Mr. R. Olds-
Mr. C. Ayers
Mr. O. WalKer
Mr. S. ~eaver
Mrs. P. Moore
.Mr. F. Kostner
K. Ewing
Mr. Robert Largent, City Planner
Mr. J. W. Barrett, Acting Building Official
Mr.-Olds called the special meeting of'the Planning & Zoning Board. to older at 7:30 P,M.
Motion by Mrs. Moore that the Minutes of Tuesday May 30th be approved as written
seconded Weaver, motion carried,~. ~.
Mr. Olds called the BOards attention to the corrections made by the Board, in regard
to closing lOOp holes in. the present Zoning Ordinance. . '
Mr. Olds took each correction and asked the Board opinion, on them and discussion ensued.
Mr. Ayres made motion that corrections as presented be accepted by the Planning and
Zoning Board and be presented to the Council for their approval and then incorporated
into the present Zoning Ordinance 62-9. Motion seconded by Mr. Koster and all voted
aye. Motion carried.
Dr. Kisk's plans were again called to the attention of the Board, and the memo from
Mr. Barrett, Acting Building Official was read. It stated that according to the City
Attorney that Conditional use was to be treated as a regular zoning matter, therefore
Mres. Padgett .had to advertise and scheduled the plans for approVal at the .regular
meeting 'of the Planning &. Zoning Board on June 26, 1972.
Mr. Polgozelski plans were next on the Agenda. Due to the fact that no answer had
been received by Mr. Largent from other City Departments regarding memo that had been
sent, ~r. Koster made.motion .to have plans tabled, seconded by Mr..Weaver, all voted aye.
Mr. Largent presented Mr. R. Banzuley's plans for 'Sun Haven Development for prel~ary
approval so that funds that he needed could be obtained.
Mr. Weavermade motion that preliminary plans be approved with the
they would be required to have the parking on phase three (3) moved
area to the ~arking area and also subject to the approval of the Engineer and i
City departments .~~ '
~btion seconded by Mr-. Walker, al! Voted aye, motion carried.
Mr. Largent then presented plans for enlarging Civic Center and additional tennis
courts and etc.. that Mr. Fredericks had drawn up. Also plans for rejuvenating a
planning & Zoning Board Special Neeting.
.park on N. E. 19th Avenue. Mr. Fredericks would like to see picnic areas, ~horse shoe
courts tennis courts' and play area for' chiIdren as well as a baSeball diamond. He
says that this area has virtually laid dormant for a long time and was a park in past
years but it has gone to" "~
pot .- Mr. Olds said-he remembers when it was a pretty good
park and in good condition and used quite often. He said he hoped it could be put in
good shape again. They discussed if ther would be sanitary facilities, said Co{tory
Board of Health would require them.
~Mrs. Moore said that a meeting room for the citizens of Boynton-Beach was needed
very badly and enlarging the Civic Center was a good idea.
if we COmty
it hollow block
$500,000.. He suggested that the Board members take a tour of the building 'and look
at the potential. He stated that this building would be an asset to the
Mr. T.argen~ stated tha-t~ in t_he very ~ ~,,~,~ ~ ~ r~o,+~=~ :~i!l be m
·nto their new quarters and-if the buildings of the old Police Depar~nent and Fire'
Department are not used by the City, the property will revert b~ck to the original
~rs. Moore said, if the Fire Station was in such a bad shape, how about demolishing
it and make a parking area, at least the City would retain~ ownership.
A suggestion was made by Mr. Largent that Mr. Henry' Albers, maintenance man- for the
City does not have adequate space for his shop and' Work that he must do to 'maintain
City buildings. This idea should be given some thought.
Mr. Koster brought up the matter of right turn on red from U.S. 1 onto Ocean. He
stated it was virtually impossible as' cars are parked right u~ to the corner of
U.S. 1 and Ocean ~V. enue and then traffic backs up for quite a ways because no one
can make a right turn. He suggested that this should be. a third lane for right turns.
Mrs. Moore made a suggestion that the graves at Sara Sims should be. moved to the Boynton
Cemetery on S. Seacrest and that area could be used for low cost housing. Discussion
ensued as to what this would entail.
Mr. Koster moved to adjourn at 9:00 P.M., seconded.by Mr. Walker, all voted aye.
Meeting adjourned.