CITY HALL, 1:80 P.M.
Mr. J. Sarno
Mr. C. Ayres
Mr. R. Olds
Mr. 0 Walker
Mr. S. Weaver
Mr. J. Brull
Mr. Stuart B. Puller, Building Official
Present for City: Mr. R. Largent, Planner
Mr. C. Q. Jones, Jr., City Mana~
Meeting called to order at 1:45 P.M. by Chairman.
Mr. Jones introduced Mr. Largent again. Mr. Jones explained that City had a
contract they wanted approvel for a H.U.D. grant for a planning study. This needS
to be approved for presentation to Council on Tuesday night meeting.
had been spent on present planning. Actually, this was more like $8,000.00.
Jones attempted to clarify a misquote in papers which mentioned that $~5,000.00~.
The proposed grant would update 1962 comprehensive pl~ and this would be done by
the summer of 1972. The total amount would be around $27,000.00 with City
contributing around $9,000.00. Approximately $18,000.00 would come from H.U.D.
There~ would be several packages in this plan for the City. The services of City
Planner and a secretary would be part of Citie's share.
This revised plan would have some impact on the work done by the. present Planning · '-
and Zoning Board. Mr. Jones would like present reconmendations by the Board to be
deferred until this new study is made. He would like to know what items would req~ _~e
action at present to implement this? Would like an intermim zoning plan.
Mr. Largent, Planner, explained that this would be a contract with the Department
of Community Affairs, acting for H.U.D.' at the State level. Their share would be
$28,200,00 and City would furnish $9,401.00. This contract has been in possession
of City for approximately six (6) months and is a years contract. There is no
extension of time and, therefore, acceptance would have to be made right a~ay.
In actuality this would necessitate work being done in (6) six months instead of a
year. In reality this would~make actual working time three (8) to four (4) months
for consultant work. .,City ~01d want a large firm in order to put several teams
in the field to get this accomplished in time. Basle study would be inside City
limits. City would ge~t a new set of maps, one at 1" = 400" and one at 1" = i mile.
Planning g Zoning Special
Meeting 12-14-71
This would include a new development plan, housing study etc.. ~City would receive
technical memos from the study.
Mr. Weaver came in at i: $$ P.M. at this point.
Mr. Largent continued that the 1962 plan does not cover what is needed at present.
H.U.D. grants for many items would be based on this study. Many grants can be
obtained from H.U.D. to help the City in the future. Plan needs to be updated to
improve the development of Boynton Beach. He would like the Planning $ Zoning
Board to approve this contract.
This would be a general plan only as it couldn't be completed in this time.
If this plan is adopted, would chart coumse of zoning for the next five (5)or
Ten (10) years. Area Planning Board statistics show fantastic grumrth rate for
Boynton Beach. Eventually will enconpass reserve area for annexation. Sewer plan~
eta., should r~n concurrently with this study. Mr.. Ayers asked why this hadn't
been given to Board to review in last six (6) months.
Mr. Jones said City did nothave personnel in City for this type work when contract
was received. This will now require several teams working concurrently to complete
Grant contract was received in June but had been worked on since February.
Mr. Sarno asked if Board's work for past three years would be nullified? City
Manager stated new plan would be basically for city limits but also would extend
Dr. Raborn thought that this proposal came !ate and at. the last minute. Most of
this work has already been done by the Board. He doan't much favor H.U.D and
with the time limit imposed, w0n!t really have time to make decisions. Mr. Largeni
and Mr. Jones thought that H.U.D. wouldn't make. many decisions. Plan would only
follow their guidelines. Plan should be updated each five (5) years. Mr.-Weaver
noted that area West of City has not had enough study. This is partly because
City has not had a representative on Area Boards and they haven't had Countie's
plans for area. City should have a say in what happens to the West. Mr. Largent
agmeed with Mr. Weaver. Mr. Weaver wants City to define where it wants to go on
annexation. Whether it wants to take in all of reserve area or just part, if it
will have utilities available, etc. The Board should know this as it is needed in
their planning.
Mr. Largent stated that C.I.P. pr6grams, housing studies, etc., were tools of
planning. Mr. Weaver said that if zoning plan was suspended, all zoning request
should be suspended-until final zoning is made. Mr. Sarno noted that some time ag<
the Board had asked Council for a moratorium on zoning. This was not accomplished
Mr. Weaver thinks present recommendations to Council on Planning g Zoning should b~
passed~ and then, after study- if necessary be ammended by ordinance.
Mr. Jones noted that he was trying to set up a joint Councilt~meeting~with the
Board after next Council meeting. Dr. Raborn asked Mm.. Largent how long the s~udy
to be made by this contract would normally take? Mr. Largent said he would normalP
- 3
Planning & Zoning Special Meeting
1Lke at least six (6) months to set up and then a year to womk. By himself it
would take time to chase down statistics. Dr. Raborn wondered if mistakes couldn't
be made if this was ~ushed through? Mm. Largent thought this was possible but by
working with the Boamd this could probably be avoided. H.U.D. would not control
the money on the grant. Mr. Ayers asked why this contract was not brought out befor~.o
The race has already begun and why wasn't this brought before Board before?
Mr. Sarno wants to know if the proposed cons~ltant will be under Mr. Largent? Mr.
Largent believes they will be under him and the Planning $ Zoning Board.
Mr. Beyer from Stealing Village spoke from audience against this proposal. Mr.
Largent attempted to explain the new study contract to Yin. Beyer. It would norma!] .
incorporate the present proposed ordinance and plan. Board dis~ssed ~s matter,
Dr. Raborn made a two part motion. (One) that before any alternate plan or contra¢
for same is considered, the Council adopt the present proposed recommendations of
the Planning & Zoning Board and only then proceed on ~he new plan covered by the
H.U.D. grant and (two) that a ninety (90) day moratorium, with a possible ninety. (~
day extension, be declared on all zoning or rezoning until Mr. Lamg~nt has time to
complete his study.
There was discussion by Board on the motion. Mr. Sarmo wanted to know if the Boaz~
favored a H.U.D. grant for plann~g. 'Dr, Reborn didn't feel as though the City
would receive $18,000.00 wor~ in the short time of the contract. Fumther disoussi~n~
Chairman called the vote and motion passed 6-0.
At this point Dr. Raborn exc- ~ed himself and had to leave the meeting.
Board then held a preliminary discussion on the Emil Massaro proposal. Preli~na~
plans were shown amd Board thought they were very good.
Board ~hen discussed proposed new ordinance and wants to turn it over to Council
for adoption before the end of the year. At present, a joint meeting with the
City Council is proposed and will probably take place after nex~ regular meeting
of the Council.
Mr. Hoskins came forward to discuss request for rezoning on old gas station on
S. Federal Highway. Mr. Hoskins purchased this from Hunble 0il 'Company. Property
is in front of Sterling Village on North end. It was noted that he has a very nic~
looking store in BocaRaton. A new plan for revamping the existing building and
gmounds was examined by the Board. Parking spaces would be sufficient under
A representative from Sterling Village noted that they had no objections as long
as this could never bec~ne a service station. Would the tanke be filled with
water? Noted that they were notified by phone as' soon as this went on agenda.
Sterling ,V~.lage is only concerned about having a gas~sta~ion in this area.. Mr.
Planning & Zoning Board Special
Meeting 12-!4-7!
Hoskins would accept C-2 for his. furniture store, and if any changes are made~ it
would go back to C-1.
Mr. Weaver remarked +~hat if gas ta~ks were punc%mred fmom ~fhe top, this might
discourage a gas station 'and possibly satisfy Sterling Village.
Possibility of having an agreement between City Atto?ney and Mr. Hoskins was
discussed. This would set out stipulations on station use.
It was pointed out that present zoning requires i000 feet between stations and it
was probably closer than this to an existing station and therefore couldn't be
used as a filling station, at present. Also, Board wo~uld have control with site
plan approval. Future proposed zoning lists proper!-y as R-3 and it couldn't be
used as a gas station in that zoning.
Mr. -Olds made a motion that petitioners request be granted as shown on the applicati4no
Motion was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried 5-0 by all present.
Mr. Joe Fasolo property preliminary site plan request shown to Board. Board looke<
over plan for proposed triplex and noted sewer and water already there. This is
C-2 zoning and in area where alley would dead-end. To bring forward at regular
meeting on December 28, 1971.
Board adjourned at 3: 30 P.M.