Minutes 05-24-71_~-.f/%A/t~ OF 2TtE PLPg~IING gArD ZONING BOAtll) MEETI%-!G ~LD g_~ CITY tqALL, BOYkrroN BEAC~I FLORII1A~ Mglr 214, 1971, at 7: 30 P. PI.. PRES~{r M~. Jm~s Sa~no M~. Robert Olds M~. joseph Brull M~. Charles Ayer~ M~. C~e Burge!~n M~. Elmo E!liott, Building Official A~NT M~. ~ Walke~ D~. Rober~ Rabo~n M~. Sa~no called the Regula~ Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board to orde~ at 7:90 P.M. ~ M~. Olds moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as %a~itten seconded by P~. Ayer~o Motion ca~ed 5-0. Parcel # 1 Lot S, Block 6, Meeks g gnc~,~ Addition Recorded in Plat Book 12 Page 146 Request: R-1 to R-2A Address: 115 N. E. llth Ave. Applicant: James H. Ellis Parcel to be used fo~ T~iplex M~. Ellis was present at the meting. The lot is 50by 150~ If the zoning is changed it will still have to go before ~ Board of Adjustment fo~ a variance om the width. He does not have the ,~dth r~quired fo~ that zoning. M~. Ellis was asked if he ,mid consider a duplex? He answered that he preferred a lmffiplex but if it is not possible he ,ould settle fora a duplex bemuse ,faat is there n~,; is pretty well deteriorated. He had no plans %~th him to sh~ what he intended to build. It was suggested that he brdng plans before the Board of Adjustment if the zoning was granted. M~. Bru!l moved that the request be gr~unted with the re~dation that it go before the Board of Adjustment fora a variance on the ~,~dth of the lot with the suggestion that any additional fee be waived, seconded by Mm. Bu~gelin. ~ion can~ed The revised plat was reviewed by the Board members and ~_~. Possi and M~. Cicioni. Plan~g ~ zon~ ~ The plat states a b~idge will be over the canal. The Board requested this be ~ speeifioally stated - a concrete bzidge _. The tight ~r ihas. been adjusted, lost one lot on the east side. M~. Cicioni stated they %~11 meet with the architect and the Leisureville Associati~ to discuss the 'Recreation areas com~iniug and making lar~em. Php. V~ti~ ~tmted the r~sidents ~ld be very pleased to have one large ~H.%dlng tO ha~ meetings~ The most it will hold ncw is 150 people. If the ~ does not exceed ~¢'tlon VII, -a'~ th~ w~st i~alF~£ ~atlcn area will be sufficie~nt. Ph% Sarno stated he received nothing 6z~, ~= ~n~ir~ng Dept. o~ the Fi~e Marshall as To ~heir appl~al of the plat. In the fut~ on. thc ~ina] ~,[ o£ ~pp~oval ~hould have signed approval of both. I~. Sarno asked about the original items: (1) ~age to the .~I. E. (2) parking lot at golf ~ (S) proshop. M~. Cicioni said they will .have the parking lot ehd pro shop. ~. Vastiue explained the drainage problem. ~%ter backs up on N. E. 10th Ct. Caldos agreed TO put a swale to the East of Leisureville property., but t~. Collins would not allow it. Mn. Aye~s moved ~hat the Board ~eommnend approval of Section VII Leisureville~ seconded by f~. BrulL Motion carried $-0. Tenta~ve ~;~:~roval M~. Olds ~ed to extend tentative approval of Sections 8~9, and !0, Leisurevil!e ~o be submitted to %he En~r~g Dept. and Fire Dept. for their approval Plat ~ L 2~86-001 Revised 5/2g/71, seconded by ~4r. Ayers. Motion ~ied 5~0. l~. Vastine thanked the Board fo~ their cooperation with the people. Are quite pleased that they ar~ working wi~a the prople. La~_ _ds~cape of Standard Station The landscaping is 10% over the specifications. the accepting of linden, whi~ is accepted. seconded by M~. Br~ll. Meeting adjourned. .Bpproval was given subject to ~. Olds ~ed to adjotmn, P.M. ~\ ~)RKSHOP }~.~G OF THE PL~G ZONING BOARD F~L~ CITY HBLL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ F~tY 199 1971~ at 7:30 P.M. PEESENT ~. James Sarno M~. Rober~ Olds t~. Joseph Br~ll M~. ~a~les Ayers M~. Otis Walke~ F~. GeorEe BurEelin ~. Elmo Elliott~ Deputy Building Official I~. Robert Raborn Approval of Standard Station ~. Wilson, M~. Smith and M~. 5oo~ie were present at the meeting. Pictures were shc~m 'to follow up laudsoape. }~. Ayers ~ecc~mended approval subject to the accepting of landscape, seconded by ~'~. Olds. Motion carried }~. Cicioni and ~. Rossi were present at the meeting. Are goiug to give the parking area and pro shop. %,~ll give the b~idge ovem the canal. Will try to womk scmething out with the tight corners. MP. Ayers stated that There is not a building big enough to hold enough people fo~ a meeting. Sugges~ may be combining recreation areas and makinE one large ec~m~it building. This ~ll be considered. If the land to the East is not acquired ~en the west half of ~he recreation area will be sufficient. Final approval of Section VII will be given at the next regula~ meetiug, May 2gth. Meeting adjourned.