Pre sent:
Robert Olds, Chairman
Richard Vastine, ~ice Ohairman
Mrs. Marilyn Huckle
Loren Blacketer
Col. Albert Wehrell
Fred KoStner
The Meeting, called to order by Mr. 01ds, Chairman,~at 7:30 F,M. was
declared a Special Meeting rather than a workshop.
~. Olds stated there were no minutes to be read~.
Mr. Olds read an opinion by City Attorney ~rnes~ Simon, on
the necessary action to be taken regarding Charter World. The
copy was not signed and since Mr.Largent called Mr.01ds stating
he was ill and would not be present, the original, signed copy
was not available.
Mr. Vastine asked if the matter was open for discussion. He
read a portion of the August 28,1972 minutes regarding the
zoning of 0hatter World and stated there was nothing further
mentioned in official minutes that any action was taken by
the Board. it is on the Agenda for the Council meeting tomorrow
Mr. Vastine stated that when there is an annexation of agri-
cultural land it comes~ into the City under the highest zoning.
Mr. Vastine made a motion that the Planning and Zoning Board
recommend to the Council of the City of Boynton Beach~ that
the recommendation is that the property known as Charter World
be zoned E1AA.
This was seconded by Col. Wehrell, who stated he wanted to
hear what Chapter 31 code was, to be familiar with it and
the provisions of the City of Boynton Beach Charter.
Chapter 31-1 was read by Mr. Vastine.
Mrs. Huckle asked to be directed to that part of the Charter
regarding annexation of new land not already zoned and how it
was to be zoned.
Mr. Vastine read Section 21-~5-33, paragraph 32.
Mrs. Huckle asked, when it was annexed what was its present
condition, was it unzoned?
Col. Wehrell stated,in view of Mr. Simon's directive, they
must assume that i~ is unzoned and they were being asked to
zone it.
Orris Walker
Robert R. Largent, City Planner
~CH 5, 1~73
Mr. Kostner said he was in on the minutes in question regard-
ing the annexation which the Board was considering, and Mr.
Ewing's recommendation was baaed on the fact that the proper
zoning would follow. Since it has come back to us, it was
not zoned at that time and I think the Council cor~idered it
and aske~ this Board to zone it.
Mr. Kostner stated,there is a motion and I wou~d like to make
an amendment to that motion. There is a Holiday Inn on
Congress and it is my feeling we should zone the N.E. corner
general commercial C1, also the L shaped property rezoned to
general commercial and all the remaining property,as recom-
mended by Mrs. Vastine, RIAA. ~ ~ ~
~,~ ~ ~~ ~J~ Y~' '~~~ '~'~'~_~ the. City Planner.
Col. Wehrell seconded the mo~ion, s~a~ng
recommends Cl,it is unzoned.
Mr. Blacketer asked if it was stated it was not zoned.
Mr. 01ds read a portion of the August 28, 1972 minutes regard-
ing the zoning of Palmland.
Mr. Blacketer asked the Chairman to read Section 2 and the
Legal Notice~ which was read by Mr. Olds.
Mr. Blacketer asked what it meant and if it was adopted.
Ool. Wehrell stated he did not think it has been aaopted yet.
Mr. Blacketer stated,in Ohapter 31 we could rezone this prop-
erty any way we want to now.
Mrs. Huckle said that is why sae asked if there was any way
to treat any new annexed land.
Mr. Vastine said when you go from agricultural, you go to t~e
next highest zoning,which is RIAA. He read Section 31-3.
Mr. Kostner referred to the latest proposed map of the City
Pla~mer and said they should consider it,since it is a large
tract and there should be provisions for stores, etc. in the
area. He urged them to consider it.
Col. Wehrell stated taere had been plans galore,but nothing
happens. Just becaus~ a Planner suggests something does not
m~an it must be accepted.
Mrs. Huckle stated the map ~ust reflects Mr. Largent~s sug-
gestions and if the zoning was accepted in Mr.Largent's
absence they would not know what he [~tended. This is a fu-
turistic look, we need his verbal recommendation to it. The
whole parcel should come in a zone and then consider as to
its purpose and intent.
MARCH 5, 1973
Mr. Kostner stated this was a recommending Board and it was
up to the Council to make the i'inal decision. It leaves a
choice to the Council~not just RIAA, It gives the Council
a~ idea of our thinking. I think you should adopt my amenm-
merit to the motion.
Mr. 01ds suggested they go back to the motion and have a
Mrs. Huckle asked if they were zoning or rezoning, there were
no specified codes,it referred to a map.
Col. Wehrell agreed that they were zoning it as rezoning was
out of the question due to a moratorium.
Mr. Vastine ask~,~ for a roll call vote.
Mr. Olds stated -you have heard the motion.
Mr. Blacketer~ I vote No.
Mrs. Huckle: I vote Yes.
Mr. Vastine:
I vote Zes.
Col. Wehrell: I vote Yes.
Mr. Olds:
I vote No.
Mr. Kostner: I vote No.
Mr. Olds stated -tie vote.
Mr. Dwight E. Wardlaw, Director of Engineering for Palmland
Development Oorp., referred to item O regarding the zoning
and state~ there is a law s~it pending against the 0ity and~
Charter World by five people, one is the Mayor. He does not
think it is advisable to take any action until that has been
judicated. It has been round and round and now it has to be
legal action. They thought they did it properly, even amend-
ing the height when they found it was a ~5' li~it.
Mr. Wardlaw read a letter from Mrs.Padgett dated November 10,
1972, to which Ordinance 72 was attached. In the meantime,
the Mayor and four other people instituted suit, he said,and
it has not been adjudicated. He referred to the petty politics
in Boynton Begch, stating he personally resents it as the
Director of mngineerin~ for Palmland~ and this will be resolved
even if it means going to court. As to tying in the sewer and
water, they will be willing to give a sewer and water plant with
no cost to the City.
MARCH 5, 1993
Mr. Kostner stated he would like to remind Mr. Wardlaw that
this was a recommendation Board and his remarks were oUt of
Mr. Wardlaw apologized.
Mr. Olds state~ that anyone can speak, that is what it takes
to make an open meeting.
Mr. Vastine moved that the original motion made be recon-
Col. wehrell seconded. The vote was ~ to 2 with Mr. Olds
and Mr. Blacketer voting No.
Mr. Blacketer stated the reason he voted against it was there
were too many questions unanswered to vote yes.
Mrs. Huckle agreed that there were many unanswered questions.
She could not find anything directing them to the nature of
the property. It is very vague.
Mr. Olds stated he read Article O and it is still vague.
A discussion was held on Mr. Simon's opinion, and on Para-
graph D.
Mr. Vastine stated he agreed with Mr. Kostner in that they
have gone through two experiences and cannot come up with a
firm recommendation. There was a 3 to 3 deadlock on this
Mrs. Huckle asked if it was possible to £inm any other class-
ification that would be a better suggestion than they had.
Mt. Olds stated he was sure if it went,Palmland would be back
and would ask for a change in zoning. In other words, start
with the basic and they would come back later and ask for
Mrs. Huckle said it is unzoned and they are asking for us to
zone it.
Mr. Vastine asked if they would be willing to accept another
motion and rescind the .original motion. This was done and
seconded by Mr. Kostner,but since the original motion was
not passed this was not necessary.
Y~. Vastine made a motion that the property known as Charter
World be recommended to the City Council as zoned RIAA.
Col. Wehrell seconded that this be the recommendation to the
Council. .
MARCH 5~ 1~73
Mr. Blacketer asked if this includes the 998 acres.
Mr. Olds stated-~the entire parcel".
~r. Kostner reminded them that there is a moratorium on
changing the zoning.
Mt. Olds asked for the vote on t~e motion and the recommendation
was carried 5 to 1. Mr. Blacketer voted ~o.
~. Vastine moved that the Special Meeting of the Planning and~
Zoning Board be adjourned~ 8:45 P.M.
Col. Wehrell seconded the motion.