Minutes 08-04-71~,Snutes of the t~ianning and Zonin~ Worksh~ ~4eeting, F~ld August i, 1971 CITY [TALL, BOYNTON BEACh!, FLOFcIDA Present ~4r. J. Sarno Dr. R. B. P~born ~r. R. Olds I~r. J, L. Bruil V~, S. Weaver ~Ir. O. ~?alker ~r, C. Ayres ~-~beting called to order at 7:50 P.~,L by Chairman. Dr. Raborn and Board went thru all pictures taken on field trip and discussed these. Board then discussed the proposed new zoning ~p and ordinance. Ftrrther discussed plans for Agust 25rd and August 50th meetings when these would be presented to the public for hearings, Ail members were in favor of plan and ordinance as presently stands. ?~ard went over Shell Oil Station plans for conformance with ordinauce. Board mad~ corrections and requested tb~t Shell Oil representatives appear before August 25rd meeting with a corrected plan. F~eeting scheduled for August 12th cancelled out. Board adjourned.