Minutes 03-17-71MIhRYPES OF ~ PL~qING AND Z~G BOARD
~?~LD %~Z~ESDAY MkR(}I 17 ~ 19 71
~.J. Sarno
Mr. R. Olds
[~p. G. Burgelin
~. O o Walker
Dr. R. E. Raborn
Mr. Jo Bru!l
~. Charles Ayres
?h~. S. Fuller, Buitdi~ Official
Mr. Sarno called the Workshop .~eting to order at 7:95 P. Mo
Fro. Jerry Dake discussed the proposed master plmn with The Board. ~e explained
each section of the Master Plan ~ ans~ring any questions from members of the
Mr. Dake stated there are not enough park. lands open space and play grounds.
Would like to see the City develop a series of park properties. The City
sP~u!d have a balanced amount of park lands multiple family ~?ellings and single
family ~vellings.
~. Dake stated that Boy, ton has one of %he strongest potentials in the County
for long range industrial development, Has the greatest amount of property
available for industrY_al development.
He explained the intracoasTal property would be better suited for multiple
family dwellings.
The hospital area should be expanded in present loc~-tion. The area should be
used for clinics and other medical buildings.
Each member of the Board should understand ~he Master P!~n before it is brought
to public hea~ing~
Another workshop meeting will be set up with !e~. Dake to discuss z~ning.
An all day meeting is set up for We~nesd~y March 2~ starf/ng at 8:00 A.M. for
the Boar~l to go out and look at same of the areas in question.
~. Sarno extended ~n invitation to all members to attend the preview of the
c~eniug of High Poiut.
Mr. Olds moved to adjourn, seconded by P~. Walker.
Meeting adjourned at I0:~0 P.M.
Motion ~ed.