Minutes 10-30-72MINUTES OF THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING HELD MONDAY OCTOBER 30, 1972 AT 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA P~S~ Mr. R. Olds Mr. C. Ayers Mr. K. ~ing ~irs. P. Moore Mr. C. Koster Mr. Oris Walker Mr. Robert Largent, City Planner Mr. W. Galeazzi, Building. Official ABSENT Mr. Stanley Weaver Mr. Olds called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Due to a Court Case in West Palm Beach, Mr. Largent attended the meeting late. .Is t 'Item on _ag~enda Village Royal on the Green: Buildings not being built according to 'original Site Plan which Council approved. - Mr. Galmazzi, presented the problems that erupted due to changing of the original a~proved Site Plan. He stated that first, the orientation of the buildings relative' to the original position on the originai site plan was .changed, second there was a re-designing of building wings to accomno~,~ a better over all p'lan. ' ~ Mr. Galea~zi stated that Mr. Gross was the developer and Mr. G. Thompson, contractor. He stated that'in the original plan there were eighteen buildings with ~o recreation buildings. The new site plan there is still eighteen buildings and t~o recreation buildings. Originally there was to be 1136 units, now there' is 1112 units a reduction of 24 Units. The original density was 28. now it .is 27.4, a decrease in density. An Architect representing Village Royale stated that they hadn't realized that they would need a second approval when changing the orientation of the buildings and changing the' wings of 'the buildings as the-number of units had. been reduced and more green area was added and parking was changed to different position to make this possible. Mr. Galeazzi stated that in changing Building "FF', there was a code violation ~in the backyard but that was to be handled through the Board of Adjustment. The Building Department has stopped the construction 'on this building, till this has been reCtified. Mr. Galeazzi also stated that the City Attorney recommended that Village Royale submit a new Site Plan for the Planning and Zoning approval and for the City Council's approval. A new site plan was shown to the Board members for their perusal, Discussion ensued as to the changes. One was the changing of the egress and ingress from N. E. 22nd Avenue to a side street thereby eliminating a traffic hazard. Also as stated above the units were reduced and parking area changed to make more green area. - 2- Planning ~ Zoning Board Mr. Ayers made motion 'that the re-submitted proposed Site Plan be accepted as pres'anted. Mr. Koster seconded the motion all voted aye, 'motion carried. 2nd ITEM ON AGENDA Gulfstream Rental Apartments. Mr. NoVotny was present to present his Site Plan. These buildings are to be located at S. B. 15 Avenue and S. Federal Highway, between Shell Station and Snug Harbor. Mr. Novotny stated that there was to be 27% coverage with a density of 5.1. They are to be' four story buildings with an overall of 160 units. This.land which is to built on extends down -: to the bridge on S. 'E. 15 Avenue. Mr. Ayers asked if this Site plan had been cleared with other necessary department head. Mr. Novotny stated that he was asking, for their recommnedation before presenting to other department heads. Discussion ensued as to egress and ingression S. B. isth Avenue mid as to location of buildings on site 'and density was discussed. Mr. Largent stated that he had reviewed the plan .and that it cOnformed to our Code. Also ~m ~o~ .... ; had reviewed the S~_~e Plmn. Mr. Novotny stated that Mr. Silverman of Snug Harbor stated that he would grant an easement across his property for sewer lines on the condition that if a iarger lift station was needed, the expense incurred would be Mr. Novotny's. He also stated that the water maim' is within twelve feet'of his property and is a 6" water main. Mr. Ewing made a motion that Board'make recon~n~endation to Council that they approve the Site Plan of Gulfstream Harbor Rental Apartments subject to the approval of other necessary departments~; involved. Mr. Walker seconded, all voted aye~. motion carried. · Mr. Koster in discussing this Site Plan stated that he objected to the density, co_nsidered it tcohigh. Mr. Ewing stated that Council had a chance to change C-1 density and didn't act on .it and this wasn't Mr. Novotny's problem as he was ~ conforming to Code requirements. 3rd Item on Agenda Plat of Mango Heights 1st Addition Board members viewed the Plat ired noted that S. W. 2 street had been opened up and was to extended to meet 2nd street at S. W. 6 Avenue. Mr. Largent stated 'that Mr. Clark has approved the change and that amount of area taken from the catchment area will not hurt the basin. Reverend Smith of the Presbyterian Church said that 25' had originally been deed to the City for the potential opening of 2nd Street' and widening 6th 'Avenue. Mr. Ayers stated that something has-to be do~e about 6th Avenue to improVe~ it before it becomes an eye-sore. Mr. Largent stated that the developer would improve half. and the City the Other half. ' 3 Plmm_i.ng & Zoning Board 10-30'-72 Mr. ~ving made a motion that Board recommends to Council that they approve the Plat of Mango H~ights 1st Addition. Mr. Walker seconded the motion, all voted aye. 4th Item on Agenda Meeting of Committee to Review P.U.D. Mr. Largent stated that the committee appointed by Mr. Olds had three meetings to work out something on P.U.D. Mr. Largent told the Board what was disc~sed at the meeting of the Co~n_ty P!mrming & .Zoning Board. It was stated that if the building continu6d-~in the maaner it is it Will be disaster due lack of water and sewer availability. Density has to be controlled a~d cut down to take care this will not happen. There.was a short discussion among members of the Board and Mr. Largent in regard to P.U.D. ' Meeting was adjourned at 10:00. Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Ewing, seconded by Mr. Walker, all voted aye, meeting adjourned. Mr. Olds, Chairman