Minutes 01-24-725{[blYrES OF THE PLAMNIMG fi ZONING BOARD Mt~ZTING }iELD AT CITY HALL, BOYMH~ BEACH, FLORIDA, ~.DNDAY J,~qUARY 24, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. PRE~ Mr. R. Olds Mr. C. Ayers ~. S. Weaver ~. O Walker Mr. K. D~ing Mr. F. Kostner Mrs. P. ~ioore Mr. S. B. Fuller, Building Official Mr. Olds called the regular meeting of the Planning 8 Zoning Board to order at 7:30 P.M.. At. royal of ~inutes December 28, 1971 - Only four of the present members were on the Board at this ~meting. Mr. Weaver was absent from the meeting. Mr. Ayers moved to approve the minutes of December 28th as ~u-itt~n . seconded by Mr. Walker. ~tion carried ~-0. Jan.uar~ 12. 1972 - }~.{~.~; Moore moved to approve the minutes of January 12th as written, Seconded by Mr. Kostner. Motion carried. The Following Site Plans, ,Re,viewed. PiK.a. ,,,,Apartments The plan was reviewed by the Board. at the ~orkshop meeting. The plan had also been previously reviewed The Board found no problems in .the plan. Plans were approved and signed by Departments of the City.. Mr. Weaver moved to approve the site plan for Pica Apartments. seconded by Mr. Ayers. Motion carried 7-0. Plan signed by the Chairman Olds. Pica Warehouse The plan was reviewed at this time and had also been reviewed at the warkshop meting. Plans, were approved and signed by Department of the City. One question brought out was whether or not another exit door was required as well as a garage door? Bit. ~ul.lm.r stated'that another exit door is not required by code. Mr. Ayers moved to approve the site plan for the Pica Warehouse, seconded by ~c. I/alk~. ~tion carried 7-0. Plan was signed by Mr. Olds, ~airmsn. - 2 Planning 8 Zoning Board 14eeting January 24, 1972 Site Plan Reviewing.,..con.t~r~ed ~ph Kellyr_ Office Building The plan was reviewed at this time and had also been reviewed at the ~orkshop meeting. The plan is for an office building which will have six offices, l,~as reviewed at previous workshop meeting. The parking was questioned. I~. Puller stated that he meets the requirement of the code on off street parking. The Plan has been approved and si~ned by the Departments of the City. Mr. Weaver moved to approve the site plan of Mr. Ralph Kelley, seconded by Mrs. Moore. ~,btion carried 7-0. Plan si~ned by Chairman Olds. Pickel - Office ~ Storage The Board reviewed the Plan. Mr. Pickel wants to use this for an office and an area for storage. 5~r. Fuller stated that he meets parking and setbac~k requirements. Plan has been approved by the Departments of the City. The Board found no problems with the plan. Mr. Kostner moved to approv~ the site plan, seconded by Mr. ~alker. Motion carried 7-0. Signed by the C~hairman. Charles Boos - ~partments ~o ~d reviewed the plsn for one bedroom apartments. at ~_he meeting. Mr. Boos was present Plan has been approved by department of the City. The Board found no problems with the Plan. Mr. Kostner moved to approve the site plan of Mr. Charles Boos, seconded by Mr. ~eaver. Motion carried 7-0. Plan was signed by Chairman Olds. Items brought before the Board not on the Agenda, presented _by ~r. Largent Review of Mr. Wagner's Plan Planning ~ Zoning Board Meeting January 24, 1972 Items not on the Agenda - continued - '~t~agner's Plan These apa~ts will, be next ,to ,Sage and, Sand, ~.~tel. Mr. Largent explained that a road goes through the property, it is not a dedicated road, only a righ-of-way. D~. Largent also explained that 80 foot paved cul-de- sac is necessary on private land. This is a safety factor for large fire trucks, etc.. 9later and sewer was discussed. It was asked if Nr. Hopkins has approved the plan? He has seen it but has not given any written approval. This plan is not for approval at this time only for review, ~. Wagner stated that he purchased the property some time ago. It is divided into lots and is platted. There is a 15 foot righ~of-way and if it is not used it will revert back to the original owner. He has no intention of closing the road. The buildings are planned around fl~at requirement. The parking was discussed. There is one and one quarter parki~4~ per unit required. This is the required amount of parking but the Board feels it would be better to try and get more parking spaces. Mr. 9,ragner stated he could get more parking spaces but wuuld lose green area. Through further discussion, Mr. Wagner agreed to pave third if only a twenty foot paving is required. Then he could eliminate the cul-de-sac and provide more parking. P~sed Industrial Park Mx, Largent brought this before the Board. He explained the are~in which it is propesed, Florida Pneumatic was located in Lantana and had to move due to the 1-95 righ~of-way. They are requesting to be annexed into the City. Council has seen this and has stated an interest in this annexation. It is a potential in~_~trg for the area:., it is clean and has little noise, The Board reviewed the proposal. ,Iglehart= request for annexation This request for annexation is between the Intracoastal and AIA. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. A letter from },~r. S. Fuller stated this is mostly swamp land and water, sewer and drainage would be a problem. ~r. Ayer~ mugge~ted he request R~3 zoning when he comes in for annexation. Mr. Robert Olds, Chairman