~.D MAY 8, 1972 7:30 P.M.
Mr. J,
'Fdnutes of.April 17, 1972
this was not the case. No Board member made ~s statement, Mr. Weaver mentioned
it himsel£.
Mrs. Moore made motion thatthemiuutes of April I?, 1972 be approvedwiththe
correction be~made. Mr. Nalker~ seconded.~ motion. Motionunanimously carried.
· Mr. Walker made
April 24, 1972 be approved as ~Zten
:Mr. Olcls
TeaglE care of
~heavy runO~
-~. Walker made a motion ~at this revised plat be approved, seConded· by Mrs. Moore.
MoHion carried unanimously. . ' . ~ -
Mr, Robert Banzuley, the'developer was Present wi~. his Engineer Mr.. Wallace. They
are propo'sin:g a~: gdn;lt cOndomin-~um- d~evelopment. East..of-Mango Heights_., approximately
six and on half acres. They will be one story and twelve units per acre.
Planning & Zoning Board
SPecial Meeting 5-8-72
Agenda ' Continued - Sun. Haven
,two ~ ~ree'phases. Much ~m~sion.
ensued 5th Avenues to Seacrest Blvd.
held r. egarding parking on the phase3 part of the development.
t like the parking .being across the street as this street
will become a through street and senior 'citizens will find it difficult to cross
to get to their car, ~nis should be considered in the final plans.
3. Annexation of Florida Pneumatic Tool
Florida Pneumatic Tool ~has asked annexation of area North of our boundry and West
of our bondry, Hast of High Ridge Road and South of Miner Road.
This is a forty acre tract and they propose to have 23 site and will 'be called North
Boynton Indnstrial Park. Pneumatic Tool will have '~S acres completed before the end.
of 1972.
Mr. Largent presentMinformation, he had gathered on the proposed annexation. He
stated that the sewage and affluent would no no more than an average housej~and
they would need Wa~e~ l~ues eXtended from Seacres~.
Mr. Weaver madea motion that we approve the annexation with recommendation that we
check to see if the ~lied zoning after annexation would be consistent with the
requirement for this complex. Motion seconded by. Mr. Walker. Motion carried
Mr. Largent present a plan whereby City owned area on'N. W. t9th Avenue .can be made
into a recreation area., with picnic area, ho~e shoe coarts, volley ball courts amd
a children's playing area. There is asurplus of Federal Pands and if make application
for matching Federal Funds, We can go ahead and make this an enjoyable place ~r
family recreation.
Mr, Walker made a motion that we apply for the necessary matching funds, seconded
by Mrs. Moore. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Walker made motion to adjourn, Mr. Ee~ing seconded. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.