J~AUJARY 11, 1973 at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. R. Olds
Mr. F. Kostner
Col. Wehrell
Mr. R. Vastine
ME. L. Btacketer
Mms. G. Huckle
~r. 0ris Walker
Robert Largent, City Pta~mer
Meeting was called to order by former Chairmmn, Mr. Olds at 7: 30 P.M.
Mr, Olds had a copy of last minutes of Planning g Zoning Board meeting of December
27th. Mr. 01ds asked the new Board m~mbers what disposition should be taken.
Kostner ~mde motion that the minutes be tabled as there was no quorum of old membe~
to act on Minutes. ~ Mr. Vastine stated that these minutes should be signed by four
members of last year"s Board.
Col. Wehrel! made motion to nondmate Mm° Vastine~ Cnaqrman~ Mr. Blacketer seconded the
Mr. Kostner m~de a recomendation that Mr. 01ds should be nominated Chairman due to
his prior knowledge of items that thel B6ard ~_~ be called upon to make recommendations
on, and as he was Chairman last year he would be cognizant of all facets of the work.
Mr. Kostner also Stated that he thought Mrs' Vastine should be nominated Vice Chairman.
Mr. Kostner made a motion nominating Mr. Olds for Chairman, seconded by Mrs. Huckle.
all voted aye, ~otion carried. Mr. Olds made chairman by unanimous acclamation.
Before motion made by Mr. Kostner~ Col. Wehrell withdrew his nomination and Mr.
withdrew his second regardingthe no~nation of Mr. Vastine.
yin. Kostner made motion for the nomination of Vice Chairman, Mr. Vastine, Mr.~ Blacketer
seconded the motion. Nominations closed, vote t~ken, al! voted aye, Mr. Vastine made
Vice Chairman unanimously.
Mr. Largent was called upon by the Chairman to present what the program would be for
the coming year. Mr. Largent stated ~he the foremost problem would be the General
Development Plan. Mr. Largent stated that the prime requisite of the Planning and
Zoning Board is to produce a fitting and efficient plan~ for %he growth of Boynton
Mr. Largent stated that from the yearly report of over Fifty-one Million permits
issued by the Building Depar~nrent showed clearly how fast the city was growing. Tb~s
was almost three times more than the previous year.
Organizational Meeting of ~2he Planning
and Zoning Board 1-il-73
Col. Wehre!l wanted to know if t_his figure was from the Certificate of Occupancies that
were issued or Building Permits issued° Mr. Largent stated that it was from the
~ilding Permits issued and that the figure would vary just a little as it takes about
three ~onths to finish a building.
Mr. Largent gave the new member of the Board a copy of the co~rehensive plan, noting
where people are building and type of homes, and economics from every angle.
Most important item of the night was Site for the new Libra~fo Mr. Largent p_resented
four drawings, one - the overall site plan of city owned bUildings and the next thr~e
'showed proposed site plans for the new library.
Discussion ensued regarding these drsm. ings of site plans and the Board .tried to
decide which would be n~st advantageous.' Decision was made to have the members of
the Board look over the sites on the drawings rand to make any other reco~nendation that
~aey had at next meeting.
Mr. Vastine asked Mr. Largent to present the members of the Board with a list of basic
policies and items which will have first priorities with them_ in the ~n_suing year.
Mr, Vastine made motion that the fourth Monday of the month be the regular meeting of
the Plann~ag and Zoning Board. Col. Wehrell seconded the motion all voted aye.
P~. Kostner asked to be excused at 9:30 as 'he had another meeting to attend.
MrJ Olds recomended that Col. Wehre!l work With Mr. Kostner on Pi~U.D~
unanimously agreed to the suggestion.
The Board
Motion was made by Col. Wehrell to adjourn at 10:00 seconded by Mr. ~astine, all voted aye
meeting adj nurned. /~
Mr. Robert Olds, Chairman