Minutes 04-26-71~'~xWJfES OF THE PLA~B~7~G AND ZOb~I~,IG MEETING b2LD ~hqlgY~ ,~APPIL 263 19719 CITY }~IL BOYMTON BEA~ FLORIDA . 7:30 P.Mo PRESLNT Mr. J~ Sarno ~.~. R. Olds b~. J. Brull ~'~o Co Ayers F~o G. Burfel~n Mr. O. WaLker Stuart B. Fu!ler, Emilding Official ABSENT Dr. Robert Rabom,(exeused) ~. Sarmo called the Regula~ ~feeting of the Planning and Zoning Board to order at 7:40 Nr. Sarno reported that a meeting was held wit% the new o.~ners of Leisureville to elari~ ~,~o questions ~a.t were brought up. One was the drainage in the North East seetiC~o The other is that the 60 space pa~cing a~_.a at the North End of the golf course is still not acoooplished. I~. Possi was to take ~is up with Cel~s. Pave.~l ~;- ! - Lots 19 th~ 49~ Cher~.~ Hi!.ls~ ~ecorded in Plat Book # 4, Page 58~ PaLm Bea~ Co~ R~uest: R-LA. to R~2 Ad, ss: 501- 561 N. ~. 8 Av~ ~li~t: Rev. A. C. Eves For single f~mily ho~s - 2 Rev. Evans was present at the meeting. He explained that they are try~g to get people out of apartments and into a house of their own. He wants to build these houses on 50 foot lots, A 50 foot lot is sufficient as you find ..people do not have time to tend to a big lot. Rev. Evans stated he is in Boynton Beach because a Boym. ton resident, Rev. Lee asked him. to come. At present he is building these houses on 50 foot lots in Riviera Beach. Mr. Sarno asked Rev. Evans if he kne~ about the existing zoning w~en ~e property was-pu_~chased? Rev. Lee answered no he did not. [~e came to City Fall to get addresses and at that time. was told you have to have a 80 foot lot to build a house on. Rev. Lee - 407 N. W. 9th Avenue is in favor of the request. ~ere is an enormous housing problem in Boynton. There ~,~ou!d be no apamtm, ents in the area~ we are against apartments. Urge t~at the Board. ~nt the rezcning for these homes to go up. A letter was read from Walter Steele, Wesco Development objecting to the request. - 2 Planning g Zoning Board Meeting Ap~_'l 26~ 1971 -Mm. Rayle- Ridgewood Homec~mers Association - These people are strongly against rezoning and degrading tDis proper~y. It would allo~ for substandard homes. If they were to build these homes in that area, and I offend n~y ho~ for sale, someone would come and hear Fy priee~ then drive up and d~n the street and observe these small houses on-these small lots, ~hey would go some place e/se to bu6~ a home. Am ~esidents and taxpayers we stand to be hurt by homes of type. Mr. Sarno asked 'if Rev° Evans had approached Ridg~ood Hills ~sociation and shown them any plans? It was stated by c~e of TJ~e group that they have sean no plans o The plans were placed on a side table to be looked at by any one that was interested. Mr..~nthon Noubte - ~04 N. W. ~ Street - strongly against this type of housing~ we kn~? what k~qd of people would move in. The Rev. has said he is against apartm~mts~ this would be equ%vale~ to apartment om less. Object to anSrthing that would degrade the area. ~. Art. Mathew -~ 411 5[. W. 3rd street - Stated they were never o~.~taeted by the builder~ only the City notified everyone within 300 feet. b~. Forbs ~ 425 N. W. 4th Ave. - A four bedroom house of q~is size ~uld make an ~ful small bedroom~ It would be over cr~,~ded~ more cars and eventually become a Dhetto. Strongly object to the rezoning request. Mm. John Stevens - 715 N. W. 4 St. - Strongly disagre~with this plan. Ail the ears pang in a small area. ~e area is a nice place where anyone mgg~t want to live~ Would like to keep otto cc~ur.~ty a n~oe place to live. Not agaJ_nst progress or Rev. Evans wanting to build homes for peopte~ but are against over Mr-. Sarno explained that the PlanDing $ Zoning Board can only recommend. ?hen the City Council has the final decision. It will go before the City Council on May ~th and he urged that everyone attend the Council meeting and show their objections regardless of whether the Plnning g Zoning Board votes for om against the request. Mr. Robemt Sinclair ~- 614 N. W. Sth Street - The size of the lots in that area are 75~ by 135'~ 50' lots would be like coming back. to trolley cars. ~ny new project should complement what is existing now. Rev. Evans stated he did not confront the group, because he didn't kn~ there was a group. Have built the same type houses in Riviema and invited anyone to Riviera to see them. Most of the homes are 1500 square feet with plenty of living space. YJnutes of the P!am3~ing g Zoning ,~ard- ~26-~7! Mr. Sarno stated that both side were undemstood. He asked if the request was granted would the setbacks conform? Mm. tknller an~ered ~at t_bUs ~mu!d be possible. The Board makes no recommendations without checking the sites. The members are acquainted with the area and the ~unding homes in the area. M~. George Burge]in commended the people that have the interest to sh~ up, ~hcw~. ~that people care enot~Dh alout their eonmxmity to do such a thing. ~!~. Sarno also con--reded the Rewen~nds for whale they are doing for the people. Mr. Brull moved that the request of Rev. Evans be denied and the property remain zoned R1A, seconded by P~o Olds, }~otion carmied 5~0. ~. Walke~ abstained. · Parcel # 2 ~ Lots 5 ~6, g 7 Block l0, Cemtral Park ~nex Recorded in Plat Book 12, Page $! Palm Beach County P~cords Request: R-1 to R~.2 Add~ess: 122- 124 S..E. 13A~e. Applicant: F~. Rober~ ~. Pe~k To be used fora a duplex. No one appeared in favor of the request. ~. Ja~.es McKinley - 113 S. W. 13th Ave. ~ appeared against the request. Don't think we would like a duplex put in that area. We have single family dwellings would not like to have a duplex put next to a single family home. Most of the neighbors are against it~ but could not be here tonight. Olds moved that the request be denied, it is obvious that the gentlemen is not intereste~ enough to come forward with a plan, seconded by Mr, Walker. Motion carmied 6~0. Parcel # 3 - Village Royale Revi~,? plan that was proposed. Mro Sarno stated that at the workshop meeting last week there was some question as to the plat that was approved for Village Royale~ We fo~d that the totals on the summary sheet did not m~tch the plat. A plat was issued at the Council Meetip~ sm~d an ordinance was dra~ up for Village Royale° Then they came before the Planning and Zoning Board for a change iu the plat snd it was discovered they were short in parking a~eas, etc.. P~. Albert Wehrell, Chairman of the Zoning Board at that time presented his views. He stated that the Zoning Board assumed the number of units on the plat were the same as the summa_~y. The Zoning Board approved the layout on the basis that it conformed %~ith the plat plan. At the time it came before Council, the question was asked was it going to be like this presented plat and it was so stated. ~. Bill Elam - 609 N. E. 6th Ave. H~ explained that the Architect made up a little picture that didn't match the s~,,~y. _The picture w~s to show an idea of the green area, it was not an actual plat. k~. Fields and K~. Riley ~,~mers of the surrounding property came to the office. They said if we build four stories that close they would not be able to gem FHA approval. Th. at is the rea,~on for the yel!~,~ tape covering the building that is extending out. He peeled off the tape and shOWed the members. Minutes of the Planning g Zoning Board 4~26-71 The buildings were shortened to make more parkin.g spaces, and that is the plat we present no~. There are 1136 units which require 1704 parking spaces. Mw have 1765 parking spaces, iucluding recreation areas. Lowered UnitS from 29 per acre to 28.4. The plat has been stamped and sealed and has the stmmmry onit. Mm. Sarno asked how many parking spaces are for the recreational areas? ~. Elam answered 27 cn one 31 on the other making a total of 58 spaces for recreational us~ The landscaping ~s discussed. ~4~o Elam aSsumed the Board that it ~[11 be well landscaped - mounded, trees, hedges. LandscapLng is made a oonditicn of the plat. P~. Sarmo stated that the City Attorney feels that this will not have to be re~-advertised0 It will have to go before Council fo~ approval. Mm. Brull moved that the plan be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board, seconded by P~. Ayers. Motion carried The plat signed by Architect Gene Yaros, dated 3-31-71, summary dated 3-23-71 was signed by M~. Sarno and Mm. Elam.. LEISUREVILLE ?~. Sarno asked that the Board go ahead slowly in the-.~eisureVille kituaf4~m. Caldos has not fulfilled the agreenm~t ~ the extent of these ~o items Parking and Drainage. M~. Olds stated tb~t in the original plan of Caldos, they were going to provide for parking of trailers° Have to make provision for parking of trailers or get rid of them° Mrs. Jackson added that this did not come before Council, but ~. R. B. Vastine said forget it, it had been taken care of. Mr. Sarno feels that the Board should take it slow in approving any more sections as these areas should be taken care of before any more. sections are approved. Mr. Walker moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Meeting adjourned at 10:o3 P.M. Brull. ~Motion card-led 6-0.