at 7:30
M~. J. S~
Mm. S. Weaver
M~. C. Ayers
M~. J. B~u]l
M~. O. Walker
DP. R. Rabom ( ar~ved late)
P~. STuar~ B. Fuller, Building Official
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman
M~. Roy Simon who had requested to appea~ fo~ a client was not present.
Mr. Fletcher who had requested an appearance did not appea~. Both of the above
were not discussed.
Building Official gave each member a corrected Zoning Ordinance to go through
before next meeting.
Mr. Novotny was present for Gzlfstre~m Harbo~ and ~ve a
p~ed devel~t. ~l~ed ~at he had set b~~s
~q~d. ~k bette~ ~ w~. ~o, ~t ~ we~ sev~ ex~t
he is goL~ to save ~u~ a l~e ~~e. Hew~s ~ ~ct a~ ~je~
wi~ g~ ~fic ~. ~tly ~ w~ ~t n~d so
w~'t ~ve. ~s pl~ ~ets p~s~t ~~t of 1-1/2 spa~s ~r ~t ~d
~t e~mi~ h~ sh~ ~at ~s is m~ ~ ~. H~ev~,
fora p~g e~i~ ~ ne~d ~ ~e
~. Novotny stated that there is 1ES a~s. There will be ten (t0) buildings of
96 units each. Setback are more than required. There is a recreation ar~a in
the cen~er. There is one main entrance and ~o secondary entrances.
Mr. Sarno asked h~ nuoh green area is between the back of the building and the
parking lot. Mr. Novo~ny stated there is eleven (11) feet.
Public Works Depart~mnt said the tnash pickup tnaffic plan is agreeable.
The Board would prefer Mr. Novotny to have an island cut for the main entrance to
avoid a stack up of traffic on Federal Highway. Mr. Novotny stated that he will
look into getti~ the island cut.
Mr. Samo questioned use of pa~king spaces near cormers of North and South en~s,
He thought they would be tight as there isn't too math tu~ radius.
Planning and Zoning Board workshop
meeting Decembe~ t, 1971
Mm. Novotny explained that in orde~ to make them more accessible, it would be
necessary to sacrifice the ~ trees he ~nts to save. Board discussed this
point and agreed that it would preferable to have all the open g~ee~ space possible
M~. 01ds ~omplimented ~. Novo~ on wanting to save as many trees as possible.
Stated that most developers~ just clea~ them out.
Board asked M~. Novotny to provide an extra isle cut om U.S # 1 fo~ his center
entrace. Tb~s would prevent stacking of tr~uffic. He was asked to contact D.0.T.
before next meeting, if possible, and get their ideas on this proposal.
Board discussed in general a proposed ec~ne~al use just North of the fruit stand
on U.S. #1.
Chairmsn requested a workshop meeting fo~ Deck. er 1S. 1971 before
meeting on Decembe~ 28, 1971.
To contact }~. Hoskins and see if he is available for workshop.
M~. Fuller introduced the n~ City Planner, M~. Robert Largent.
Motion to adjourm by M~. 01ds, seconded by M~. Br~ll. All voted aye and meeting
adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Board then informally discussed various a~pects of zo~until 10:10 P.M. ~th
City Planning Director Mm. Po~ Largent. \\\~