Minutes 06-18-73Minutes of the Workshop meeting held in the Conference
Room ~ the city Hall, city of Boynton Beach, Fla.
June 18, 1973 8: 30 A.M~
Mm. Olds Chairmmn
M~. Vastine
M~. Kostne~
Mm. Blackete~
Col. Wehr~ll
Building Official
Mr. Otis Walker
Mps. Huckle
Meeting called to order 8:30P.Mo
Reviewed prior clarification of R-2 zoning~ Congide-red
co~el zone regulations, made various changes after
much discussion, covered pages 18 to 22.
Discussed next work shop meeting. Several members will be on
vacation and it was decided that the next workshop would be
held July 9, 1973, 8:30 A.M.
Meeting adjourned 12:00 Noon.
Mr. Olds,