Minutes 12-27-72MI~YJI~S OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PL~NKrING AND ZONING BOA_RD ~LD DECEMBER 27, 1972 at 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT Mr. Robert Olds Mr. Charles Ayers Mr. F. Kostner ABSENT Mrs. Paula Moore Mr. S. Weaver Mm. O. Walker Mr. Robert Largent, City Planner Mm. J. W. Barrett, Acting Building Official Mr. 01ds called the meeting to order a~ 7:00 P.M. Minutes of Nov. 27, Dec. !1 and Dec.'!gth. Mr. Ayers made motion to aceept minutes of Nov. 27, Dec. 11 and Dec. 19th as. written. Mr. Ewing seconded the motion all voted aye. Motion carried.- Mr. Olds explained that this meeting had been called just to finalize anything that had been held in abeyance and to have a final meeting before a new Board takes over in January. Mr. Rossi was present at the meeting to clarify statements that were made at COuncil meeting regarding a plat of Leisureville that had been discussed. Mr. Rossi stated ~hat this tract is the release Eight (8) preliminary review. Mr. Ayers questic~led the zoning requir~r~nts on the north side of 28rd. He stated that there was to be two lot depth zoned R1AA the entire length of 23,, in Leisurevit!e. This was done to protect Golf View Harbor. Mr. Rossi also asked for a review and consideration of plat ten (10). ~ne Board stated that this plat shonld come before the City Departments interested and then be presented to new Board in Januazy. The Board asked Mr. Rossi if it wouldn't be better to build two stories on pilings in that area, as there were a lot of mu~k spots. Mr. Ewing asked if they were going to canaldemuck'. ~. Rossi stated that they were going to demuek to about 5' right of E-4 The Bbard '~n ~via~..r~d Sunm.~er ~_~ke plat. Mr. Bar~ett stated that this plat should be reviewed by the necessary City 'Departan~mts. Special Meeting of Planning Zoning Board i2-27-72 Mr. Olds stated that he wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their cooperation and thought that everyone on the Board tried 'hard to get things accomplished. Mm. Largent asked f~r the Boards indulgence one moment. He first stated that he wanted to thank the Board for their cooperation and the help he receivad from Mm. Barrett and M~s. Butler during the year. Mr. Largent went on to explain a few of the projects that were expected to appear before the Board in the ensuing year. Mm. Kostner made a motion to adjourn, Mr. Ewing seconded the motion all voted aye. Motion ea~ried. Meeting adjQurned at 9:00 P.M. Mr. Robert Olds, Chaizman