Minutes 11-27-72MINUTES OF THH PLai~NING ~ ZONING BOARD REaR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 27, 19?2 AT Y:00 P.M., CITY NJ~LL BOYNTON B~ACH ~LORIDA Mr. R. Olds Mr. F. Kostner Mr. Charles Ayers Mr. S. Weaver Mrs. Pauta Moore ~. Kent Ewing Mm. Robert Largent, City Planner Mr. W. Galeazzi, Building Official ABSBNT Mr. O.ris Walker Mr. Kostner made motion faat the minutes of NOvember 1Sth be 'accepted as read with the · correction t~hat minutes of October 30th be included mUd also included in the seconded .~.~ sentence 'following the words' .manutes of October 16" the words'knd October S0t~i~' Mrs. MoOre second~d, 'all voted Motion carried. ' 1st Item on Agenda Review plat of Mango Heights Mr~ Largent presented the plat of Mango Heights 1st forreview as there appeared to be ~sCrePancie~ in right-0£-wa¥°n S~ W~;'6 AvenUe[~Mr. Largent and Board ~CUSSed this and' tried toarriVe at a deC~sionOnwhYthis had happened. ~ ~:Mr. Weaver mademotion that we rescind the motion of approval of October 3tst ~ight 1st Addition due to lackof dedicated right-or-d[ay on S W 6:Avenue Mrs .M~ore seconded andall voted aye.~ motion carried. ~4 Weaver .al~o 'mad6:~mOtion that the City require that Portion of S. W. 2nd Street betWeen 6th and 4th its entire length[ Mr. Walker 'seconded it, all Voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Kostner made motion fhat the Developer should be required to bring in plans, shm~ specs and existing conditions within t00' of his plat. Firs. Moore Seconded, all voted aye. Motion carried. 2nd Item on Agenda Mr. Largent presented Palm Beach Le~sureville South tract -'prelim~naryplan. This is to be rezoned for apartments. Discussion ensued. Mr.'Weaver stated thathe believed that along S. W. 23 was to be zoned RLAA for two (2) lot depths. 3rd Item on Agend~ Mr. Largent again present Sun Haven plans b~ a new Company, Perry Building Company. Planning & Zoning Board 1t-27-72 TYhese are Modular-Homes. Mr..Galeazzi gave his opinion of this type of construction. He stated thatmany of the CityCode requirements arenot met in this type of construction. Mr. ~eaver suggested that members, go up and look at the plant and draw their o~m conclusions. Mr. Weaver stated that he didn't see a complete unit. Although-we call for conduit mhd their is Romex, if these modular homes are OK'd' by the State '~e have to accept, this type of requirement. One of the plans submitted put4th and 5thAvenues through and the other one closed' them. Discussion followed by the Board as to which was more feasible. There is 6.65 acres and 92 units proposed. ~ ' :Mr. Weaver stated he did not object to closing S. W. 4thAvenue but S. W. 5Avenue ,Should be kePtOp n. _ Mr. Galeazzi stated that if we don'tkeepthe Stsmdards Of our BUilding 'Code we are going to suffer and type type of construction should he carefu~lywatched, 4th Item on Agenda Mr~ 'Largent: presented Plat .:Qf St~mmer Lake Apartment in Leisurevitte. Mr. Ayers stated ~that he remembers this had been tUrned down by previous C~,_unciI,-When Mr. Michaels had been Mayor. · He said thi~ was the' southern porti°n of North Section. ~Zis should be~ check. out in the minutes of ab~at .of about four years ago.~ ' .Mr. Olds presented Mrs. Wendall Hall's request that the City open up-Casa Loma to N, F.. 2nd Avenue and pay~e them and have an additional.. Parking'area paved~ Discussion ensued. Mem~oers of the Board agreed that since the closing of the fishing 'docks at the Inlet, the Boynton frequently by' visitors and` B°Ynton has ~, Mr. Ewing made motion to adjourn at 9:30 P.M., Mrs~ Ayers seconded, all voted, aye, meeting adj o~rned. Mr. Robert Olds, Chairman