MR. R. Olds
Mr. S. Weaver
Mr. C. Ayers
Mr. O.Walker
Mr. K. Kostner
Mr. Robert Largent, City Planner
Mr. W. J. Galeazzi, Building Official
Mr. K. Ewing
Mrs. P. Moore
The special meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board was called to order by Chairman
Robert Olds at 7:'00 P.M.
Minutes of September 25, 1972
Mr. Weaver made' a motion t~hat' the minutes of September 25, be approved ~4*~h ~/-po-
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Mr. 01~ stated that ~is sPeci~ meeting w~' ~!led ~ order to go over the pl~
of the Deb-N-Heir Nurse~ S~ool.
Mr. Galeazzi stated no where in our Code did it specifically state how many parking
spaces there were to be for a Nursery School. Therefore according to R-2 requirements
three parking spaces would be adequate, however it states where 'it is not specifically
listed the plans must go before the Planning & ZOning Board for their recommendation
and City colmcil for 'their approval. ' '
Mr. Gateazzi stated the plans meetiwith the Building Code and City Planner has given
his approval
motion fOrL'
Mr. Weaver made a^rec~m~dation that the plans for Deb-N-Heir and the7 parking requirement~
be approved with the recommendation of the paving of S. E. 2 Street to its fullest.
Mr. Koster seconded motion and all Voted aye, motion carried.
2nd on the Agenda- Mango Heights Addition No. 2
Mr. Teagle of. the firm of James D. Carlton Inc. presented the problems facing
the plat of Mango Heights Addition # 2.
They are requesting a waiver of regulation for S. W. 2 Street as the amount of
area needed for the street is not adequate, as it is only '17' and 25' is required.
When this plat was first recommended for approval the catchment area was the first
and prime item taken into consideration and the area for the street escaped all
those involved in checking the plans.
The members of the Board Went over the plat and discussed the problems that were
involved such as the enchroacbment of the Church on Developers property and' drainage
Planning ~ Zordrn. g Board~Meeting 10-'16-72
problems and off-set street~
Mr. Weaver made motion that we recommend that lots 1=55 o~iginal plat of Mango Heights
be approved with the approval of City Attorney, City Engineer and City planner.
Mr. Walker seconded the motion all voted aye, motion Carried.
3rd Item on Agenda P.U.D.
Mr. Olds appointed a committee of three, Mr. Ayers, 'Mr.' Koster, Mr. Walker to work
wz~ ~v~r. Largent to work on a P.U.D. ordinmnce for Bo~mton~c~, ~-
Discussion ensued as to what was wanted and needed in the Boynton area.
Item 4 on Agenda - Leisurevitle, Sect. K,L,M
Mr. Largent presented a preliminary plan of the above to the members of the Board.
He stated that there 43, two bedroom apartments , 68 parking spaces and this was
to north of Ocean Drive.
Members of the Board. gave the plan a preliminary viewing and a discussion was held
regarding fhis plan.
Mr. Ayers made motion to adjourn, Mr. Walker seconed motion', all voted aye, meeting
adjourned at 9:00. ~
Mr. R. Olds, Chairman