Minutes 07-26-71~ffFRIrEs OF TP~ PLAb~ING AbD ZONING EOARD ~ETING ~,~. D AT CITY HALL, BoYMrON B=.JICH FLORIDA, MO}~]AY JULY 26~ 1971 at 7:50 P.M. PRESBk~r Mr. Jay Sarno Mr. Charles Ayers ~r. Robert Olds }ir. Otis }~alker Dr. Robert Raborn Mr. S. B. Fuller, Building Official ABSBNT ~,~r. Joseph Brull t,{r. George Burgelin ~k. Sarno called the regular m~ethng of the Planning ~ Zoning Board to order at 7:50 P.~4. ~,~r. Olds moved that t~he minutes of ~he previous meeting be accepted as written, seconded by ~,,~r. Ayers. ~otion carried. Parcel # 1 Lots 50 and 53, Central Park Recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 12 Palm Beach Cowry Records Address: Lot # 50, 407 S. B. 12 Ave. Lots # 55 1129 S. ~. 4 St. Request: R.-2 to C-1 Applicant: Stephen F. Kost Use: Office Building add Apartments }4r. Kost sh(~ed drawings of the building. The building will be used for professiom. al offices. It was stated that there is a large a~eunt of green area and parking. ~4r. Samo asked how soon would it be started? It was answered, as soon as the rezoning goes through. ~. Samo asked if t~r. Kost would agree to site plan approval if the zonLng change is granted? He stated that he would gladly agree to it. There were no letters in objection and no one present in objectien to the request. ~r. Ayers moved that the request of ~r. Stephen F. l(ost be ~ranted seconded by M~. Walker. ~tion carried S-O. Parcel W. 250' of Lots 57 and 58, all of Lots 61 62,65,64~65,66 and 67, Less North 100' of S. 510' of E. 100' of Lot 65 (Less ~(r. 50' of Lots 61~62,63,64 and 67) S/D of Sections 20 and 20,T45S. R45E ~.~nutes of the Planning and Zoning Board .~eeting .~ld at City Hall, Boynton Beach Florida, Nonday 7-26-71 7:30 P.kL Parcel # 2 Continued Contains 17 acres more or less Recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 20 Palm Beach County .Records Address: 500-598 N. Congress Avenue Request: R!-AA to C-1 Applicant: Henry Eo Thompson Use: Limited Co~rcial Mr. Hank Thompson has held the land for approximately twelve years. L% has the desire to conform to the proposed Haster Plan. He feels that Limited Co~aercial is the highest and best use of tJxe land. Under the ~w ~:~aster Plan C-1 will be a different classification but he is requestJ_nS Linzited Con~ercial zone. ~4r. Sarno asked if it would involve high rise? Thompson sta~ed that in ell these years, no one has applied for anything more ~han %wo stories. Thompson stated that there is no planned construction for this land. Sar~ suggested that they be willing to agree to site plan approval. ~. Thompson agreed that site plan approval is a good thing. L~t,~ers were read from the follc~ing wi~h no objections: ~,'~. Ernest & b~rs. Viola g/att, Hr. Bill and }~rs. Elsie %~inchester, No one present with objections. A letter of objection was read from Lassiter Enterprises, Leisure Plaza, object to additional ccm~nercial zoning. Dr. Raborn ~oved to grant the request of Mr. Henry E. Thompson, seconded by ~,~r. %',lalker. Hotion carried 5-0. Parcel # 5 To consider abandonment, including rights of way and easem;~nts of the following: b~inutes of tJ~e Planning and Zoning Board ~ ' ~ ~eet~n~ 7-26-71 7:30 Parcel # 3 Continued 20' Easement for Utilities and Road Purposes located in Acreage Section 4, lying East of Sun %%'ah Restaurant, 3010 South Federal Hig_hway Boynton Beach, bet~veen Bamboo Lane on the South Nbckingbird Lane on the North Applicant: Jbm5' Chin ~{m. Paul Sharp represented the Chin brothers. Co~plaints were made due to rush hours at the Sun ~/ah Restaurant. Customers were parking anyw~Sere and denying the residents proper access. A new plan has been developed for the right of way to access to ~.bckingbird Lane. Aud a more orderly parking lot will be marked off. Letters were read from Florida Public Utilities, Southern Bell, and Florida Power and Light %~th no objections to the ahandor~r~ent. The residents are in favor of the request, the only thing about it they de not like is that tl~e new right of ~;ay does not have a cross over to the highway. It was brought out that the residents have wells located on the easement ' b~r. Sharp stated if there are wells located on the easement, they would be protectei' b~r. Sarno suggested that the item be tabled for some legal advice from the City Attorney concerning the wells. ~,~r. Olds moved that Parcel three be tabled for further advice from the City Attorney for protection of the wells, seconded by Dr. Rabom, Motion carried Parcel 4 Lots 115,114 and 115, ~gh Point S/D Recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 225 Palm Beach County Records Request: Ri-~A to R-2 Applicant: Peninsular Properties Inc. Use: To be used 3ointly with Lots 75,76 and the East 40' of Lots 74 ~ 77 High Point as part of Apartment development Address: 254 - 242 S. E. 26 Avenue Parcel ~ To consider abandoranent including rights of way and easements of the following: That portion of ~he prosposed road by the na~ of Virginia St. ( S. E. 2 St.) that extends 290' South 4 ~.~nutes of the Planv~ng and Zoning Board ~eeting 7-26-71 7:50 P.~,~. Parcel 5 Continued: of S. ~.. 25th Avenue That portion of the proposed road by the name of Pelton Drive ( S. Eo 26th Ave. ) that extends 165' West of its juncture with proposed Virginia St. ( S.E. 2nd St.) Applicant - Peninsular Properties Inc. ~. Ward Pan-in represented Peninsular Properties. ~e indicated on a display model ~fnat they intend to do. These will be approximately $50,000 homes. %~ill leave natural g~ on the property. The reason for t]~e apartment complex, it ~ms the feeling that a ck~lex construction would not be maintained but Peninsular Properties could maintain 'the exterior of the apartments and be complementary to the project. People would be -willing to rent an apartment near the railroad tracks but not buy a home there. There are eight units per building, five buildings. It was asked if Peninsular Properties would pave S. F.. 1st Street through' to S. ~,'1. 27th Avenue. }~!r. Parris stated that they would. A letter was read from Joyce 6 John Suiter objecting to the request, also a letter in objection from }~. ~ Mrs. B. b~. Keatts and a petition with thirty-three signatures. ~4r. Leon Everett, 197 S. E. 27th Avenue, objected to the request. It is a nice quiet neighborhood ,rith single family homes and he would like to keep it this way. Aparments ~vould make it unsightly. He is against a street coming around in back of his property. He has been there fourteen years. }.k. Loyal Rohrbaught, 2857 S. E. 1st Place, objected to the request. He stated that he ~as told in a Council ~;geting that S. ~.. 2nd Street wouId eventually go through arid tonight he was told t,hat it could not. }4r. Benny Keatts, 195 S. E. 27th Avenue, was with the group that collected signatures for the petition and only one person that he talked with was not actually against the request. He stated that t~enty units per acres is pretty hiDh density and he is very much against it. B'Ir. Gary Winter, 191 S. E. 27th Avenue, is opposed to the request. Rezoning would down grade the area. M~ wanted a single family area and chose this one. Y~nutes of the Planning and Zoning Board ?~eting, July 7-26-71 7:30 P.M. Mr. Edward Nbore objected to the request. He stated that it would cause much traffic and be very dangerous. Mr. Oscar Peterson, 176 S. E. 27th Avenue, objected to the request. He stated that it is hazardous approaching Seacrest no~ and it would make it worse. B~r. Parrin stated that Peninsular Properties would definitely maintain thc exterior of the apartment buildings. Dr. Raborn moved that t~he request of Peninsular Properties be denied, seconded by ~r. ~t~alker. ~'btion carried 5-0. .,'~. Sarno reported that ~.~r. Gerald Dake had been authorized for two nights for Public Hearing, August 25rd for area north of Ocean Avenue and August 30th for area south of Ocean Avenue. ~fr. Ayers moved to adjourn~ seconded by Dr. Raborn. Official ~eting adjourned at 9:55 P.5{. Chairman turned meeting into workshop and continued until 10:10 Mr. J , Chairman