Mr. Robert Olds
Mr. Charles Ayers
Mrs. Paula Moore
Mr. Fred Kostner
Mr. Oris Walker
Mr. Kent Ewing
Mr. Robert Largent, City Planner
Mr. J. W. Barrett, Deputy Building Official
Stanley Weaver
Mr. Olds called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Olds extended condolences to Mrs. Paula Moore on behalf of the Board and welcomed her
back to her place on t~e Board.
Mrs~ Moore made m~tion to ~oprove the .m. Rnutes as written, seconded by MrS. Ayers, all ~ted
.aye, motion carried.
FIRST ITEM ON AGENDA - Review of Seaworthshire Site Development Plan
This site is to be located contiguous and Bast of Seacrest Boulevard and extending to the
FBC Railroad, and beginning at S. B. 21 Avenue and extending North some 648 feet.
The project is to contain 18 two story 8Flexes, 2 ~nd 3 bedrooms.
Mr. Horowitz representing the Development Corporation came to the podium to answer any
questions the Board might have regarding the plans.
Mr. Ayers asked how many acres in the Site, Mr. Horowitz answered 7-1/2 Acres.
Mr. Bwing asked what the zoning was in that area. It was confirmed that it was R-2.
'~Mr. Barrett, Deputy Building Official stated that the Fire Department, Police Department,
Mr. T. Clark, City Engineer, Mr. Galeazzi and himself had reviewed the plans and the
plans meet all other City requirements.
Mr. Olds and Mr. Ayers asked if S. B. 21 Avenue was a dedicated street? It was confirmed
that it was. Mr. Olds then stated that before plans could be recommended to Council for
their approval, a petition for abandonment must be applied for.
Mr. Bwing and Mrs. Moore both recommended that there should be more egress and ingress to the
Site. Board members after pertmal of the Site plans were not too pleased with the density
as there are many buildings that the Board did not approve of because of no real access to
a particular building and not enough green area allowed.
Mrs. Moore made motion to table the Plans, discussion ensued inwhich Mr. Ayers stated
that in the motion it should be included that more egress and ingress be entertained.
- 2
Planning & Zon'.~ng Special Meeting
9-18- 72
Thus the motion was made by Mrs. Moore that the Plans should be tabled until a petition for
abandonment of S. E. 1st Street, S. E.' 2nd Street and S. E. 20th Court, was obtained and
presented and the Site Plans should include more .egress and ingress . Mr. Ewing seconded the
motion, all voted aye, motion carried. Plans were tabled.
Mr. Horowitz said that they would entertain opening the northern road. He also wanted to know
what action he would now have to take. Mr. Olds stated that he should go to the proper City
Authorities to apply for the~bandonment, which would be the City Clerk.
· 2ND ITEM ON AGENDA - Review of a Proposed annexation development adjacent to and just South of
Hypoluxo Road of '532 acres.
?his area is contiguous to Florida Pneumatic.
Mm. Largent presented the proppsed annexation and maps of the development; Mr. Largent
stated that this is just in the discussion stages but ~auld like the Board members to take
a look at the area at their convenience.
Mr. Largent went 'on to say that he had a meeting with the new Land Use Staff of the County
a~nd. ~e staff claims with t~he density we are now maintaining, we would h33ze five million
people in the Com~y. Mr. Largent said the Comnty ~muid like us to help keep the density-
at four units per acre to reduce the total population to less than 1-1/2 million. In fact
west of Military Trail they are recommending 2-1/2 units per acre and one unit per acre in
a P:~U.D.
Mr. Ayers stated that the density has perturbing him qmt':~e a bit as he .agrees four units per
acre is desireable and everything we are getting is thirty and forty units per acre.
Disposition of proposed P.U.D.
Mr. Ayers made motion to table this item = Mr. Kostner seconded all voted aye.
Disposition of General Development Plan as per City Council Motion on Proposed Zoning Map
and Text.
Mr. Ayers stated we had given City Council our recommendation two months ago and it has
been tabled eversince. It seems they do not like the recommendations on R1AA.
Mr. Ayers made motion that we emp~er our Chairman, Mr. Olds to write City Council and Mayor
-requesting them to reconsider that portion of our previous recommendation dealing with
C1 and C2 Zoning in the City in order to lower the zoning immediately and recall the recom-
mendation dealing with R1AA. Motion seconded by Mr. Kostner, Mr. Walker, voted aye, Fir.
.~. Ayers voted aye, Mr. Kostner voted aye, Mrs. Moore voted aye, Mr. Ewing abstained. Mr. Olds
· ~ voted aye. Motion carried 5 - 0 , 1 abstaining. Mr. Ewing stated that he didn't
think Coucil would do anything anyhow, thus he abstained.
Sth ITEM ON AGENDA - Banzuley's plans
Mr. Largent present bir. Banzuley's new plans for To~m House:~.
Planning & Zoning Board 9-18-72
Special Meeting
Mr. Banzuley explained that his plans are for two story town houses, with individual
patios, sufficient parking spaces, pla)[ ground equipment area. One swimming pool
for each phase. He stated ~they would be priced for middle class.
The Board went over the plans aud discussed them regarding green area, parking spaces
and stated they liked these plans much better than the first.
Mr. Ayers made motion that we reco~end to Council the approval of the preliminary
plans for Mr. Banzuley. Mr. Ewing seconded it, all voted aye. Motion carried.
Review of application to state for recreational development monies.
Mr. Largent stated that they had an application being prepared for the State for monies
for the development of Sara Sims Park undeveloped area owned by the City and lying
west of Sara Sims cemetery and another area at the end of N. W. 19th Avenue called Rolling
Green Park. He stated they were asking Federal participation and he would have more
information on this matter next meeting.
Disposition of work on new Subdivision regulations to implement the newGeneral Development
Mr.. Largent presented his material regardiFg this item by referring to Mr. Killgore's
Agend~Memo of August 15, 1972 regarding Amendment to Municipal Ordinance 62-9.
Mr. Largent stated Mr. Ki!lgore listed three alternatives as follows: in brief:
1. Authorize Candeub Fleissig and Associates to proceed with the cOmPlete
Zoning package.
2. Upo~ receipt of new Master Plan instruct our planner to write new zoning
3. Continue with. the presently authorized comprehensive plan and adopt
the zoning that recently received public hearings.
Discussion ensued regarding this matter and as Council has tabled the recommendations
of the Planning and Zoning Board nothing was decided on this item.
Mr Ayers made motion to adjourn, seconded byMr. Kostner, all voted aye, motion ~arried.
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