Agenda 09-02-21 d BEACK�,,,,,,CRA OWN= COMMU REDEVELOPMENT E Y CRAAdvisory Board Meeting Thursday, September 2, 2021 -6:30 PM City Hall Chambers, 100 E. Ocean Avenue 561-737-3256 ADVISORY AGENDA AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Agenda Approval A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda B. Adoption of Agenda 5. Information Only A. Ordinance 20-016 Excused vs. Unexcused Absences by Advisory Board Members 6. Public Comment 7. Consent A. Approval of CRAAdvisory Board Meeting Minutes- July 1, 2021 B. Change in Meeting Time for November 4, 2021 CRAAB Meeting 8. Assignments A. Pending Assignments 1. Review of Commercial Properties within the CRAArea B. New Assignments 1. Consideration and Discussion of Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Project Fund Budget 2. Consideration of Registration and Travel Expenses to Attend the Florida Redevelopment Association 2021 Annual Conference on October 27-29, 2021 in Fort Myers, Florida 9. Adjournment Notice THE CRA SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITHA DISABILITYAN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE INAND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CRA. PLEASE CONTACT THE CRA, (561) 737-3256,AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CRA TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE ADDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA ON THE CRNS WEBSITE. INFORMATION REGARDING ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDAAFTER IT IS PUBLISHED ON THE CRNS WEBSITE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE CRA OFFICE. i. � 'N rON COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD ITEM 5.A. INFORMATION ONLY SUBJECT: Ordinance 20-016 Excused vs. Unexcused Absences by Advisory Board Members SUMMARY: This agenda item is to serve as a reminder to CRA Advisory Board Members of excused vs. unexcused absences for board meetings. With the passage of Ord. 20-016, the City Commission provided Board members to have "excused absences" as outlined below: Sec 27-4 Absences. (a) Members missing meetings. (1) When a member of any advisory board or committee that has regularly scheduled meetings once a month, has missed three regular monthly meetings for any reason within one annual board term, that member will be notified that one additional absence will cause his or her board membership to be terminated. Therefore, the fourth absence shall result in removal from the board. (2) Those boards or committee that have regularly scheduled meetings more than once a month shall be permitted to have six absences during any one annual board term. The seventh absence shall result in removal from the board by ministerial action of the City Clerk. (b) Excused absences. (1)A board member, to whom which any of the below mentioned instances apply, shall submit in writing to the board chairman, a request for an excused absence or absences. The board chairman shall have the power to excuse an absent board member. In the event the board chairman has excused the absence of one of the board members, the decision must be mentioned on the record at the applicable meeting. (2)An absence may be excused due to one of the following: a. Personal illness or injury; b. I Ilness or injury of a family member; c. Death in the family; d. Emergency; e. Maternity leave; or f. Military service. (Ord.No.20-016, 10, 6-2-20) Moving forward, to implement and track this provision effectively,Advisory Board members: 1. That want to request an excused absence to do so at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting by emailing CRA Staff and the Advisory Board Chair. 2. During the Advisory Board meeting, announce the email was received and have the Advisory Board Chair officially determine and state whether the Board Member's absence is excused or unexcused. That way, it will be on the record in the meeting minutes. Excused absences do not count towards a Board Member's four absences allowed before removal from the Board. CRAAB RECOMMENDATION: No action from the Board is required at this time. i. � 'N rON COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD ITEM 7.A. CONSENT SUBJECT: Approval of CRA Advisory Board Meeting Minutes -July 1, 2021 SUMMARY: See attached minutes. CRAAB RECOMMENDATION: Approve July 1, 2021 CRAAdvisory Board meeting minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description D July 1, 2021 CRAAdvisory Board Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE CRA ADVISORY BOARD MEETING 100 E. OCEAN AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 HELD ON THURSDAY, JULY 1, 2021 AT 6:30 PM PRESENT: STAFF: Golene Gordon, Chair Thuy Shutt, CRA Assistant Director Bonnie Nicklien, CRA Grants & Project Manager Angela Cruz, Vice Chair Theresa Utterback, CRA Dev Services Manager Naomi Cobb Lisa Tayar, Prototype, Inc. Sharon Grcevic Joe Josemond Aimee Kelley Yvonne Skovron 1. Call to Order— The meeting was called to order by Chair Gordon at 6:32 p.m. 2. Roll Call — Roll was called, and it was determined a quorum was present. 3. Invocation 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Agenda Approval A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda — None B. Adoption of Agenda Motion was made by Vice Chair Cruz, seconded by Ms. Cobb, to adopt the agenda. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (7-0). 6. Information Only Mr. Josemond thanked everyone for their efforts. 7. Public Comment — None. Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board July 1, 2021 Boynton Beach, Florida 8. Consent A. Approval of CRA Advisory Board Meeting Minutes — June 3, 2021 Motion was made by Ms. Grcevic, seconded by Vice Chair Cruz, to approve the minutes of the June 3, 2021 Board meeting. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (7-0). 9. Assignments A. New Assignments 1. Review of Commercial Properties within CRA Area From the Notice Agenda (see attached), the following properties were presented: • 220-224 EAST MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD o Located three (3) lots east of MLK mixed-used project o '/2 acre, potentially 10 units per acre o Asking price $2,000,000 Board Comments: Ms. Kelley noted the property was currently occupied by a tenant and asked if this was a property currently for sale or if the CRA had been approached regarding purchase. Ms. Shutt responded that the CRA is typically contacted by an owner or owner's representative and would likely have the property vacated as part of the contract. She stated this was at the CRA Board's discretion during negotiations. Discussion ensued regarding tenants and terms. Ms. Kelley asked if any of the nearby properties were owned by the CRA. She stated there was a church and vacant lot adjacent. Ms. Shutt stated the property to the east was owned by an estate and the next two (2) lots were owned by the CRA. She noted additional nearby lots owned by the CRA. She explained the CRA interest in reactivating the corridor and efforts to assemble a larger piece for additional opportunity. Ms. Grcevic stated she would recommend pursuing the property at a later date, as they do not know if families are ready to move if the property is sold. Discussion continued regarding dealing with occupied properties. 2 Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board July 1, 2021 Boynton Beach, Florida Ms. Shutt explained that the CRA does not want to inflate the value of the land, but there was new development two (2) to three (3) lots away and this parcel could be critical. Ms. Kelley asserted that with the MLK project not even started and the lack of available housing, she would recommend pursuing it at a later date. Ms. Shutt pointed out the MLK project would be starting in the next month or so and would be a mixed-used project completed as quickly as possible due to low-income tax credit deadlines. Ms. Cobb stated the community wants to see their area looks better. She added that this corridor was once a thriving community and there was a need for the corridor to take on life again. Ms. Grcevic asked if the mixed-used project would be rental units or sale units. Ms. Shutt responded that there would be 124 multifamily rental apartments. She noted that the CRA works with property owners to be as flexible as possible. Ms. Grcevic asked if there were projects coming up that offered home ownership. She stated that many want to come back to the area but cannot. Ms. Shutt discussed the Cottage District. She stated that the CRA is in negotiations with a developer for fee simple Workforce Housing. She explained they try to keep equal numbers of housing rentals and sales. Motion was made by Ms. Cobb, seconded by Mr. Josemond, to place the property at 220-224 East Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in the category "pursue now as a land banking opportunity". In a voice vote, the motion passed (5-2, with Vice Chair Cruz and Ms. Kelley opposed). • 409 N E 1St AVE o Located directly south of the Cottage District project o Zoned R-2 o Own property adjacent, not critical for assemblage 0 0.38 acres, potentially 10 units per acre o Asking price $586,657 Board Comments: Vice Chair Cruz asked the plan for 407 NE 1St Avenue. 3 Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board July 1, 2021 Boynton Beach, Florida Ms. Shutt responded the CRA board had authorized the purchase, and the plan was to demolish the structures. Vice Chair Cruz stated she sees opportunity for this property, and the fact that the CRA has the Cottage District project and the property at 407 NE 1 st Avenue. She noted that it made her feel good about potential business for the residents in the area. Ms. Shutt pointed out the property would be residential only, and anything else would have to be Conditional Use approved by the City. Ms. Skovron stated she was not sure this property fit the CRA criteria. Ms. Kelley asserted it was a lot of money for a house or two (2). She suggested tabling the issue until the market changed. Chair Gordon discussed public/private partnerships to make an area more appealing. Ms. Kelley suggested the property could maybe be part of the Cottage District project in the future, and the developer could look at it later. She stated for now, it should not be actively pursued as a purchase. Mr. Josemond stated he did not like the purchase. Motion was made by Vice Chair Cruz, seconded by Ms. Cobb, to place the property at 409 NE 1St Ave. in the category "pursue at a future time to be determined by the CRA Board." In a voice vote, the motion passed (5-2, with Mr. Josemond and Ms. Skovron opposed). • 1017 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY o Anticipated for retail/commercial o Adjacent to CRA office space and Haitian radio station project o 0.21 acres o Listing price $685,000 Board Comments: Ms. Kelley asked if the lot could be used as a grocery store. Ms. Shutt responded that use would fit the zoning. Ms. Grcevic asked what square footage could be built on the property. 4 Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board July 1, 2021 Boynton Beach, Florida Ms. Shutt responded that she had not done the analysis, but it would depend on how the setback is met and parking requirements. She stated that typically 25 percent was needed for parking, landscaping, and drainage. Ms. Cobb asserted that this was a gateway property for entering into the revitalized area, and she would envision something honoring the people of the community. Motion was made by Ms. Cobb, seconded by Ms. Grcevic, to place the property at 1017 North Federal Highway. in the category "pursue now as a land banking opportunity". In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (7-0). Ms. Skovron suggested finding out if the owner of the car rental property next door was interested in selling. Ms. Shutt stated staff would investigate. • 1022 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY o 0.38 acres o Old fish market o Viable for commercial o Appraised at $950,000 Board Comments: Ms. Grcevic stated it was a nice corner and had potential as a restaurant or similar. Ms. Shutt stated that staff was not particularly motived for this piece, as it has potential to developers. She noted the adjacent City-owned property would be demolished, as improvements were found to be cost prohibitive. Discussion ensued regarding the process for development by an independent developer and letters of interest for development. Motion was made by Ms. Grcevic, seconded by Ms. Kelley, to place the property at 1022 North Federal Highway. in the category "do not pursue because it does not fit the CRA mission." In a voice vote, the motion failed (3-4, with Chair Gordon, Vice Chair Cruz, Ms. Cobb, and Ms. Skovron opposed). Vice Chair Cruz stated she really likes the location of the property and would like to understand better how the CRA could help something to be brought there if the CRA does not acquired it. Ms. Shutt responded that a grant or rental assistance could be offered for a potential purchaser. 5 Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board July 1, 2021 Boynton Beach, Florida Ms. Grcevic reiterated that she would like to see a restaurant in the space. Ms. Cobb stated the four (4) corners of this intersection are critical to the development going west, and there was a need for them to be made new. She added that she could visualize artwork or something welcoming as bookends for the corridor. Ms. Grcevic stated that the CRA could help to make the property attractive for someone to come in and purchase, but it may not belong on the City inventory. Ms. Utterback explained the property was not officially for sale but was appraised at $950,000. Motion was made by Vice Chair Cruz, seconded by Ms. Cobb, to place the property at 1022 North Federal Highway. in the category "pursue now as a land banking opportunity". In a voice vote, the motion passed (5-2, with Mr. Josemond and Ms. Kelley opposed). 10. CRA Board Items for CRA Advisory Board Review and Recommendations Ms. Grcevic stated they had discussed a building next to the rattan store on Federal Highway and said she had investigated and there was a barbecue grill sales place in the location. 11. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Attachments: Presentation of Commercial Properties within CRA Area [Minutes transcribed by C. Parkinson, Prototype, Inc.] 6 i. � 'N rON COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD ITEM 7.13. CONSENT SUBJECT: Change in Meeting Time for November 4, 2021 CRAAB Meeting SUMMARY: CRA Staff is seeking CRA Advisory Board consensus to change the meeting time of the November 4, 2021 CRAAB meeting from 6:30 PM to 5:30 PM. This earlier meeting time will better accommodate the presentations in response to the CRA's Request for Proposals and Developer Qualifications for 115 N. Federal Highway Infill Mixed-Use Redevelopment Project. CRAAB RECOMMENDATION: Approve rescheduling the November 4, 2021 CRAAB Meeting from 6:30 PM to 5:30 PM. i. � 'N rON COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD ITEM A.1. PENDING ASSIGNMENTS SUBJECT: Review of Commercial Properties within the CRA Area SUMMARY: At their July 14, 2020 meeting, the CRA Board assigned the CRAAB with the task of identifying available properties located within key commercial and light industrial areas of the CRA. CRA staff will provide the CRAAB with a list of properties found on Costar/LoopNet and the Multiple Listing Service that are being marketed as "for sale" or properties where the CRA has been presented an opportunity to purchase by the property owners or their representatives. The CRA Board's assignment involves the CRAAB performing research and analysis on these properties. The goal of the assignment is to have the CRAAB provide a priority list of properties or recommendations on whether or not to pursue possible acquisition based on available funding. All land assemblages for future redevelopment shall be in furtherance of the 2016 Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Plan. Of the properties for sale (see Attachment 1), categorize them as one of the following options: • Pursue now as a land banking opportunity; or • Pursue at a future time to be determined by the CRA Board; or • Do not pursue because it does not fit the CRA mission Pursue Now as a pursue at a Future Does not Fit the Property Address Land Banking Date CRA M ission Opportunity 2508 N. Federal Highway FISCAL IMPACT: To be determined. CRA P LAN/P ROJ ECT/P ROG RAM: 2016 Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Plan CRAAB RECOMMENDATION: To be determined. ATTACHMENTS: Description D 2508 N. Federal Highway Property Info Loop Net- Jim Knight KNIGHT GROUP (561) 279-8601 2508 N Federal Hwy 0.59 Acres of Residential Land Offered at $700,000 in Boynton Beach, FL 1 -G R UP b V. t tN f ,+d r i GHT- COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE*BROKERAGE•CONSULTING ` ABOUT 2508 N FEDERAL HWY , BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 Price $700,000 Property Subtype Residential Sale Type Investment Total Lot Size 0.59 AC No. Lots 1 Opportunity Zone No Property Type Land 1 LOT AVAILABLE Lot 1 Price $700,000 Lot Size 0.59 AC Price Per AC $1,186,441 Platted and improved with 3 curbs cuts and 310' of road frontage - Were Clean DESCRIPTION Ideal parcel for mixed use development with Intracoastal waterway views from 4th floor and up INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS • Ideally located just 650' west of Intracoastal Just a few blocks from Boynton Beach famous Waterway with new townhome communities just Intracoastal Park and boat launch north and south of subject • Immediate rapid acess to 2 international airports via 195 TRANSPORTATION Q COMMUTER RAIL Boynton Beach Commuter Rail (Tri-County Commuter) 5 min drive 1.6 mi �k RTA Lake Worth Commuter Rail (Tri-County Commuter) �.. A dvv 11 min drive 6.0 mi AIRPORT Palm Beach International Airport 21 min drive 12.7 mi PROPERTY TAXES Parcel Number 08-43-45-15-02- Improvements $0 000-1250 Assessment Land Assessment $311,071 Total Assessment $311,071 ZONING Zoning Code C3 MAP OF 2508 N FEDERAL HWY BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 CjrIt"t P a. M L,,a ,e,s�de H 4 rb,or Gate rnas Flank 1 l4wrbors Way b ;, a Wop dat .n02021 ADDITIONAL PHOTOS ��?3��r I717��Fll I t t, ,� , "s��,,.i f t .,�t• tip u x t xr � east view '` Aerial Sj 4 S Aerial Listing ID: 10811307 Date Created: 11/30/2017 Last Updated: 8/23/2021 i. � 'N rON COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD ITEM B.1. NEWASSIGNMENTS SUBJECT: Consideration and Discussion of Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Project Fund Budget SUMMARY: The Boynton Beach CRA is a quasi-governmental, Special District operating under Title XI, Chapter 163, Part I I I of the Florida Statutes. The agency's annual financial operations run on a fiscal calendar beginning on October 1st and ending on September 30th of each year. The C RA does not obtain its revenue from charging an additional tax. The CRA receives its annual funding based on a percentage share of the existing ad-valorem property taxes paid to the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County. The CRA's annual budget is comprised of three accounting funds: 1. The General Fund which contains the administrative, general operation, insurances, property maintenance and CRA/CRAAB and marina related items; 2. the Debt Service Fund which contains the CRAs financial debt obligations and encumbrances such as bond repayments and developer's tax increment funding agreements; and, 3. the Project Fund which contains all of the capital projects, development projects or initiatives, property acquisitions, local business grant programs or promotional events, as well as eligible innovative policing activities such as the Neighborhood Officer Program; At the first CRA budget meeting on August 10, 2021, the Board's FY 2021-2022 Project Fund budget discussion identified the priority projects for the upcoming fiscal year as well as the funding amounts to allocate to each proposed Project (see Attachment 1). The Project Fund and overall budget breakdown will identify bond debt obligations, existing tax increment revenue funding agreements obligations, and available funding for priority projects, programs, or funding requests such as but not limited to the Neighborhood Officer Police Program, District Improvement Projects, Business Development and Promotional Events and Marketing. The CRA's FY 2021-2022 Budget discussion will occur again at the CRA Advisory Board (CRAAB) meeting being held on September 2nd as well as the CRA Board's September 14th meeting. Final approval and adoption of the CRA's annual budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 by the Boynton Beach City Commission is anticipated to occur at their September 21, 2021 meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: To be determined based on Board discussion and action. CRA PLAN/PROJECT/PROGRAM: 2016 Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Plan CRAAB RECOMMENDATION: To be determined by CRA Board based on discussion and direction. ATTACHMENTS: Description D Attachment I - Proposed FY21-22 Project Fund Budget O O T LO) LO) O O 0 0 0 O co le (D O co N O N O 0 0 M O co W (D O O 0) V N_ I- O r 0 0 O O N N V O .9 r 00 O M M O & I� a0 Lf) 00 O W O O M M LO LO O N r O n M N F) O V Ln LO) LO) I-- r- r- W N M LO) M V h LL r r tR O M O O V N (D O N 00 CO O co LO r O O 00 CO r O N co L() O O T 00 O 00 O ' ' W r- O O r N M O (D LO) 00 M O cr� N O LO) O r- Lq 4 (D O w m O V O O M LO O LO Cl) a0 N N O NN O N V V LO) I- N >- I� W (V (M Ln M V h LL r r tR O O T O I- 1- O M M r- O O N r M O Cl) M N LO) O O N O LO) Cl) O O O 00 LO) M O ' CO (C 00 M O V N N V O le M r V O M MM O N h (y (D O w � O (D O M O LO V co N r O n O O V N V LO r W } (D h N M LO) M V (D LL r r tR (D O co 00 00 co O O O O O O O O (D O co N M co O (D O LO O N W Cl) I- O n Ln (C O r O 0) O I- a0 N LO) O Lq O O O O O I- O 00 O [1- n N r O n V N I- O 0 O M [,- LO) O T N N O N O O O V V LO) I,- le } CO h N N Ln M V (D LL tR O O 0o m 1- OO O O O O O O pp r O O r N O M'. 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U_ A Ol r E GC d' v°_ v°_ 'y o Ld v E i in w y 6 c E c o n E o p E Q Q °D c E Uv, o 'c c o c n t. y w O W U U L voi V)c N in v n A 'y O O v r v v w E o O'c o o o E v O W O d 4 D Q a0 ao 6 0 y o y w o o a A w Q -E y A A U Y p U v y E "o c o D D > fn n O O .y .y c w E o L E C C D U1 A > y O C w R of m A � '�'y O o O a w w LL J J O d R U pNp m 0 U U y W ` o O > > o C OI r O` o O Q v oc w ¢«a m ¢ ¢v 'x n n z u m m w w 'w 'w n o u > c c c c c m m m m 0 0 0 0 0 o r L L S S C o o o o o °' N m- aR m m m m m m m m x x; 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 � 2 o `o `o `o `o `o a o o N N N N N o o o o D D'. Yi Yi Yi L L Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi U 2 2 2 2 2 m m m O LL W O O O O O O O O O O O i. � 'N rON COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD ITEM B.2. NEWASSIGNMENTS SUBJECT: Consideration of Registration and Travel Expenses to Attend the Florida Redevelopment Association 2021 Annual Conference on October 27-29, 2021 in Fort Myers, Florida SUMMARY: The Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA) annual conference will be held on October 27- 29, 2021 at the Luminary Hotel & Co. in Fort Myers, Florida. The deadline to register is October 4, 2021 (Attachment 1). The FRA is our agency's statewide professional organization operating under the Florida League of Cities. The conference always provides great information to staff and board members on CRA related issues, best practices, programs and legislative updates. The CRA Board established a policy during Fiscal Year 2016-2017 that only two members of the CRAAB are permitted to attend the FRA Annual Conference per fiscal year. FISCAL IMPACT: FY 2020-2021 Budget, General Fund, Line Item 01-51010-225: $10,000 available. CRAAB RECOMMENDATION: CRAAB Board member attendance to be determined based on discussion and consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Description D Attachment I - FRA Registration Information and Tentative Program Schedule REDEVELOPMENT 2021 ANNUAL October 27-29, 2021 Luminary Hotel, &',cro. IS��,��,��,��tr`� CONFERENCE F ort ye r s, FL jt��}yr ��s 11'1 11'1 } �@h}i tti}V� � ... ..t.,1 , i DEADLINES The 2021 Florida Redevelopment Association Annual Conference will be held in person October October 4, 2021 Hotel reservations 27-29, 2021, at the Luminary Hotel &Co. in Fort cutoff ` Myers, FL. October 13, 2021 Conference The conference is an opportunity for redevelopment registration fee 1 professionals,elected officials and appointed officials increases $100.00 after 5:00 p.m. on who oversee administering redevelopment(economic ���� October 13 2021 �� �` development) programs in Florida cities and coun- ties and community redevelopment agencies/CRABwho have separate,dedicated trust funds that can be spent on redevelopment projects to meet in person. r� Attendees at the conference will have opportunities to enhance leadership skills, learn from municipal ' experts,share ideas with peers,discuss strategies for � '� s. , Florida's future and hear about the latest in products p projects. and services for redevelopment Don't miss this opportunity to learn, network and 3 share. � 51"'T , ��; ,�,�� # FRA 2 0 21 I��Ut��ra „ REGISTRATION FEES REGISTRATION PROCEDURES Full Registration(10/27-10/29) Online Registration - Credit Cards Only Member: $395.00; Non-member: $495.00 Visit redevelopment.net/2021-fra-annual-conference to access online registration and pay with your Visa, One Day Registration (10/27 or 10/28) Mastercard or American Express. You will receive your $325.00 conference confirmation immediately via email. Confer- ence confirmations include your registration informa- CRA Legal Workshops (10/29) tion, totals and registration number for your reference. $50.00 per session (no additional fee Please check your confirmation carefully to verify that with full registration) all information is correct, and inform the FRA immedi- ately of any errors. CRA Board Training Course (10/27) $50.00 Mail Registration - Checks Only To pay via check,fill out the registration form on page 7, Tours (10/27) attach your check for the appropriate fee and mail it to $50.00 per tour the Florida Redevelopment Association Annual Confer- ence, P.O. Box 1757, Tallahassee, FL 32302 by Awards and Academy Graduation Dinner(extra ticket) October 13,2021. Name badges and other information (10/28) can be picked up at the conference registration desk. $75.00 HOTEL INFORMATION Guest/Spouse Registration(spouse, partner or other nonprofessional relation) (10/27-10/29) Luminary Hotel&Co.in Fort Myers, FL $325.00 Many people have already made their hotel reservations for the FRA Annual Conference. Therefore, the hotel's re- Full registration and Guest registration fees cover your maining inventory is very limited. If you still need a hotel name badge;admission to all conference sessions and the reservation, you must register and pay for the conference exhibit hall, refreshment breaks, light continental breakfasts prior to receiving the hotel reservations link/code. The each day; Wednesday's Welcome Luncheon in the exhibit link/code will be attached to your paid confirmation. The hall; Wednesday's Welcome Reception in the exhibit hall; Luminary's room rate for conference attendees is $169.00 Thursday's Networking Luncheon in the exhibit hall;Thurs- per night, single or double. Parking fees are$8.00 for day's Awards and Academy Graduation Dinner and Friday's daily self-parking/overnight self-parking or$20.00/ legal sessions.Tours are an additional fee. NOTE: Registra- overnight for valet parking. Overflow hotel options will tion fees will increase by$100.00 per registration/guest for also be available with your paid registration. Should you all registrations made after October 13,2021. receive ANY calls or emails from anyone other than Heidi Hogarth regarding room rates and availability at the ho- CANCELLATION POLICY tels, DO NOT respond. These are scam callers! Conference registration cancellation requests must be sent in SPECIAL NEEDS writing via email to hhogarth@f/cities.com.All cancellations received in the FRA office by 5:00 p.m.,Octoberl3,2021,will If you are physically challenged and require special receive refunds,minus a$50.00 cancellation fee. Refunds will services, or if you have special dietary needs (i.e., be issued after the conference.No refunds will be made after allergies or Kosher or vegetarian meals), please attach October 13,2021,or for early departure from the conference. a written description to your registration form. QUESTIONS? Contact Heidi Hogarth, Meeting Planner, Florida Redevelopment Association/ Florida League of Cities, Inc.,850.701.3605; hhogarth@f/cit/es.com 2 #FRA2021 (schedule and speakers subject to change) Restoration is underway at McCollum Hall,formerly a stop on the Chitlin'Circuit. Back in the day,this ven- 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ue featured famous entertainers and musicians such Registration Desk Open as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzger- ald.You will also be able to tour the refurbished At- 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. lantic Coast Railway Depot, home of the Southwest FRA Board of Directors Meeting Florida Community Foundation and "Collaboratory." This site ties in the timeless history of Fort Myers and offers a place for nonprofits and other community WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 2021 members to work together to share ideas and initia- tives to help create a better Fort Myers. 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Registration Desk Open 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Walking Tour:Fort Myers tour with educational nar- 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ratives of local history(additional fee of$50.00) Walking Tour: Historic Downtown Redevelopment Fort Myers' historic downtown area was one of the (additional fee of$50.00) first forts built as a base of operations against the As you walk on the brick streets that Thomas Edison Seminole Indians and then a Civil War fort. From once called home, you'll get to explore the Fort fort to dusty cattle town to the building boom of Myers historic River District and the redevelopment the Roaring '20s, from depression to post-World projects that have awakened the once-sleepy down- War II prosperity to urban decay,and ultimately to town into a thriving commerce and entertainment its modern incarnation as one of the most beautiful center. On this guided tour, you will have the op- historic districts in Florida, Fort Myers is a town rich portunity to go inside the restored Sidney and Berne in history, architecture,art and amenities.On this Davis Art Center. Its former use was a post office. It 90-minute walking tour, learn your way around this is now home to the Historic Arcade Theatre where charming town and the intrigues and rivalries of the the Florida Repertory Theatre Company performs. men who built it. They are touted in The Wall Street Journal as "One of America's Top Repertory Companies" Using tax in- 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. crement financing,the Fort Myers CRA has helped to CRA Board Training Course breathe new life into the downtown while increasing This is a general educational session designed for taxable values and improving public infrastructure. CRA staff, elected and appointed officials,volun- teers and advisory board members. It provides a 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. succinct overview of what you need to know that Bus Tour:Cleveland, Downtown and MLK you don't know in the universe of CRAs. Learn some (additional fee of$50.00) helpful practical, legal and administrative best prac- On this tour,you will have an opportunity to view tices for CRA policymaking success. three of our redevelopment areas: Downtown,Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Cleveland Av- 11:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. enue.You'll see redevelopment at work,highlighting Exhibit Hall Open infrastructure improvements that increase the taxable values in our redevelopment area.During this tour,you 11:30 a.m. -12:45 p.m. will see how the Fort Myers CRA worked with a devel- Welcome Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall oper to transform a mobile home park into a vibrant mix-use community, now called Grand Central. 3 #FRA2021 12:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Welcome and Keynote Presentation Session:Considerations for Paid and Unpaid Welcome: The Honorable Kevin Anderson, Mayor, Curbside Parking City of Fort Myers This panel discussion will walk the audience through Keynote Speaker: Mike Sittig, Executive Director the City of Sarasota and the City of Fort Myers' op- Emeritus, Florida League of Cities portunity to redefine and sustain its public parking inventory, including the decision to implement a Mike Sittig began his employment paid parking program within its commercial park- with the Florida League of Cities in ing districts. From an array of stakeholder sessions 1970. He grew in knowledge, under- to going all in with pay-by-plate and pay-by-phone ®; standing and appreciation of the technology solutions, the audience will experience League's issues and in his respect of the member- firsthand how to: improve the perception of public ship's commitment to Home Rule and further grew parking, understand the obstacles and challenges into one of the League's most valiant advocates. when moving from a free to a paid system, gain in- sight and ideas on overcoming objections to change After a brief stint as an assistant city manager with and plan for key considerations before committing the City of West Palm Beach, he returned to the to paid parking. League. As assistant executive director, he led the League's campaign for a constitutional amendment 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. related to unfunded mandates and worked on legis- Session:Transforming Communities and Adding lative reforms and initiatives for Florida's cities. Value Through Placemaking Expert panelists will discuss collaborative design In 1995, Mike was selected as the League's execu- and development techniques that create value while tive director. He continued his effective, efficient preserving and celebrating the history, heritage and and stalwart direction of the programs and projects culture of communities. through tremendous technological advances and the Great Recession. He served in this position until 4:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. his retirement in October 2020. Session: Partnering with Banks for Redevelopment Join the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Mike's fairness, tenacity, wisdom and guidance have the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency for a led to well-deserved recognition locally, statewide discussion on partnering with banks for Redevelop- and among his national peers. He created a culture ment. Participants will hear about best practices and environment for this team that causes em- and examples of bank partnerships in community ployees to attain tenures rarely experienced. These and economic development, as well as have an achievements have led the League to be one of the opportunity to discuss their existing projects and largest state municipal leagues with unparalleled programs. success and a premier reputation. 4:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. 2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Session:Unscrambling MLEINTIMPEANOT... Session: Preventing Climate Gentrification and IMPLEMENTATION Increasing Social Equality through Affordable and Is your plan on a shelf? A successful plan must Resilient Transient Oriented Development begin with a vision on the front end and include Every community in Florida is faced with a hous- the right implementation structure on the back ing crisis compounded by climate change and end. In this session, we will unscramble the neces- racial inequities. See how the JPMorganChase PRO sary steps to establish the structure for successful Neighborhoods award-winning South Florida Hous- implementation. ing Link is building affordable,sustainable, resilient communities near transit utilizing UrbanFootprint 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. and other groundbreaking technologies. Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall 4 #FRA2021 think outside the box. This session will explore the history of two CRA areas, provide an overview of 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. the approach to the analysis and its results, as well Registration Desk Open as discuss the outreach strategy developed for stakeholders that ultimately can lead to a County 7:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. approving a city's proposal. Exhibit Hall Open 10:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Session:Annual Reporting Template Update and Light Continental Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall Best Practices Have you been using the FRA Annual Report 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. spreadsheet? Do you have questions or possible Session:Affordable Housing Challenges and improvements that you would like to discuss? Meet Solutions to review the application and discuss its use and With a strong Florida economy, the lack of avail- possible improvements with your fellow redevelop- ability of affordable housing for low- and middle- ment users. We will be collecting user improvement income households has become a top issue for requests at this meeting. many communities. This session will feature a panel of experts led by the University of Florida Shimberg 11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Center for Housing discussing the causes, trends Networking Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall and current efforts to address the need for afford- able housing. 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Keynote Presentation: Harness the Power of 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Generational Change Session:Unanswered Questions Make Incentive Keynote Speaker: Kim Lear Plans Look Suspicious Kim Lear is a writer and researcher 9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m. who explores how emerging trends Session: Funding CRA Projects- Economic ROI impact our workforce and market- Successful redevelopment requires a solid plan that place. As the founder and content can pave the way for attracting the private invest- director of Inlay Insights, Kim uncovers cultural ment that can best support the plan goals and shifts that revolutionize how organizations engage provide long-term benefits to a city's quality of life. employees and consumers. She uses a mix of data, Learn methods and means to achieve the funding storytelling, humor, and actionable takeaways to required to implement your most ambitious plan discuss trends that most impact organizations' bot- elements. tom line. 9:15 a.m. -10:15 a.m. A researcher at her core, Kim employs eye-opening Session:Giving Your CRA a Voice statistics and mixes them with stories and case This session will explore ways to up your social studies to make her message come alive. She has media presence and tips on how to better com- been featured on NPR, The Wall Street Journal, municate the great work that your CRA is doing to The Huffington Post, USA Today, TIME magazine improve your redevelopment area. and more. She was the head of research on a new book published by Harper Collins about Gen Z, the 10:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m. teenage demographic. Kim is in her ninth year of a Session:Using Fiscal and Economic Analysis to longitudinal study on leadership. Make Your Case In order to convince a County of the economic and 2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. fiscal benefits of creating the CRA, one needs to Annual Membership Meeting 5 #FRA2021 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. with one's agency,1%statutory rule on conflicts of Session: Brownfields Speed Dating interest test, public records and social media les- This session will provide an opportunity to hear from sons learned and sunshine and financial disclosure seasoned CRA Directors, Brownfields Developers, for CRA board members and volunteers. Brownfields Consultants and the President of the Florida Brownfields Association on a broad range of 8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Brownfields topics.These include Brownfields grant CRA Legal Workshop: Legal Reporting funding and incentives, leveraging private sector Requirements for CRAs capital and tax increment financing through Brown- (additional fee of$50.00 if not attending conference) fields Redevelopment,as well as multiple innovative This course is geared toward CRA Attorneys and Brownfields projects within CRAs. others who want to learn about new CRA reporting rules in CS/HB 9 passed by the Florida Legislature 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. in 2019. We will share tips and best practices for Session: Innovations and Healthy Mixed-Use compliance and discussion of the CRA reporting re- Opportunities quirements under Chapters 163 Part III (community Mixed-use development is the key to downtown redevelopment agencies) and Chapter 189 (special revitalization. Guiding successful development is districts). our public realm, which has always been central to that elusive thing we call placemaking. Case studies 9:30 a.m. -11:00 a.m. that relied heavily on incentives and have proven to CRA Legal Workshop:"Hot"Legal Issues in be the catalyst of a redevelopment transformation Redevelopment will be highlighted. (additional fee of$50.00 if not attending conference) Join us as we hold an ad hoc redevelopment "hot 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. legal topics" session. We will have our best CRA Awards and Academy Graduation Dinner legal minds discuss their list of "need to know" opinions on topics like eminent domain, ethics, public meetings and more. Provided only during FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2021 this session will be a detailed take-home listing of CRA-related Florida Attorney General opinions, 7:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. court cases and legislative history of Chapter 163, Registration Desk Open Part III, Florida Statutes. 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Light Continental Breakfast CRA Legal Workshop:CRA Legal Issues for Financial Audits 8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. (additional fee of$50.00 if not attending conference) CRA Legal Workshop: Ethics Laws for The law passed by the 2019 Legislature contains Redevelopment new provisions for CRA annual financial audits. This (additional fee of$50.00 if not attending conference) course is geared toward finance, audit and CRA This workshop is geared toward CRA Attorneys staff who are involved with CRA audits. We will and others who want to learn about ethics require- be covering the audit requirements, share tips and ments specific to CRAs, as well as general require- best practices for compliance and discuss CRAs, ments for all governments. The instructors who are the auditor general guidelines and audit engage- members of the Florida Bar will break down basic ment practices. Learn how CRAs must comply ethics requirements for CRA practitioners, board from an auditing standpoint with Florida Statutes members and volunteers who work with com- s.163.387(6) and (7) effective October 1, 2020. munity redevelopment agencies in Florida. Topics will include general and ethics opinions, gift laws, 11:00 a.m. conflict of interest law for CRAs, doing business Conference adjourns 6 #FRA2021 REDEVELOPMENT Luminary Hotel & Co. - Fort Myers, FL - October 27-29, 2021 Florida Redevelopment Association P.O. Box 1757 • Tallahassee, FL • 32302-1757 • 850.701.3605 • hhogarth(af/cities.com Paying by credit card(Visa,Mastercard,American Express): Special Needs: If you require special services or have dietary Register with the following link:redevelopment.net/2021-fra- needs, please attach a written description to your registration annual-conference form. Paying by check: Return the completed form with check Cancellation Policy:Cancellations must be submitted in payment to Florida Redevelopment Association, P.O. Box writing and received by 5:00 p.m. on October 13, 2021. 1757, Tallahassee, FL 32302-1757. Complete one form per Please email cancellation requests to hhogarth@flcities.com. registration. Refunds will be issued after the conference minus a $50.00 administrative fee. There will be no refunds for "no shows" Registration deadline:October 13, 2021. After October 13, or cancellations after October 13, 2021. 2021, and any on-site registrations are subject to a $100.00 fee increase. Full Name: Nickname (for badge): Title: Organization: Email: Phone: Guest/Spouse(if purchasing): Nickname(for badge): REGISTRATION TYPE MEMBER NON-MEMBER TOTALS Full Registration(10/27-10/29) $395.00 $495.00 One-Day Registration(10/27 or 10/28)(circle one) $325.00 $325.00 CRA Board Training Course(10/27 8:00 a.m.) $50.00 $50.00 Tour(walking):Historic Downtown Redevelopment(10/27 8:00 a.m.) $50.00 $50.00 Tour(walking):Fort Myers Walking Tour with Narratives of Local History(10/27 8:00 a.m.) $50.00 $50.00 Tour(bus):Cleveland, Downtown and MLK(10/27 8:00 a.m.) $50.00 $50.00 CRA Legal Workshop:Ethics Laws(if not attending conference) $50.00 $50.00 CRA Legal Workshop:Legal Reporting (if not attending conference) $50.00 $50.00 CRA Legal Workshop:Hot Legal Issues(if not attending conference) $50.00 $50.00 CRA Legal Workshop:CRA Legal Issues (if not attending conference) $50.00 $50.00 Guest/Spouse(10/27-10/29) $325.00 $325.00 Extra Ticket Awards and Academy Graduation Dinner(10/28 6:00 p.m.) $75.00 $75.00 (if attending dinner only/not attending conference) TOTAL $ 7 #FRA2021