Minutes 12-19-72~LD %~JESDA~-~ DECTlMBER 19, 1972
7:0 'P.M,-CI~f Kill BOYNTON B .EACH
~; R. ,Olds
t~. C. AyePs
Fir. 0 Walker
Mr, Robert Largent, City Planner '
~. S. Weaver
Mme. P. Moore
Mr~ .F. Kostnem
zoni Poard
come b~zore the City C°unc~i'
%here were ~o items to be acted on so that they could '
lst' on Ag_enda-~ Plat of S~cti~on~' 9f 8. !0 .kno~m as .Plat 9
Mr. E~i ~en of Brockway g Owen presented the Lemsurevm!le Plat; and staaed
the Planning ~& Zoning had given approval several months ago. But was here to agamn
~d explain the plat.
~. OWen exPla~ed that th/s 'is a~tu~ly Plat '9 wi~ a Combination o~' section ~.'
He said this area-extends down to C~ua! L 26 and is identical to the s_a!es 'plat.
Mr. Ayers made motion to approve plat of LeisUrevi!le 9 with a co~ina~on~ of section
9 .~ 10 as Submitted on old sales plat-, Ym~ ~ seconded ~e motion all voted.
aye. 'Motion c~ed 4-0. : '
2nd Item On Ag?nda - Mango Heights and Mango Heights tst Addition
Mr. Carleton~ engineer for the Developer of Mango Heights presented the plats on which
were incoz~porated the c2~mnges requested by Mr.. Largent~ City Planner.
First ahange was the catchment basin 2nd was to extend S. W. 2nd street and 3rd was
S. W. 6 Avenue of which the City wants ~the North half dedicated so that there would
be a 50' Street. Three lots had to be sacrificed Ln order to give the additional] 25'
feet needed to m. eet City specifications.
Mr. Ewing ~ = , .
Drought up th~ question if these streets So W~ S Ave. and S W.' 2nd Street
were to be' Paved. He stated that' the way it was presented we were .gOing to have
half of a s~reet~ Disoassion ensued as to~tJ~e whose responsibility it was to
pave the entire S~ Wo 2 Street~ ~. Carieton stated he didn't believe it-was~ %he
Developers responsibility. Mro i~ing again stated that we sho%~d have-the ~ngineer's
opinion on this ~tter before the Board gives their decision.
Mm. Tom Clerked City engineer was c~tled' in to give his opi~nion on the matt~er~ He
stated that So W~ 8 Avenue was in good condition and as' long as they paved the
addi~70n~_ 25 zeet to City spe~fmcat~on mt was OK, He also st~e~ that zf the City
had a ickier from the Pre6Oyterien Church giving fore citY ROW on S~W~ 2
it would be better to have the entire street paved ~nd not leave a half of lStree%. '
.Hro Ew~_ng stated that the ~{iniSter had already given ~fm~ Largent a letter to feat effe%t
and had m~de a statement at~ PlanNing & Zoning Board meeting alsoo
Mm. Carleton stated that he Still did not believe that was necessary before tlo~e
co~!d give their approval of the plats. -
}~. Ayers and .Mm. ~ing stated that they thought =dnis should be decided now and not
.leave a hal~ of stree* that *ie City wo~ild ~
~ -~ ~ ~c a !ateP date have to pave~
be approved with all provisions regarding S, 'W. 2nd Street and S~ W. 6 AvenUe be m. et~
. MP~ Ayers seconded motion'ali' voted aye~ Motion carried 4-0~ '
P~. MuFry end Mr. CaP!eton conferred ,and Mr. Carieton stated that Hr~ Mu~ said he
would pave it if tine City could pmove right-of-, way was given, to City~
PP~ Walke_ made moiion that Plat of Mango ~ '
Hemgh~s and }~mngo Hemghts ist Addition
me%ion all .voeed aye,
Hr. Ayers made motion to adjourn~
Robert O!ds ~na~ '