 zoning, so now instead of apartments, they want to build duplexes. Their drawing w~s re- done te meet the latest requirements for duplex buildings. ~. Kostner said he visited the area ~ud found the road newly paved ~ud had no objection. Mr. Blaoketer asked if the road was built to city specifications~ ~o Owens replied: Yes, but that he was not completely satisfied with the contractor,s work. He told the Board he had a letter from the engineer and they have received approval on the road that it passes minimum standards. H~ showed the Board the letter addressed to Harold Hopkins signed by Joseph T. LaTursia, Consulting E~gineer, stating that his office had done periodic ~uspections of the road and that it meets with specifications. He told the Board that all engineering was ac- cepted by the City before they started° Mr. R~bi~ added that the State Department must inspect the road. F~. Vastine asked Mr. Rubin if his department had gone over the plans carefully aud he assured the Board that they had. Col. Wehrell made a motion to grant final approval of Ridge Grove Estates. ~. Walker seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Mro Vastine asked ~Lr. Rubin if it would be possible for this Board to have evidence before them that other public works de- partments had given approval amd supply the Board with full documentation. N~. Walker added that the Board should be given better directions on finding locations on the agenda. Col. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD' MEETING PAGE THREE JU~E 21, t 97G Wehrell stated that the procedure should possib!~, be changed as this Board is Just practically a rubber stamping board on vari- ous parcels that have already passed several other boards. Kostner reminded the Board that recently I~m. Barrett did say he expected to eliminate this procedure for the Board. There is very little the Board can do about it, but Mr. Barrett has talked to the CoUncil and it is in the ordinance for us to prove. Agenda ..... (Cont.) 1 - Villager Shopping Plaza 16OS Boynton Road 2 - Pica 420 N.E. 3rd Street Doughty 115 S.E. 15th Avenue 4 - Lil General 214 East Ocean Avenue 5 - Skocik 301N.W. 2nd Avenue Ciaravino 1114 N. Federal N2ighway ? - Advance 520 N.E. 5th Avenue Z~. Walker made a motion for a blanket recommendation to grant approval on all seven parcels, since they have gone through other departments. The following discussion took place. M~. Kostner stated the Board should~k at the proposed plans; on a blanket motion, we have not seen the pla~s. He further stated the Board should know what is going on and possibly may catch something that had been overlooked. A further discussion followed wit~ Mr. Rubin regarding the processing of the plans. Mr. Kostr~er made a motion to amend the motion that the Board review these plans at this time. Col. Wehrell seconded it and all voted in favor. I - Villager Shopping Plaza° Mr. Rubin presented~the Board with pla~s. Col. Wehrell questioned the amount of stores and Ym. Rubin informed him that 22 were planned. Mr. Kostner asked where it was designated that the other boards had approved the plans. Mr. Rubin informed him that the original with the ap- proval stamp was in the file. Se~eral members of the Board agreed that they must see the originals with the approval marked on it. M~JTES PLANNI~G & ZONING BOARD MEETING PAGE FOUR JUNE 21, lg73 Mr. ~bin suggested discussimg the following parcel, since he did have the approved plans with him. 8 - Ciaravino (Take-0ut Pizza Restaurant). ~. Rubin pre~ sented the Board with the plans. It was discusm6d that the plaus only had the CeA. B° rubber stamp~pproval on them. Col. WehrelI stated that plams are coming to the Board without any definite indication of approval by various boards. ~. Rubin asked if the zoming cou!dntt be approved first. ~. Vastine said we should support Boards that work with us amd only approve things after they have all approved, Mr. Kelley added that if we are the final board to consider all aspects of these plans, we should have indications of the other boards approva!se ~o Vastir~ stated that proced~rial action should give this Board final approval after all final approval has been approved by T.R.B., C.A.B. and all other technical agencies and we should have a signed copy from the chairman of each committee. Mr. ~bi~ said he wo~Id meet with the C.A.B. and T. RoB. Boards to get a procedure for all three boards~ Mr. Kelley stated again whem~ parcels come before this Board, they must show that other boards have approved. Mr. Kostner made a motion that in view of the discussions on this matter amd in view of the suggestion made by the chairman im regards to signatures on these plans, I move to table Items 1 thru ? and have them put on our agenda for Jul~-~9~ Mr. Kelley seconded the motion. Mr. Vastine asked how this would affect these applications. Mr. Rubin replied that he would have seven irrate customers the next morning and that he would like to put these through for tomorrow. Mr. Rubin went to his office to get the approved signed plans and the Board further discussed the approval Procedure. N~. Kostner withdrew his motion and Kelley withdrew his second. It was decided to proceed with other business until Mr. Rubin returned. Mm. Vastine informed the Board that Mr. Barrett had suggested at the workshop session that we have regular meetings on the second amd fourth Thursday, so his department is not tied down for a whole month, i called Mrs. Padgett and they don't fee! the timing would be right to coinoide with the Council meetings and that it should be further discussed with this Board, Mrs. Padgett and Fm. Barrett. I must confirm with them further be- fore determination is made. We will delay this until another meeting for final action. Our next workshop meeting will be on July 9 at 8:GO A.M. MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING BOARD ~ETING PAGE FIVE JUNE 21, 3g'73 Mr. Vastine asked the Board what position they wished to take on the positions of Chairman and Vice Chairman, since our Chairm~ has resigned with much regret. Col. Wehrell asked if the Vice Chairman automatically became Chairman and Mr. Vastine replied: No, you must vote for a Chairman. ~. Kostner nominated Richard Vastine for ~airman amd it was seconded by ~olo Wehrello Mr. Kelley moved that the nominations be closed. Mr. Kostner quested that the Board cast a ~ami~ous vote. All voted in favor. Mr. Vastine tha~ked the Board for the honor and stated he hoped he could serve to the best of his abilities. Mr. Blacketer nominated ~s. Huckle for Vice Chairman. Mr. Vastine informed him that the nomimee must be asked beforehand or present to accept. ¥~, Blacketer agreed and withdrew his nomina- tion. Mr. Walker nominated Fred Kostner for Vice Chairman and it was seconded by Col. Wehrello Mr. Kelley moved that the nomina- tions be closed. Mr. Vast~ue recommended that the Board unami- nous!y vote for Fred Kostner. All voted in favor. Mr~ Vastime informed the Board that he may not be present at the next regular meeting on July ~go He is leaving June 2~ and possi- bly may be back that week, but may not dependimg on family cir- cumstances. He further informed the Board that he would not be here for the July 9 meeting. Mr. Vastine suggested to the Board that they should get ready for the possibility they would be faced with action and should plmm~ ~head and get ready for the annexation of reserve areas in Boynton Beach. This must come to us before the Council. N~. Kelley in~ formed the Board that on ~esday night, the Council had asked the city attorney to draw up an ordinance to cover it, Mr~ Vastine a~ked N~o Kelley if he would accept an appointment to work with the city engineer a~d any other agency necessary to get a map of the whole reserve area and ma~kout the areas that have been developed. ~. Kelley replied that he would be happy to. Mr. Vastl~ezpointed out that some areas have been given zoning by the county, but are in our reserve areas. Mr. Kelley showed him how he had outlined on a Chamber of Commerce map the reserve Mr. ~bin then presented the Board with the following approved s~amped plans: ~ - Villager Shopping Plaza. N~. Blacketer asked how many stores there were to be amd Mr. Rubin replied that they planned 22, Mro B!acketer asked how deep and ¥~o Rubin said §0 ft. Vastine asked if the plans had gone through other bo~ds before the C.A.B. and Mr. Rubin replied: Yes, but they have no stamps. MI~VJTES PLANNING & ZONiNG BOARD ~L~ETING PAGE SIX JUNE 21, lg73 Mr. Kostner made a motion in view of the complexities of the structrual organization, I recommend tentative approval subject to each of these seven plans having the signatures of approval of the T.R.B. or previous beards designated. Mr. Kelley seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Mr~ Vastine stated that when the Agenda is prepared for the items that we discuss coming from the Building Department, that a de- scription of the item be included with the name and address. I would like special meetin~seliminated. We should follow a certain pattern of procedure. I will have a regular agenda sheet for each member at future meetings. We should act like the City Council; if it is not on the agenda, it should not be discussed. We should have time to look at the sites. Fm. Vastine welcomed Mr. Kelley and added that he was sure he would m~ke a fine contribution. Mr~ Vastine announced the next regular meeting will be scheduled for July t9, unless we clarify the date before then for two meet- ings a month. Mr. Kostner made a motion to adjourn the meetLng and it was second- ed by Col. Wehrel!. Meeting adjourned ~:10 P.M.