Mr. R. Olds
Mr.~ C. Ayers
Mr. Koster
Mrs. P. Moore
Mr. S. Weaver
Mr. K. E~ing
Mr. O. Walker
Mr. R. Largent, City Planner
Mr. J. W. Barrett, Deputn/ Building
Mr. Olds Chairman, called the meetingto order at 7:30 P.M. The minutes of September 18th
were corrected as follows: In the third paragraph, minutes stated seconded by Mrs. Ayers,
correct to readMr. Ayers. Third paragraph from the bottom of first page correct S. E.
21st Avenue to S. E. 1 Street.
Mr. Koster made motion that the minutes of September 18th be approved with the correction
made as stated ~s above, seconded byiCm. Walker, all voted aye, motion carried.
Mr. Largent presented the two plats to the Board for their perusal. Discussion ensued as
to the catchment areas and if these plats agreed with the preliminary plats that they
had recommended to be approved.
Mr. Largent stated that the catchment basin area was to be dedicated t0 the City. He
also wished to have put on recordthat an accurate location of monuments and corner
markemappear on the plat~
The Board in checking drainage areas noted that some of the drainage was going west and
· rest going east, into a swale area owned by the Developers. This' was a good system.
The Plats had been checked out by other City Department involved and also passed inspection
by City .Engineer and County Engineer.
Mr. Olds read the dedication.
Mr. Ayers made motion that we recommend approval subject to the legality and opinion of
the City Attorneythat the improvements as the Builder wants to put them in be legally
accepted by the City. Mr. Walker seconded the motion and all voted aye, motion 'carried.
2nd ITEM ON AGENDA L Review of General Development plan for meeting of Council of
November 14th.
Mr. Olds introduced Col. Wehrell, who came to the podium to give resume of his ideas of
the plan submitted by Candeub Fleissig~ and Associates. In his opinion this plan could
producted disastrous results for the City. He stated that in in opinion that the
density in R3, C1,2,3,4, in the proposed 800 acres within the City much too high. To
him a 15 Knits per acre in all zone within the City would be more feasible. He also
Plsnning & Zoning Board Regular
Meeting 9-25~72
stated that if the above is not acceptable he would suggest that the Plann'.mng & Zoning
Board request a reconsideration of the proposed map and zoning ordinance until such
time as the Board can include the more desirable reconmendation of Candeub, Fleissig and
Associates, particularly as to density, site plan approval, community approval into
your plan. Then next year this plan can be looked into and proper recommendation given
to Council.
Mr. Ayers suNgested that the proposed map and ~egular zoning map be brought in so that
they could 'look over the areas in question.
Mr. Ayers suggested that Mr. Largent point out the R-3 areas that had been made on
proposed map. Mr. Ayers stated that according to Fleissig Candeub and Assoicates
where we have density controls in R-s they suggest the potential units to be 50 units
per acre and where we have no density control as in C1,2,3,4, the potential units
per acre to 32-1/2 per acre. To him this made no sense and he states that there, m~t
be something radically wrong with the figuring.
Mr. Weaver in philosoph~ing, was thinkir~g how different some areas would be if they
had fifteen stary buildings, a mi ~nimum of t~o, in.place of t~he man)- t~o floor buildings
they have, like Colonial Club. There would be more green area and not a jammed up
mess as it now is. Mr. Weaver wondered if the 45' minimum height was really a
good idea or would it be more advantageous to have high rise with more green area. To-
him that was somethi.ng that should be comtemplated.
Mr. Olds Stated that last year all the members of the Planning & Zoning Board hired
a bus and toured the City before setting up the proposed map and zoning ordinance
and a lot of hard work had gone into it.
Mr. Beyer spoke on the matter and stated that people had been afraid of ~ many high
rises coming in and we would have a concrete jungle thus they felt a 45' limit would
eleviate this.
Mr. Weaver stated that he agreed with Mr. Ayers some ~..the things in the Fleiss.ig, Candeub
and Associates's plan were confusing mud predictions unfounde'd.
He also stated that wi;thout the 45' limitation we Could allow something .like a bank, hotel
possibly St. Mark Towers which was seven story.
Mr. Olds stated that when Palmland first presented their plans, it was for one, fifteen
story building and it was beautiful to behold but now with the 45' limitation, it will
be four, four story buildings, which cuts down on the green area. This is a good example
of the fallacy of 45' limitation.
Mr. Largent presented the' plans for N. E. 10 Avenue project.
He stated that the County was going to reverse a curve on the street thus by-passing
a church that had stood in the path of first plan. He stated that Mr. Miller, Rev. White
and other interested persons in that area had seen the plan and approved of it. - Mr. Walker
commented that he wondered if the County started the widening and paving of N. B.
10 Avenue would they have enough money to finish once they started?
Mr. Largent presented the plat of Section 8 of Leisureville.
He stated that all dead-end streets should be cul-de=sacs, there should be a bridge
or a box culvert across lateral 25, and bUffer plants between Golfview Terrace sad
Congress Avenue and openingson Congress should be elmininated and this traffice
funneled through Ocean. There should be no more openings on Congress only 1Sth and
Mr. Largent wanted to know if the Board would settle for two smaller recreation
buildings instead of one that they had promised. The Board stated "no" ss a large
building is needed to hold meetings and this what was promised by Leisureville
Plat of Florida Pnetm~atic Area which cover some forty acres to Hi~'gh Ridge Road..
The Board reviewed the plate and stated that every lots should have some kind of
accress to the Railroad. Also the roads will be called W. Industrial Road, Central
Industrial Road, South Industrial Road and North Industrial Road.
Mr. Weaver recommended preliminary appro~ml of the Florida t~eumatic plat, ~4r. LMing
seconded the motion all voted aye, motion carried.
Mr. Bwing made motion to adjourn,' Mr. Walker seconded the motion, all voted aye.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Mr. Robert Olds, Chairman