Marcia Levine, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
Dr. Hayden, Adeyemo Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director
George Feldman
Ace Tilton Ratcliff
Lindsay Karten
Robyn Boucard
Elizabeth Sherlock
I. Call to Order— Marcia Levine, Board Chair
Chair Levine called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes — Meeting of August 25, 2021
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo moved to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Feldman seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Ill. Correspondence and Communications
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo stated she is on the Education and Youth Advisory Board and
attended a special meeting for a Pumpkin Carving event fundraiser to help support
awards such as the Bob Borovy Award. Depending on how many hours students
volunteer for at the Library they are prospective recipients. The event is on October 16tH
She thought the Library would be a good participant. Anyone can register and submit a
pumpkin to be judged. She noted the Education and Youth Advisory Board has made
strides with marketing and being more visible in the community, the same as the Library.
She recalled the Library wanted to be the nebulous of City Hall.
Mx. Tilton Ratcliff asked if there any written information about it and learned the Board
is shoring up advertising the basic information. There is a flyer that is already out about
the Fall Festival event at the Intracoastal. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo commented it would be
good for the Board to be present.
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 22, 2021
Mr. Feldman wanted to speak about his visit with Creative Edge. He met Christina
Graves with his friend, who is an architect, and they were both overwhelmed with the
technology. There was much to do and learn and it is an enterprising situation. It is not
open to youth under 18, but he thought it was going to be a very popular addition. He
commended who ever had the vision to bring it forward and he was proud.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo noted the Library hosted Third and Fifth Bank in one of the
Library rooms and four individuals who attended. They wanted to know how to better
reach the community at large and what was the best time to have information sessions.
She queried how they can partner with them to bring people out to the Library. She
commented the rooms are being utilized for events like that, but people were not
attending. She commented it goes back to the marketing and when is the best time to
have an event for City residents. She noted Saturday's are busy. Mr. Clark explained
Maddie Kjosa heads that program. They advertise the programs. She is really good at
programming and will try different times and feel things out.
(Ms. Boucard arrived at 6:93 p.m.)
Ms. Boucard visited the Library last week and bought her grandson. They had a great
time in the Little People's room playing tic tac toe. It felt good being in that environment
after so many years. She thought the company did a beautiful job with the Library.
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo commented they talked about an Ambassador/show your face
board and noted they have a lot of events on Saturday. The last event she attended, the
Library was there, but she did not see a table for any other Boards and she did not know
if that is something the City does collectively. She mentioned that was how she saw the
Library moving forward. If there is an event, they can attend. She saw a church passing
out water. She feels the division in four areas of the City and all have been affected by
COVID, but she thought there was not enough knowing who your neighbor or know who
your Board is occurring. She thought the Library and Education and Youth Advisory Board
have synergy. People come and show up to the meeting, but it is a wrong meeting. Even
though there is so much information everywhere, the public is missing it. People come to
a Saturday event and then there is no follow up.
Chair Levine asked Mr. Clark to speak about how the City Marketing and the CRA
interface. Mr. Clark explained the CRA holds some events and the events staff knows
about, they try to participate in. They are all on the City's website, and anyone can view
them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. If something is listed they
are interested in and you think the Library should be involved in, the members can
forward it to the marketing department. The Library had a table at the MLK event. The
one before was the CRA Night Market, but it was too short a notice. The next event will
be Pirate Fest. The Youth Department is in contact with the CRA event and the Library
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 22, 2021
will remain open that day. Mr. Clark was unsure they could staff the event outside
because there are only two employees that work on Saturday. Half the employees work
on Fridays and half work on Saturday.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo recalled the setup of the Library and the proposed cafe. She
thought it would have been great to have a book and talk, or drink and talk at the Light
the Night. Because she was so obstinate about changing the Library, she is at a point
in her grief process she can move forward, and find positive ways to ramp up what they
have and attract people. She thought at the Pirates Fest, they could come and see the
treasures we have in the Library to get foot traffic in.
Mr. Feldman thought Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo ideas where great and suggested she take
the initiative and write them all down, so they can get it together. He commented he
would like all the information to review. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo stated it was already on
record. Mr. Feldman thought if Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo wants to do something with social
media or contact the marketing person via email, they can discuss it at the next
meeting. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo commented they were supposed to have a restaurant,
but they do not. Mr. Feldman advised this may not be the correct forum for her ideas.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo noted the Education and Youth Advisory Board had special
meetings. She thought the Library Board should have a working meeting to brainstorm.
Many people on the Board participate in things, but she did not want the Board to
become stale. Mr. Feldman commented the lag time between the Library being built,
the objections she had, and now she is excited about joining in, so he can look at it and
put it on an agenda for a future meeting. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo requested a special
meeting. Chair Levine explained the Art Advisory Board had a special meeting, and it
was quite a bit of work and coordination. It required permission by the City
Commission. She thought maybe the procedure for that Board is different. For the
Education and Youth Advisory Board, they looked at schedules and then held a
V. Chair's Report— Marcia Levine, Board Chair
Chair Levine had no report this month.
VI. Unfinished Business:
Staffing Update - Craig Clark
Mr. Clark is still in the process of hiring a Library Page position as they still have not found
the appropriate person. He will interview additional candidates. Otherwise they are fully
Career Online High School Program - Jeannie Taylor
Ms. Taylor explained they have received 10 scholarships from the State and they will
have another student scholarship interview tomorrow. The person who got a scholarship
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 22, 2021
last month completed her 30-day probation and completed two classes. Currently, there
are four students in the high school program. The criteria is the student has to be an
adult and a Library card holder. Ms. Boucard noted at a prior meeting, a woman from
another country approached her. Ms. Taylor explained they have had people from other
countries participate before and one already graduated. Sometimes it is expensive to get
their transcript or have the information and sometimes it is easier to just start over from
the beginning. That person was very successful completing the program and is doing
quite well.
ARPA Grant Application — Technology Training for Entrepreneurs and Career
Advancement for$93,084
Mr. Clark explained the Board discussed the grant last meeting in detail. He advised
Friday is the first meeting to discuss awarding the $6.2M the State Library has. There are
over $8M in competitive grants, and the Library is one of them. The City is requesting
$93,084. The scholarships will be awarded between Thursday and Friday. This is the
first year ARPA Grants are available due to COVID. The grant period is October 1, 2021,
to September 30, 2022. The Library manages their own grants. The grant has to be
expended by September 30, 2022, and be used for what was in the grant application.
There was information in the minutes they talked about hiring a full-time person to teach
different types of classes to the public, anywhere from Microsoft office products, Quick
Books and small business type programs. Staff will work with that person to develop a
curriculum. If successful, staff may be able to hire a full-time person next year. Dr.
Hayden-Adeyemo liked the idea to link it with the Career Online High School which would
create a smooth transition after high school. She hoped it would help to obtain funding
next year.
VII. New Business
2022 State Aid Application estimated amount $52,257 — Craig Clark
Staff was getting ready to submit the above application. There is an October 1 st deadline.
Mr. Clark explained it is an annual application they submit for operating grants. A 1963
law, allows public libraries to split a pot of money. The estimated amount was noted
above. They set that aside for technology needs such as computer and laptop
replacements. After submitted, the Library usually receives notification in February of
what the actual award is. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo noted there is a TV-type device displayed
outside of the Youth Department and asked if the Library would purchase them. Mr. Clark
responded the City purchased them, but the Library Marketing Manager manages the
Social Worker Intern Program — Jeannie Taylor
Ms. Taylor stated the Library started the Social Worker Intern Program this past week.
The intern's name is Irini Gudigi and she is starting her Master's degree in Social Work
and is supervised by a licensed social worker who will spend time with her when she is
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach; Florida September 22, 2021
here until she gets more familiar with what she is doing. She is present every
Wednesday and Thursdays for full days to meet with individuals who may need
resources. It is advertised on the Library website and social media and whatever
outreach they have. She sits in the Library public area and there is a sign there saying
what she is there for. She has to be visible to the public. She is in a semi private area
and assists mostly with resources such as food stamps and homeless services.
Ms. Boucard asked if there are any other advertisements ongoing in the surrounding
area so the public would know this service is offered at the Library. Mr. Clark explained
there is a sign and a display. She sits in front of the windows by the large print books
near the computers. It is a service for adults so it is located upstairs. There is an intake
application for services and they will post it on the website. Just like Career Source
individuals who is present on Tuesday, staff wants them to be visible so people can see
they are there if needed. The CareerSource representative is very popular There is a
sign and word of mouth gets out. The Library has the same type of sign and the word
gets out. She is only there one day but there is a sign with the times she is there.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo noted City residents pay bills on the first floor and asked if there
was a better way to share the information. Mr. Clark explained there is a sign that the
Library is upstairs by the main entrance and they advertise programs on the monitors by
the Information Desk and by the Youth Library. There is a sign that says Adult Library
on the second floor and Youth Library on the first floor
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
August 2021 Monthly Report
Circulation is steadily increasing and many of the online databases and digital resources
are increasing and some are not. People are getting out more and may want to visit the
Library as opposed to reviewing items online. All is moving in the right direction. Chair
Levine noted she visits the Library and there are always people around.
IX. Announcements
October 2021 Library Programming
Next Library Board Meeting — October 27, 2021
Mr. Clark left programming information on the dais which he reviewed. Mx. Tilton Ratcliff
thought it was great and that there are incredible programs for teens and kids. Sometimes
the meetings can feel like they are beating on the Library, but they thought it was special.
The City has an incredible Library and they was excited to see all of it. Chair Levine
thanked Mr. Feldman for bringing up the Creative Edge. She mentioned it to a lot of
people. Many individuals want to use the Cricket machine and she wants to take the tour.
She hoped the Library would receive the grant. Chair Levine announced the next
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 22, 2021
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo thought they updated the attendance policy. There is specific
language regarding illness and death in the family regarding absences.
X. Adjournment
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo moved to adjourn. Ms. Karten seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m.
" �kl
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist