ZONING BOARD, HELD YONDAY ~4~Y .23, 1972 at 2:20 P.M.
Mr. R. Olds
Mr. S. Weaver
Mr. C. Ayers
Mrs. P. Moore
Mr. K. E~ing
Mr. F, Kostner
Mr. Oris Walker
( arrived late)
Mr. Robert Largent,. City Planner
Mr. J. W. Barrett, Acting City Building
Mr. Olds called the meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board to order at 2:20 P.M.
This meeting wascalled in order thatMr, Blandord, Vice President of Candube &
Fleissig, would be present and give his summation of the studymade by the planners.
Mr. Olds extended his greeting to Mr. Blandford and stated that he was glad to be
able to have this appointment with him. He further stated that if there had been
more meetings in the past there might not have been so manymisconceptions.
Blandford was then given the floor.
Mr: Blandford stated that he was here to give the progress reports on the study begun
~in February andfurther stated that the~ewas great need to finishby ~he end of June,
to be in harmony with the administrative policies of the State and H.U.D.
The most important item was.to decide the direction and form the growth of Boynton
Beach was to take over the period of the next twenty years. Whether to stay within the
boundaries of Boynton Beach and figure the in fill, as so called, or to consider the
growth by legislative annexation.
Mr. Blandford expected that the population would be 55,000 by1990 and the g~ch of
utilities and police and fire protection was another consideration.
Mr. Blandford went on to furtherexplain advantages of annexation and so called, in
fill, of the already city limits. A deciSion has to be reached as to what direction
Council wants to take so that a map and final plan canbesubmitted.
Mr. Weaver asked if the growth was to be greater than anticipalted. ~r. Blandford
stated he didn't think so.
Mr. Weaver statedthat according to all prior county surveys Boynton was predicted to be
the slc~est area in growth.
Mr. Ayers asked regarding, the entarg~ning of s~er and water facilities andMr. Blandford
stated that it would depend on annexation or whether Boynton was going to keep same
Special Meeting of' the
Plamming & Zoning Board
Meeting 5-213-72
Mr. Weaver stated that Drexel propertieS had about 900 acres of land to be developed
800 adjoining this property and Cypress Creek about 300 acres and about 200 to 300
between Drexel and Cypress, so that there could be a boom, if that was the right term
to be used, anticipated.
Mr. weaver then asked Mr. Blandford if he would recommend to the City that annexation
of resexnze area was desirous and would be a better answer to our problems than not
to annex? He stated" We need a recommendation." ~- .
DisCUssion also School Boards and ~other County Boar~ that would be
in conflic~ , and how to.work with them.
Mr. Blanclford went on to discuss the annexation problems. Stating that them shoutd
be some kind of plan between the developers and the City as to what should be the
responsibility of the City and the responsibilities of~ the Developer.
The discussion further broUght out that the developer should be responsible for
all utilities until a percentage of development s_old then the City could t~ke over
mhd the revenue wo~Id help to support the area, for additiorml fire, p~z~ and
utilities etc..
Mr. Weaver brought up the problem of areas being set aside for cemeteries. Nothing
had been done regarding this item. Discussion ensued and everyone ~agreed this was an
item ~that should be considered.
Mr. Ewing brought up the question of how we were going to solve our problems without
cooperation from' the County. Question what to do? As always there seemed to be a
breakdown in communication.
Mr. Ewing further stated that we should contact Boca, Delray Planners and get their
views. Mr. Largent said he had done so and thought Boy, ton should take the initiative.
Mr. Carl Zimmerman of 122 N. W. 14 Street, Boynton Beach was recognized from the floor.
He stated that a committee of fifty members were appointed for state re0rganizational
study &~ he would be one of two from Boynton. They were to give thei~ report by 1974.
Mr. Blandford stated that he thought~there was a good chance of widening Ocean and
a passover of I 95 to the reserve area in the planning.
Mr. Weaver stated that he had tried for a good many years to get this but never got
very far. Mr. Blandford spggested that it would be a good idea to take this to
Mr. Ayres suggested that the members consider conditional use and make recommendations.
Plans were being held up and something has to be done regar, ding this.
- 3
Special Meeting of the Planning
& Zoning Board 5-2~-72
Mr. Barrett brought up the density requirements that Mr. Largent and he had discussed
with Mr. Moore,~ City Attorney. Mr. Moore suggested that instead of the changes made
on May 15th, that it wOUld be considerably easier if on Page 11 item 1 and 31 be
ch~ged, a~d all of R-3 requirements be used.
. ~. 01ds s~gg~sted that ~ go into this On May 30 at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Ayers made ~otion to adjourn, Mrs. Moore seconded all in favor.
at 4:30 p.M, .
R. Olds, Chai~