Minutes 07-08-21 Minutes of the July 8, 2021 Art Advisory Board Meeting
Held on July 8, 2021, at 6:30 P.M.
In the City Commission Chambers, City Hall
100 E. Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida
Courtlandt McQuire, Chair Glenn Weiss, Public Art Manager
Marcia Levine, Vice Chair
Clovis Moodie
Kellie Drum
Ace Tilton Ratcliff
Martin Klauber
Saddam Silverio
Ellen Jones, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Courtlandt McQuire, Board Chair, called the meeting to order to 6:32 p.m.
a. Roll Call
Self-introductions were made. A quorum was present.
b. Introduction of Kelli Drum
New Board Member Kelli Drum, explained she was from North Carolina and moved to
Gainesville in 2012 and then to Boynton Beach. She manages an Kevin McPherrin
International Gallery in Boca Raton, representing 25 international artists,and she
handles business development, marketing, curating shows and things like that. She
went to school for studio art and graphic design. She is passionate about art and was
very interested in the art at the city level. The gallery has all hand painted work and no
sculptures. All of the artists are international except for two, and they feature hyper
realism, abstract and a little bit of everything. Chair McQuire welcomed her to the
c. Appointment of alternate(s) for absent member(s)
d. Agenda Approval or Amendments
Meeting Minutes
Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 8, 2021
Vice Chair Levine moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Moodie seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
II. Approval of Minutes and Conversations May 13, 2021 Minutes
Motion: The May 13, 2021 meeting minutes are approved as written or
amended. (Ex. A).
Email communication between meetings
Vice Chair Levine moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Drum seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Weiss spoke about email communication between meetings and wanted to clarify
the Sunshine Laws regarding communication between the Board members. The
members are encouraged to talk about art and learn and encourage each other about
art, but no communication should take place between board members that suggest any
type of action by the Board itself, except during the legally advertised meetings.
Sometimes errors take place and he wanted to read into the record that on Monday
June 1st, there was some email communication between Board Members, that started
with Chair McQuire responding to an email from Vice Chair Levine about a video
production stating "love this, we should produce something similar for Boynton Public
Art, Glenn do we have funds for this? I think it could be achievable for under$2K."
III. Informational Items from the Board
Vice Chair Levine commented now that many COVID restrictions were lifted, she has
been getting out to art walks and to FATVillage which had been closed down. She went
to Wynwood and one the local muralists, Glayson LeRoy is now conducting golf cart
tours of a lot of murals he and his group were instrumental in creating. A lot of galleries
are opening up in Lemon City, Little Haiti, Upper Buenavista and Overton and she has
been taking some of her friends. She noted the Delray Art Walk has resumed. The
Cornell Museum has had some exhibits and the Space of Mind School asked her to
curate their art. She was unsure how often she would do it, or if it was paid, but she
advised things look like they are getting back to normal this month.
Ms. Moodie explained in June, she took two more groups to tour the artwork at City Hall
and on the Avenue. Vice Chair Levine asked if Ms. Moodie had any tours plans, as she
would like to attend. Ms. Moodie explained the attendees are friends of hers, friends of
friends and different groups she belongs too.
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 8, 2021
Chair McQuire attended the last City Commission meeting and Mr. Weiss spoke about
the proposed workshop the Art Advisory Board (AAB) would like to have. Mr. Weiss
advised they would speak about it later on the agenda. He did note a lot of the artwork
on the Avenue was removed for the hurricane and he will advise when it is reinstalled.
Chair McQuire commented the sound at Synersthesia can be changed and he thought
they should consider a way to change it, maybe have a contest from students for an art
project from the community. Vice Chair Levine recalled it was programmable. Mr.
Weiss explained the gentleman who did the engineering, disappeared and did not leave
any information about the software and mechanical parts, but recently reappeared. He
does not know what is going to happen, but he is now in communication with Mr. Weiss
and Mr. Weiss anticipated having to pay him for the information and for him to give the
information to someone who could reprogram the piece. He hoped this would take place
in a few weeks.
Vice Chair Levine recalled the piece by Ralfonso was going to be lit. Mr. Weiss advised
the people who installed the lights said the pieces were being damaged by electrical
storms and they are not responsible for replacing and reinstalling new lamps. Anderson
Slocombe, Town Square Project Manager, was still trying to negotiate a solution, but
Mr. Weiss did not know if they would reach a solution. He spoke with Ralfonso who
said the lamps are the same lamps as they use in Orlando and there is just as much
lightening in Orlando as in the City. Mr. Weiss noted the way the contract for that piece
was broken up was problematic in terms of the type of work and who was doing it. One
company supplied the lamps, a second installed the sculpture, and a third person did
the electrical. They are all blaming one another.
Ms. Moody suggested reviewing contracts in the future for more accountability. Mr.
Weiss agreed, but did not know if it was a common place occurrence with the Town
Square. Vice Chair Levine noted the Janice sculpture has an electrical outlet visible.
Mr. Weiss explained it is an alternate electrical outlet they can use if needed.
IV. Announcements/Reports
A. Boynton Beach Arts & Cultural Center Exhibitions
a. Celebrating Public Artists: June 16 —August 25, 2021
Mr. Weiss announced Nicole Blanks, Public Art Coordinator, left the City a few weeks
ago. She got a great job designing furnishings and fabrics for the home. All that she
was working on was slowed down including the above. They contacted all the artists
who have public art in Boynton Beach. The City would like to show new work, such as
paintings and sculptures in the gallery of the Cultural Center. If they provide that, the
City will create a poster about the artists and their work in the show. There will be two
large posters with images of all the art scattered within the City. It was an opportunity to
reconnect with all those artists and for Mr. Weiss to form a relationship with artists
familiar with the previous Public Art Manager. Chair McQuire liked the idea, noting
there are 88 public pieces and around 20 murals. Several artists have more than one
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 8, 2021
piece of art in the City. It was a great amount of work and Mr. Weiss was not unsure
they can get it done by June 16. He thought it may be delayed a week.
Mr. Weiss elaborated the posters are 16 by 20 printed on a glossy material and framed
with two or three pictures of artwork in the City created by the artist and information on
the artists. It will only be on the first floor of the Cultural Center because they do not
have lighting on the second floor. It was not as many artists he would have liked, but
some artists are not from Boynton Beach. There was brief discussion on Ms. Blanks'
position which has not been posted. It is a 20 hour a week position without benefits.
Vice Chair Levine offered the Board's help. Mr. Weiss thought it was okay if members
advertise the position on social media after Human Resources releases the job
b. MLK Student Showcase: August 27 — Sept 13, 2021
Mr. Weiss explained the MLK Committee is collecting artwork about the legacy of Dr.
King and have about 40 pieces of student art. The deadline was June 30th. They were
going to try to display it at Sara Sims Park, but the amphitheater will be under
construction, so it will be at City Hall. They will remove the public art show and display
the 40 works for about 10 days in the Cultural Art Center. Chair McQuire asked if a
large turnout was expected. Mr. Weiss explained it is the first time the MLK Committee
has held something like this. It would normally have been done earlier in the year, but
there was COVID to contend with, and this is new. Chair McQuire noted the Nicole
Galluccio and another show was nice at the entrance of the theater, but the hallway
cannot accommodate 50 people. He thought if they had the show inside the theater and
150 people showed up, it may be better aesthetics than just the hallway as it may be
tight. There were already 40 pieces equating to 40 families. Chair McQuire noted they
rented walls for the kinetic art show and they have light roller walls, and it would be
ideal to have those to set up to create a more formal gallery setting. He thought it was
food for thought for the future. Mr. Weiss thought they may be able to use the dance
studio that day, since it would not be used that day and the exhibit was a one-day
event. Mr. Weiss agreed to think about ways to accommodate the crowd. The event is
Saturday the 28th, but the exhibit will run from mid-August to the end of September.
Ms. Moodie explained the event is being planned by the Committee who meets
regularly, but there are many art organizations involved in planning the event. She
thought there would be more people than prior exhibits and she anticipated a larger
crowd. It will be very different and give additional exposure to art here in the City.
Chair McQuire asked if this the event has been shared on the City's and Art in Public
Places social channels. Mr. Weiss responded he has not shared it, but pointed out
Events and Marketing are the main coordinators with the MLK Committee. It is on the
regular City Calendar of Events and generally, Marketing starts advertising an event
about two weeks out.
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 8, 2021
B. Call for Exhibitions
Mr. Weiss advised they issued the Call for Exhibitions and created a short list. Ms.
Jones, Mr. Weiss, and Sophie, the curator at Art Serve in Ft. Lauderdale, along with
one other curator from Jacksonville, the later which did not materialize, short listed the
submissions down to 10 and will meet to develop a list of exhibits for the next six to
eight months depending on how comfortable they are with the artists. Chair McQuire
submitted the names of three artists and queried if they made the short list. Mr. Weiss
declined to comment until a final decision was made.
This exhibit, depending on the quality of the work, will start mid-September and run
through to next summer. There may be two strong artists that have the strength to do a
solo show. There are others that would show better with a second person show and
there were five group show submittals. This would address future exhibitions in the
Cultural Civic Center, via multiple artists and solo shows. There was a process. He
noted 40 people applied to exhibit. There will be a final cut and the work be displayed
in the hallway. There will be a total of six exhibits. A question was posed if a board
member could apply to exhibit. Mr. Weiss stated Board members are excluded from
selling or exhibiting their work at City events. Chair McQuire noted Board members can
exhibit sculptural items in their yards, but there has to be a 15 or 20-foot easement. Mr.
Weiss will research the matter. A calendar will be created reflecting all the events.
C. Grants
SouthArts Cross Sector Impact
Mr. Weiss explained they did not get the grant, but there are National Endowment for
the Arts (NEA)funds included as part of the American Rescue Plan.
NEA: ARP ($50,000) and Our Town ($25,000)
Mr. Weiss informed the members he spoke to the NEA and believes as long as he could
get the work in, they could receive $50K of that money to be used for whatever project
they want. Most grants are for a specific program, but not this one. They will distribute
money to art organizations around the nation as long as they meet their qualifications.
Fifty-thousand dollars was the minimum grant, so they will apply for it.
Another possibility is the Our Town Grant, which is oriented towards civic engagement
in the City. They really want the grant to help lead new directions in art amongst the
citizens, agencies, city and non-profits. Mr. Weiss thought the grant could be used for
the same thing they applied for with the SouthArts grant working with the Zeta Sorority.
With the Our Town Grant, they can work with the Zeta Sorority and other organizations,
to work primarily with the African-American community to go into the community to find
out what kind of art should arise to express people's feelings and thinking, with a
special emphasis on the history that may not have been expressed in the community.
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 8, 2021
The $25,000 Our Town Grant is a matching grant; however, Mr. Weiss set aside $15K
for the SouthArts Cross Sector Grant that the City was not awarded. It works out the
same because the Our Town Grant extends over two years. He noted it is competitive.
D. Pride Intersection. First & E Ocean
The members have viewed the intersection and agreed it looks wonderful. Chair
McQuire noted the unfortunate incident with the Pride Intersection in Delray Beach. Mr.
Weiss conveyed in Boynton Beach, the unveiling of the intersection was terrific. All
came out to attend, including the City Commission and there was a party. Mr. Weiss
pointed out St. Petersburg repaints their Pride intersection every year to keep it looking
good. The City will evaluate what to do next year. Public Works paid for the paint and
will maintain.
V. Action Items
Review and approval of completed Daniel Heart Center artworks
Motion: The stone mosaic artworks by Suha Atiyeh Boustany at the Daniel
Heart Center at 2923 S Federal Hwy are approved for compliance with
Art in Public Places program (Ex. A).
Chair McQuire explained the members saw this mosaic two meetings ago depicting
egrets that were very realistic. He thought the building was quite nice, but the way they
did the colors, the building really looks great and the artwork helped. He hoped the
Center would be full with retail. Mr. Weiss recommended the Board approve the work
as the artwork matches what the artists said they would provide, they executed the work
accurately and it was highly visible. He wrote them to install plaques about the artists
on the wall
Ms. Drum moved to approve the above motion. Vice Chair Levine seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Chair McQuire thought it was a wonderful piece. It was noted the artists are a group of
artists from Lebanon who moved to Chicago. Chair McQuire thanked them and
advised, if their email could be provided, he will reach out and thank them.
VI. Discussion
Components of a Mural Program and Ordinance
Chair McQuire introduced the item and explained at the City Commission meeting, Mr.
Weiss went to great lengths to explain how cities and municipalities operate mural
programs. Mr. Weiss reviewed the presentation, which he intended to show the
members at the last AAB meeting, but the Board did not meet due to lack of a quorum.
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 8, 2021
He reminded the members that right now they do not have a focus, but all murals have
to be approved by the AAB. They are reviewing this because Mike Rumpf wanted to
take the mural section out of the Sign Code, which means they have to develop a new
Code for it and because Commissioner Penserga wanted a mural program. Two
actions are needed: the Ordinance, and then to create a program. Mr. Weiss
researched mural program ordinances often excluded single-family homes from having
murals in their community, but Boynton Beach has no rules on single family homes
when it comes to paint, so anyone could paint a mural on their home. The Florida
Legislature stopped municipalities from imposing restrictions on single-family homes,
excluding HOA's. In this instance, the City will not have an Ordinance prohibiting murals
on single-family homes. He met with people in Chapel Hill regarding a mural on the I-
95 sound wall, and Leisureville. It was also noted the City has more ceramic murals
than painted murals in the City. He sought to get recommendations about the program
and the ordinance from the members.
For the benefit of some of the members, Mr. Weiss reviewed the mural program.
Community pride is what the Commission is interested in, including community
engagement, citizen participation, historic tourism, and anti-graffiti (stopping illegal
tagging), although there is graffiti on Federal Highway that is being contested. He
reviewed civic functions and inquired if the Board want to pursue the program, queried
about how to manage them and the program types/funding. He noted the cities with the
most exciting mural programs usually have them operated by non-profit organizations.
Many of them use mural festivals as a way to kick-start those programs, which usually
begins with bringing in 10 artists to create 10 murals. He noted there are zoning issues,
sign ordinance issues that have to do with murals, and commercial messaging issues
because if a mural has a commercial message, it becomes a sign. There are various
processes for approvals and he did not anticipate any changes on the AAB's approval
process based on artistic quality and community standards. He thought the Board
needed to come up with language in the Code for when a mural is not in good condition
and what must happen. He proposed a $20K pilot program, which is in the budget for
next year. The AAB will review and approve all murals and, at the workshop, the Board
could discuss locations and themes. He has spoken with the CRA, and if a property
owner qualifies, the CRA will fund up to 50% of a paint job or mural. He noted the CRA
reduced the total funding of the program to $50K, which could also be used for other
things like air conditioning repairs. The Board can investigate non-profit management of
the program. He asked for input on those issues and there were no objections to those
In terms of an ordinance, Mr. Weiss explained it would be a very simple, codified
ordinance while using the guidelines to determine whether the mural was acceptable for
approval, the criteria for the mural and authorize the City Manager to develop guidelines
and an application. Both Doral and Miami Beach have a $500 mural fee. Mr. Weiss
recommended no fee, so the issue of fees would be silent in the Ordinance. In terms of
zoning, they were going to exclude single-family homes, but opted not to do so. The
murals will be exempt from the Sign Ordinance and be in different sections of the Code.
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 8, 2021
Ms. Moodie asked how do you differentiate between a mural and a sign and learned a
sign is to advertise something. Mr. Weiss would like to see work that is generic.
Perhaps more murals in the beer district, perhaps a mural of hops. It is related to the
beer industry, it is about something they sell in the store, but it does not say beer.
Vice Chair Levine noted the Taco Bell image is considered a mural even though it was
Taco Bell's Public Art. Mr. Weiss explained a mural is one form of public art and it is a
painted form or applied vinyl printed artwork that is attached to a building. If it looks like
a mural, it probably is a mural. Chair McQuire commented a mural could have a
minimum size.
Ms. Moodie thought the members would have to put time into defining what a mural is
and that is the first step of the Ordinance. Mr. Weiss would continue the discussion at
regular meetings and would forward information. One issue with murals is there are
free speech issues, at the same time while restricting hate speech or images, which is
when the definition of Community Standards comes in. They are harder to write, but
they deal with cultural principals.
Mr. Weiss asked the members to draft goals for the program and why they want art in
Boynton. One program he would like, in order to encourage private owners who are in
the CRA District, is for the Art in Public Places program to match the funds so it is a free
mural program to the owner on the side of their building. Chair McQuire asked if the
AAB would designate the buildings or areas best for murals. Mr. Weiss explained if a
member knew the owner of a building they could approach them and ask if they would
like to have a mural on the side of their building, and they could apply to the CRA for
50% funding and the AIPP would provide the other 50% thus creating a mural at no cost
to the owner. The next step is, Mr. Weiss will write an ordinance and a program. Chair
McQuire did not think concentrating murals in one area was good and thought they
should be scattered about. The downtown will be downtown. Ms. Drum understood
both sides of the issue. She agreed with having murals scattered, but when clustered,
there is more of an opportunity for art walks, Paint-Offs, and community events. Chair
McQuire liked a micro-district as a nucleus to attract people and thought they should
see where it goes. Mr. Weiss thought it was a fairly simple ordinance requiring two
readings, but it is a land development regulation. The goal is to launch this in January
VII. New Business
A. Recommended Agenda for Workshop
Chair McQuire noted the Board had discussed having a workshop and they brought up
representing diversity in the community, budgetary things people wanted to know about,
potential future kinetic art and how to improve the kinetic event. This workshop was
brought up at the last City Commission meeting and Chair McQuire thought they were
surprised the AAB wanted to meet to create a better program. Some members were
Meeting Minutes
Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida July 8, 2021
unaware of workshops, some spoke against it and some supported it. Mr. Weiss had
commented at the City Commission meeting, the AAB will create a simple agenda, post
it and limit the workshop to a certain timeframe. Chair McQuire thought kinetic art
should be included as it is the City's signature event and improvements can be made.
The workshop would be two to three hours with a break. After brief discussion, there
was agreement to meet on Saturday, August 21 St from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon with a 15-
minute break. It was also noted a quorum was not needed to have a workshop
because no action is taken. Mr. Weiss explained the AAB has powers in the Ordinance,
and the most authority they have is acceptance or denial of artwork on private property.
Someone could appeal the Board's decision tote City Commission. Everything else is
a recommendation tot City Commission.
Mr. Weiss submitted items listed as Future Agenda Items, and reviewed the draft
agenda. Vice Chair Levine noted the Night Market was on the CRA's website as an
event and it had a bit of an art component to it on the Amphitheater grounds with a flair
toward the Delray Market. She thought that event was something they could discuss.
Mr. Weiss stated he could ask the CRA to brief them on their event. He suggested
under new events, they discuss activities with art vendors on the plaza twice a year.
Further discussion followed they could bring in larger artwork ant square.
Chair uire thought on the off-years oft kinetic event, they could of a different
type of event. He noted the first three it could be discussed at the workshop, as
could digital interactive tours and how they could perfect that program or system
through technology.
Ms. Moodie spoke out digital inclusion and who has access to it. She believed when
they discuss public art education, they have the resources to learn about the art and the
site. Chair uire thought Channel 1 in public schools may be a way to
technologically tie in the program as Channel 1 is broadcast to all the schools in the
City. It had previously existed but he was unsure it was still used. After brief
discussion, there was agreement to leave the verbiage as-is. Ms. Moodie had an issue
with it five. Mr. Weiss advised he will send the 2016 Public Art Master Plan and the
guidelines tot members. During the next six months, the guidelines will have to be
updated. He thought it was vague and it will be addressed elsewhere. Discussion
followed the members could handle the matter the same way as the mural ordinance,
with Mr. Weiss providing updates. Mr. Weiss explained he was personally interested in
the program and the members should prioritize locations for art int City. The AAB is
in a very good circumstance, with two Assistant City Managers and the City Manager all
supporting public art. Mr. Weiss explained he will remove number five, in terms of the
Mural Ordinance and remove item four, sot members are basically addressing
locations and themes for work, evaluation of these programs, new ideas for new
programs and things having to do with public education and participation. Chair
McQuire explained Ms. Moodie was the only guided tour docent the City has and they
should try to improve that program. They also have social media, lectures and talks,
is are not being utilized, and other programs around the country upscale their
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Boynton Beach, Florida July 8, 2021
activities online. It is easy to interview an artist for 20 minutes and keep it online
(Vice Chair Levine !eft the dais at 7.52 p.m. and returned to the dais at 7.54 p.m.)
Ms. Moodie noted they are looking at the guidelines without the update. Mr. Weiss will
send all documents and the 2016 Master Plan and the 2007 AIPP Guidelines before the
meeting. He advised he will provide all the background information about the program.
He also pointed out David Scott is writing a new Strategic Plan and if it is done, he will
forward it to the member as they will be useful tools.
Vill. Public Comments
IX. Future Agenda Items
A. Diversity in Public Art Program
B. Future Art Events: Guided Tours, Zoom Talks, Monthly Art Walk, Etc.
C. Digital Interactive Tour and Map like Otocast
D. Coordination of Public Art on Boynton Beach App
E. Continuous Social Media and other Marketing of Pubic Art
Chair McQuire asked for an update regarding the country club golfer sculpture, recalling
it was tilted. Mr. Weiss explained there has been no progress made. The AAB action
was not to approve golf man for the construction of the clubhouse at the country club at
High Ridge Country Club. It became an item for Community Standards. Chair McQuire
requested it be a future agenda item.
X. Adjournment
Ms. Drum moved to adjourn. Vice Chair Levine seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist