Minutes 08-23-71~..fl2~UTES OF TM PL~ ~ ZONING ~OARD
7:50 P.M.
~.~. Jay Sarno
~{r. Robert Olds
}4~. Joseph Brull
Dr. Robert Raborn
~'ir. Otis l~Valker
Mr. Stanley ~'eaver
}~r. Charles Ayers
~,P~. Gerald Dake
~!r. Stuart Fuller, Building Official
}~.~. Sarno opened the meeting by stat.inK, that it is the first o£ t~o hearings to be
held by the Plannim~ ~ Zoning Board fox' the proposed ~.{aster Plan. ~ stated the
procedure to be followed during the hearing. He told of the background, of the
}~ster Plan and the purpose of the hearing.
Mr. Sarno stated that the Board ~overed the entire city in a bus and turned the
~eeting over to Dr. Pmborn to show the slides that were ti,em at that time.
After the slides were shown }~.~. Gerald .Dake spoke on the growth mhd development
of the area and pointed out some of the changes that are proposed in the zoning
Letters that had been sent into the Planning 8 Zoning Board were ~aken up first.
~r. Sarno read a letter l~ted ~ay 2Sth in ~ich the residents of Lake Addition
requested, that the area remain single family zone, it was signed by 24 residents.
~4rs. ~Toy Shook, 64S N, ~. 8th Avenue represented the area. She asked why this
particular area was rezoned? She has read in the paper that it cost toomuch to
build single family holms on the intracoastal. She stated that maybe ~here would
have been more homes if it weren't for the condition of the streets. The
residents of Lake Addition request that the area remain zoned residential.
}~ro Sarno stated t~hat the best land use for the area is taken into consideration.
To ans~;er the question as far as the cost of homes on the intracoastal, a survey
~ms taken of the permits ~S:ued for single family homes, 18 permits were issued in
five (S) years. ~ith t~he cost of property today the individ,,a] is going a~ay
from this costly area. He stated that three {5) areas were changed to high rise but
in no way does th_is board make a final decision. The Board listens to the opinions
of the people and makes a recommendation to City Co~mcil, which makes the final
Dr. Raborn stated fl-mt the Board or the City Council would not make a decision
that is detrimental to a neighborhood. ~ue function that ~frs. Shook performed is
what every citizen should do, you should also make your feelings ~nown to the
City Council If the people d~n't want any changes then there won't be any.
- 2
~:~inutes of Public Hearing on
Plan 8-23-71
F.r. John B~ker, 707 N. E. 9th Avenue stated that he wants the property to remain
Mrs. Florence Collins, N. ~.. 10th. Avenue, stated that they are in the process
of building a new hom~. It was the only desireable property that they could find
and they don't want mltiple family homes around them.
I,'.~. John Yarrish 633 N. E. 10th Avenue, his home was shown in one of the slides.
He 'stated that ~his home is good looking and well kept and he does not rent to
Mr. ~?. C. Collins stated that if the area is rezoned, he would not be able to get
a permanent mortgage sufficient to b~dld. He also stated that tJ~c~= are many good
ho=~s along the area that were not sh~n in the slides.
~4r. Dake stated that part of the reason for the Board to resolve the R-4 zone was
because of the com~mrical development along Federal [~ighway. Goinf to the east off
Federal Highway you have to drive through an undesireable entrance.
Mr. ~leaver stated that in re~ards to the comerciaI area on US 1 , it will
become residential street again some daDr due to 1-95 and the turnpike. [~e stated
that he owns property in the area and the cost for fill is almost twice the cost of
the property. He asked for permission to bulkhead, and it was denied because of
ecology and breeding.
~,~rs. Brinkman on 7th Street stated that . people can afford single family homes
in the area. Something should be done about the streets in the area. It could be a
beautiful residential area.
~r. Same read a letter dated March 16 signed by N.R. Field. No one ~ished to
speak in regards to the letter and it was taken under advisement.
I~,~, Arthur Sinclair asked about the zoning of the property east of Congress on the
north side of 804. He was told that an application for rezoning was to be heard
at the meeting on Tuesday, August 24th.
},~r. Same read a letter from ~:~illicent C~portunities signed by Mr. Frank .~uro. No
one wished to speak, it was taken under advisement.
Mr. John RaMie N. W. 5rd Street represented Ridgewoed Hills Association. A
petition was previously presented to the City Council. ~r. R~¥1e showed pictures
of the Ridgewood Yills area. t.[e stated that the homes are very nice and well kept
and they don't want the area downgraded.
Mr. Arthur Short, 1111 Lake Terrace asked about the interchange of 1-95 and the
beautificatian of t~he highway.
~'~inutes o£ the Public Heating ~aster
Plan 8-~3-71
~R. Kelly .Ki.rto~_, .605 N. Seacrest ~kea about: the. C-1 Zoning for Seacrest Blvd~
It was explained that it is for office buildings and Pro£eSSio~l buildings to
keep it from becoming c~mm~rcial. ~crs. Kir~on stated they £aVOr the zoning~
~'~¥. Bob Jamison asked about th.e regulation concerning ~arlnas being allowed
exclt~ing dry storage. ,We as~¢ed would a dry storage building be permitted?
N~r. Dake explained that the purpose of tt~is is to prevent a junk yard appearance
from happening. I)ry storage will be permitted within an enclosed building. The
idea is to have marina areas wi tJ~ lom~ge restaurant, and motel. Possibly a better
way to state it would be "excluding exterior dry storage'~.
~-~'~o Janet ~all, ,.q~m~s* ,~-i~a stinted t3mt it would be hard to operate a marina
witho~.~t d~y stormge.
It was stated that the existing marinas would be allewed to continue as t~ey are, but
could not expand any.
~r. Dake went into further explafi, ation of the areas in the north section that was
not mmntiomed so t~hat the entire north, section of the city was encompassed.
Mr. Frietag~ N. E. 16th Avenue asked ~.~at t~...e zoning is for the section at N. E. 4th
Street and N.E. 16th Avenue? It was anm~er~ that it is residential, mo commercial.
A gentleman from the audience conmended the Plarming g Zoning Board for an in. forma-
tive, orderly meeting.
The Public Hearing adjourned at 10:35 P,~.