Minutes 05-14-73MONDAY, MAY 14, 1973 AT 7:30 P.M,
Robert Olds
Richard Vastine
Fred Kostner
Oris.~ Walker
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Col. Albert Wehrell
Leren Blacketer
Jack Barrett, Building Official
Mr. 01ds called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and advised it was a special meeting
for the purpose of going over site plans.
#1 - Mariner Tewnhouses
Extreme east end of N.E. 12th Avenue bordering existing canal.
Mr, Barrett informed the Board that both sides of the canal are zoned R~and this will
be a continuation of the existing tewnhouses. The property is owned by Philip L.
Patenaude Trustee Fund.
At this time, it was asked by Col. Wehrell why this special meeting had been called.
Mr, Barrett explained it was necessary so action could be taken and plans expedited
that had piled up, An application must be processed five to six weeks before the
issuance of the permit,
Mr, Barrett presented the Beard with plans for the referenced townhouses and asked
them to exclude the area at the right (No. 5) which would not be included at this
Mr. Vastine questioned the density requirements. Mr. Barrett informed him it was
ten units per acre, to which they are complying having 9,2 acres with 92 units.
Mr. Barrett pointed out that Mariner Towahouses plan a private road and turn-around
before construction, Mr. Blacketer asked about the garbage facilities. ~. Barrett
showed that garbage dumpsters which were screened in were shown on another planmin
the parking area. He further stated that they plan for 139 parking areas, exactly
what is required. Col. Wehrill questioned whether it was to be a condominium or
rental project. ,Mr, Barrett replied he was pretty sure it was a condominium as they
have a clubhouse and all facilities. Ool. Wehrel! referred back to the turn-around
area questioning whether it was adequate. Mr. Barrett replied: Yes, as they have
a 40 ft. radius equalling 80 ft.,, ~, Mr, Blacketer asked if
parking would be allowed on the circle. Mr. Barrett replied: No, but if No. 5 is
developed, parking spaces will be on the circle as this area will probably be some
type of marina. Mr. Blacketer wanted to know how wide the roadway is to be, Mr.
Barrett said 60 ft. of paved area; there is only 20 ft. there now.
}ir, Vastine made a motion to approve. It was seconded by Nm. Kostner.
Mr. Olds asked if there were any further remarks. Mr, Kostner asked the size of the
recreation area and Mr. Barrett said it was not applied for yet. Mr. Kostner ques-
tioned the elevation and Mr. Barrett informed him it was 7.7 and the minimum grade
elevation required is 6 ft.
Motion carried 7-0.
MAY 14, tg73
#2 - Detanore Building (Commercial Bldg.)
230 N.E. Sixth Avenue
Zoned 0-1
Mr. Barrett presented the Bos~d with plans and showed where the Coma. unity Appearance
Board had stamped the back ~sigmating their approval. He advised the Board that the
building would be a combination office, small shop and storage. Mr. Blacketer asked
the lot size and Mr. Barrett advised that it was 145 ft. deep by 70 ft. wide. He
also informed them that the area in back is not paved, but they will also pave the
turn-around. Col. Wehrill asked what the parking requirement Wamo Mr. Barrett re-
plied 1 for 300 square feet of floor space and they have 13. Mr. Vastine questioned
the use of sprinklers and was advised they were not required. Mr. Kestner questioned
that only one exit and entrance was required. Mr. Barrett replied: Yes, and no more
are required by code, There is not more than 50 ft. of travel and does not require
two exits. It is a fireproof brai!ding.
Mr. Blacketer motioned that these plans be accepted and it was seconded by Mr. Walker.
Motion carried 7-0.
Novotny Rental Apartments
611-651 SoW. 15th Avenue
N~. Barrett presented the Board with plans. Col. Wehrell questioned why a rental and
not a condominium, as many rentals are changing to condominiums now. Mr. Barrett
replied that those making this change-over are mostly older units which have gotten
their majority out of it. They then lease the land only for gg years and the owners
must maints&n the building. !Gr. Vastine asked what the density requirement was and
Mr. Walker replied 31.3. Mrs. Huckle questioned the traffic problem in that area.
Mr..Barrett informed her that they pl~u to change it to one way entrance and exit to
~uother road with a collector road and no left turns. The Police and Fire Department
are now considering it. There was a discussion concerning the traffic congestion.
D~. Barrett insisted that the traffic congestion problem is being worked out and
further informed the Board that it is planned to be four stories high with 180 units.
Col. Wehreil made the motion in view of past approval action by the Planning and
Zoning Board and Comncil that this Board take no action on this project in view of
the serious traffic problems. Mr. Kostner stated the Bos~d must take action regard-
less and Mr. Barrett added that some sort of action must be taken or a permit cannot
be granted. ~. Barrett further added that it was a misunderstanding when the Plan.
ming and Zoning Board was included in this as it is governed by ordinance. It was
brought before the Board previously and accepted for density and preliminary approval,
but no ~e~mit was issued because of the moratorium~ The Police Department and D.O.T.
must work out the traffic hazard. 0ol. Wehrell withdrew his motion.
Col. Wehrell made the motion in view of past action by the Planning and Zoning Board
a~d Council this Board Has no objection, except revision of exits and entrances to
reduce traffic hazards. Mr. Walker seconded the motion.
Mr. Olds asked if there were any further rema~,_ks. He stated that when Mr. Novotny
started his other division, he complied with our suggestions and he will probably do
something about this and work with us. Motion carried 6-1. Mr. Blacketer voted
MAY 14,
A discussion followed regarding the agenda for the next meeting and dates of other
Mr~ Vastine made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by F~. Blacketer~
All ia favor.
Meetimg adjourned 8:45 PoMo