July 31, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. CiTY HALL
Mr. R. Olds
~. C.-Ayers
Mr. K. Ewing
Mr. S. Weaver
Mr.-RobertLargent, City pianner
Mr.~ J,. W,'Barrett,-Acting Bui!d~g Officiat .
Mrs. Moore
Mr; Kostner
Mr. Walker
Mr. Olds. called t~e meeting of the Pio~?m~Lng & zoning Board to order at 7:30 P~M.
Mr. Olds stated that the principle item on the Agenda was the dispostion of the
buildings behind the old City'Hall, specifically the Dog pound, Old Jail and also
the Old Fire Station, as the Council would like their .recommendations
Mr;- Weaver stated thatthe Fire Station and Old Jail were built.around the FOrties.
He said they were-in very b~ con~tion and should be torn down.
Due' to a reverter clause something has .to done regarding these buildings whic~ are
not occupiedduetonewbuildinghaving been erected. SuggeStion wer~for+~' coming
from the members, l~Tear~:7 down old jail and fire.station beautify old ~ityHlall
~or meeting roo.n~.,or
could be
iparking area,
Mr. Barrett said he:wOuld-inspect t_heotdcityhall and added buildings, to.it and
see exactly what'condition they2were in. He stated that the old jail and dog
pound should be torn down as they were in very bad condition. Mr. Barrett said he
believed that the old'CityHall was structurally sound and that theM Sore suggestion
for it to be used for meeting rooms was ideal suggestion.
Mr. Largent showed the proposed plans fOr a n~v building for the First Bank and Ti-dst
of Boynton next to the new drive,in windows. He stated that the old building was up
for sale either fora office building or department storeTbuilding.
Mr. Largeat-al. sa pres'ente~ his report, on the St. An~tr~es armexation to the.'BOard.
It was to be reviewed by the CounCil on Tuesday night AugUSt' ]st.
5~r. Largent also showed~site plan and discussed what buildin~would be erected on
this site. The plans ~eing %hose of Patmland D~velopment Corp. This area is
west of congress,. South of Village o£-Golf ~nd Countr? Club of. Florida.
Planning & Zoning Workshop
Mr. Largent read a letter from Millicen~' s Opportun~ ties Corp ~, Mr. Muro, President,
ob{ecting against change of said requirement in C-t zoned property reverting back
to R-3 multiple building requirement when multiple dwelling are proposed. _
The stated that they had purchased this property in 1969 and would suffer considerable loss
if changes were allo~ed to be made in zoning. This p~roperty is toc~ted at 1940 and 2010 ~
N. Federal F~y~ r
Mr. Weaver moved that we proceed on the basis of correcting this o~dinance and make
sure PUD is explicit, include changes made on 62-9. We need to~ move as soon as
posSible and also: include changes' brought up at public,hearings. Mr. Ewing seconded
motion, all in favor~ ~ Motion carried 4-0.
Mr. Ayers moved that'..the. B0ard adjour~~, Mr. Ewing seconded motion, all voted aye.
Meeting adjourned, at 9:30 P.M.
Mr. Robert~ Olds, Chaiman