Minutes 02-12-73MIbUJTES Oi PLAb~iNG AN~ ZONiA IBO}~D ~MEETiNG held at City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida Febr.uary 12~ 1973, at.8:30 P.M. PRESENT Mr'. R. vastine, Vice Chairman ~r. ©._ Walker Col. A. J, Wehretl ~Irs.i Marilyn Huckle ABSENT. .- ..,. ~ ~. Robert R. Largent, City Planner to order at' 8:30 P.M.: ~.' Olds stated this was a special meeting .for the purpose of discussing density of growT_h in the City .and to transact business. Col. Wehrell said he would' like ~to make a motion that the Board- recommend to ~he .'City Council that a maximum dwelling unit density C-! and C-2 zones be limited to. that permitted in Col. Wehrell further recommended t~_at the maximum dwelling unit .densi'ty in R-3 and R-3A'zones be limited to ten 'idwelling units per aCre. Mr, '.~.astine seconded the motiOn .... A earlier 'attempts by the. Plann'ing and Zoning Board to decrease-the 'density of construction in the City, The intent Was made clear that this recommendation was ~n interim - move until the new zoning text and map would be produced. Mr. Olds called for a vote .and ~Ae vote was unanimous_ of all the Board 'members present. . ~_~. Walker~ made aJ mo%ion ::ti~e meeting be terminated, Mr. Vastine seconded the motion and ~e ,vote was-unanimous. The special meeting was adjourned by the ChaizTaan.