Minutes 09-09-21 Minutes of the Art Advisory Board Meeting
Held on September 9, 2021, at 6:30 P.M.
In the City Commission Chambers, City Hall
100 E. Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida
Courtlandt McQuire, Chair Glenn Weiss, Public Art Manager
Marcia Levine, Vice Chair
Kelli Drum, Board Member
Clovis Moodie, Board Member
Ace Tilton Ratcliff, Board Member
Saddam Silverio, Board Member
Ellen Jones, Alternate (Excused)
I. Call to Order
Courtlandt McQuire, Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
Roll Call
Self-introductions were made. A quorum was present. Ellen Jones requested a medical
Excused Absence Requests
Appointment of alternate(s) for absent member(s)
Agenda Approval or Amendments
There were no formal amendments, Mr. Weiss sent additional back up material for next
year's programs.
Ms. Drum moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Moodie seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
II. Approval of Minutes
Motion: The August 12, 2021 meeting minutes are approved as written or
amended. (Ex. A).
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2021
Ms. Drum moved to approve the minutes Vice Chair Levine seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
III. Informational Items from the Board
Chair McQuire was excited to hear they are looking for a tech person to tweak the audio
for Synesthesia. Mr. Weiss explained it was basically the software that controls Christmas
tree lights and doors. Anyone can learn the software as it is not complex. Mr. Weiss
reached out to the appropriate people to learn the software. Chair McQuire was excited
to hear new sounds.
IV. Announcements/Reports
Boynton Beach Arts & Cultural Center Exhibitions
A. MLK Student Showcase: August 27 — Sept 13, 2021
Chair McQuire announced the MLK Student Showcase. The exhibit will run until
September 13th. He encouraged the members to share and engage the event via social
media. It was a joyful night for the artists and their families.
Mr. Weiss asked Cynthia Alexis to serve on the Board. She met Mr. Weiss last week.
They discussed arts, and how Mr. Weiss was looking for Haitian, African and Caribbean
cultural influences in art. Her mother owns St. Jacques Botanica. Artists come in and
present their art, similar to a consignment shop, and they hold fund raisers especially for
Haiti. She sent out supplies, food, and essentials and she takes some of their offerings
and turns it into goods for them. She has been doing so for over 25 years. She wants to
bring attention about what they do have to offer.
B. NEA ARP ($50,000) Submitted
Chair McQuire announced the grant was submitted.
Mr. Weiss just submitted the grant as an organization. Last year, the National Endowment
for the Arts (NEA) had a huge drop in funding from $600K to just under $20K so he
described the program and what they would do in the coming year. It went directly to the
NEA as opposed to the next item.
C. ARP Funding Proposal to City Commission: Grants to Artist/Fabricators. (Ex
Mr. Weiss explained the City Manager is very disciplined ensuring the City's spending
aligns with how the federal government wants the funds to be spent. He pointed out some
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2021
municipalities were not. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) money has to deal with
economic losses that took place during the pandemic. He noted artists sustained huge
losses during the pandemic. The City does not have as many public artists as he would
like. His collaboration is between the fabricators who also had a loss so hopefully they
will support small scale metal fabricators, public artists and sign makers if the City
Commission determines to move forward with this type of funding. Chair McQuire asked
what kind of money they were discussing. Mr. Weiss requested five grants for$20K each.
The artists fabricator would come back and ask what type of art they want and they would
make it. It is an open process and it is a grant. The City would not own what they make.
The work is displayed for a year and then it goes back to the artists. The art can be
placed anywhere in the City, not just Ocean Avenue. The City has $14M, but a lot of the
funds are going out to hard hit areas of the community and for rent assistance. The City
Manager continuously encouraged Mr. Weiss to write the grant. The City Commission will
make the decision in the end.
V. Action Items
Mr. Weiss suggested the Workplan be discussed under New Business and Projects.
Purchase of Artworks from Kinetic: Frank Hyder(Ex C.)
Mr. Weiss allocated $15K for purchases for this year. He explained if the Board wanted
to purchase any of the artwork, it would be a recommendation to the City Manager to
approve the purchase. Since it does not exceed $35K it doesn't have to go to the City
Commission. Mr. Weiss spoke to several artists: Mr. Hyder has set a price of $13K for
his work, Janis; Darren Miller, created the kinetic piece the Flame, which is $4K; Adrian
Landon came down dramatically in his price, to $50K for his Mechanical Horse; He did
not hear back from Rubem Robierb ("Rubem") regarding the Butterfly. He only got prices
for the three pieces as they had the most interest.
Vice Chair Levine asked if something was very inexpensive, if it would be in the running
for purchase. Mr. Weiss explained what exists. It is a $4K price from the artist. The Board
spoke about the Frank Hyder piece and if there has been any structural or quality issues
that Mr. Weiss may be concerned with. Mr. Weiss replied there is no damage or issues
with the piece. The piece is made from translucent fiberglass as there is a light inside.
There is potential with any work, depending on where it is placed, that the red can fade,
but the piece can be repainted. It was noted the piece gathers water along the bottom of
the base and they to make sure the base looks better all the time.
Vice Chair Levine explained when she joined the Board, Ms. Coles-Dobay was the Public
Art Manager, the City purchased items. She did not understand the process, but was
aware public art suddenly appeared. Vice Chair Levine announced she loves Frank
Hyder's pieces. She met him when she worked at the Cornell Museum and the museum
displayed many of the Janis pieces. The work is multi gender with a great message of
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2021
renewal. She owns other pieces by Frank Hyder. He is a prolific artist and Janis is one of
the pieces he has done over many years. He gave the City a great price. She likes the
Lloyd Goradesky piece, but it is too expensive. Mr. Hyder reduced the price from $14K
to $13K. They are all outdoor public art pieces and they are all over the world. Vice Chair
Levine thought Janis should stay here, because when they have concerts and events at
night at the amphitheater Janis would be glowing. She told Mr. Weiss she hoped the Art
Advisory Board budget could accommodate acquisition of the piece, and if not, she and
her friend Ellen would donate and get investors to raise funds to purchase the piece.
Ms. Moodie queried what the total budget to purchase art was and during what time
period. Mr. Weiss explained the general annual budget is $96K in Mr. Weiss's proposal.
He reviewed the budget. Any purchase would come from the artwork purchase line item
having $15K in it. He noted the Art in Public Places budget is still in the red. If it goes
forward, the City Manager and City Commission will loan them the money. Chair McQuire
thought some of the funds could be moved.
Ms. Moodie commented there were other pieces the Board was contemplating acquiring.
They are looking at the Flame and Butterfly. Lloyd's piece was $175K. The Butterfly is
$150K and Rubem said he would come down, but Mr. Weiss thought he would still be
reducing the price $75K. Mr. Weiss did not see construction projects coming and those
projects are what fund the Art in Public Places budget. Vice Chair Levine thought if there
are hard costs on project, they do not really know what the costs are. They can take
funds from those line items for pieces they know what the cost is. She thought by shaving
costs there would be funds to buy something else. The Board still does not know what a
mural program will cost. She reiterated if needed, she would put in $4K towards the $13K
for the Janis piece.
Ms. Moodie asked what will be on the Avenue when they remove the kinetic pieces and
where will the money come to support that. Mr. Weiss showed her the budget, but it will
change in the next fiscal year to remove the pieces. Mr. Weiss thought there would be
$22K. Chair McQuire explained last year kinetic cost significantly more. Mr. Weiss the
art is not all kinetic. The Board agreed to pay $12K to bring the Mechanical Horse and
the Board incurred a repair cost for the Rubem's work. The kinetic work will run from
January to March. There is a small budget for promotions which would include exhibition
brochures, Avenue of the Art brochures, and smartphone tours.
Mr. Weiss reviewed the total budget, including the art repair budget, which was low.
(Vice Chair Levine left the dais at 7.07 p.m.)
Chair McQuire commented there were three pieces before the board to purchase. It
would be brought to the City Manager. If the Board wants to buy it and if it is not over a
certain price, the Board could spend the funds from their own budget to buy it. The three
pieces were the Flame by the Old High School; the Butterfly and the Janis Project. The
Butterfly would not be acquired as it's close to $100K. the Flame and work from the Janis
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2021
project are realistic. Chair McQuire thought the Flame does not work where it is, it is a
giant sub-strait piece. He likes the idea that the pieces can move and the same issue
with the Janis project. The Mechanical Horse is $50K. Chair McQuire thought the cost
was prohibitive. Mr. Weiss noted the City Manager likes the Mechanical Horse. He
queried if she came up with funds, if the Board be interested in acquiring it. Chair McQuire
did not, but if she advises she has the funds, the Board could vote on it. He did not think
they needed to vote on the piece. The Board then has the Flame and Janis to decide.
(Vice Chair Levine returned at 7:11 p.m.)
Mr. Weiss hoped next year, they will start in May to develop the budget. This was his first
time doing it and they didn't go through that type of project.
Ms. Drum wanted to more about Janis as she was aware that as an artist, hard acrylics
and resin in the hot Florida sun discolor quickly. She wanted to know how much would it
be to repaint and how long do the other pieces last before they discolor or have any other
issues with quality. Vice Chair Levine stated she put the City or the Art Advisory Board
purchasing this since January, and this is the first time it has come up on an agenda,
since kinetic and Frank Hyder came. They had time to have Mr. Hyder talk to the Board,
present his work and she thought to be debating whether the fiberglass artwork fades,
and she expressed it is a public art piece that will not fade. The piece is worth way more
than $13K that he is going to Vice Chair Levine for the City to purchase was nuts, but
they could have Mr. Hyder speak to his art, and all the art speak to the art that is here,
and she believes it is a great price and a great prolific artist. To have Mr. Hyder give him
more of his art, when there are other things and other pieces have a friend in the City like
Mr. Hyder who is in Miami would be really great. She thought a fast vote would be great
and hoped the vote would be yes as it would be terrific, but on these merits, it would be
great, but they had so much time. Chair McQuire did not know that before the agenda,
he did not know it would be a topic to vote on. They did not have a lot of time to consider
it. When looking at it in context with the budget, he thought it was probably what some
people might be thinking about.
(Ms. Moodie left the meeting at 7:17 p.m.)
(Ms. Moodie returned to the meeting at 7.19 p.m.)
Chair McQuire suggested someone make a motion. He thought Vice Chair Levine might
want to detail how the purchase would work, or not and leave it straight out of the budget.
Vice Chair Levine noted she may want to donate a portion of the purchase. Chair McQuire
thought it was important, that the motion detail what funds are coming from where to
purchase the piece. Vice Chair Levine asked if the Board discussed transferring funds
among the budgeted line items. Chair McQuire responded there was not. The budget is
a guideline. The Art Advisory Board budget is in a lump sum in the proposed budget. The
City Commission maintains a consistent $20K budget amount for the AAB.
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2021
Vice Chair Levine moved the City purchase the Janis public art sculpture priced at $13K
Vice Chair Levine will put in $4K and her friend Ellen will put in $500, resulting in a cost
of$8,500 for the City to acquire the Janis Piece. The motion died for lack of a second.
Chair McQuire commented there were funds for the Flame piece. It was known The City
Manager liked the Mechanical Horse and may budget for it. He asked if anyone wanted
to purchase the Flame piece. There was no response. He announced the Art Advisory
Board is not purchasing any works for the City.
Approve Call to Artists for Quantum Eco Park Design Team (Ex D.)
Mr. Weiss commented at the last meeting, the Board reviewed potential projects. He
noted there were a few proposals he brought forward to work with public works as a way
to get artist ideas to influence the design of things and social connections in the City at a
low price. The City is about to sign a contract with a landscape architect to move ahead
and the idea is to find an artist to work with them as soon as possible. Mr. Weiss
explained it could result in a pathway that looks like a snake, or how a clearing could be
made for people to enjoy. Mr. Weiss was looking for the members to vote on the issue.
Chair McQuire likes that it incorporates nature and it is off the beaten path. It is a place
to find art unexpectedly. It would give the artist the ability to have some freedom. The
budget is low. The Board would see it progress, and the artist's ideas would be shown
to the Board.
Ms. Moodie asked what is the Art Advisory Board responsibility. She looked at language
from page 1, which states the first phase idea should be acceptable to the design team,
public art manager, Director of recreation and parks and he City Manager's office. She
asked if the Art Advisory Board have any role or responsibility in this project. Mr. Weiss
responded they did. The Board has to approve the art ideas, but it also has to satisfy
those other people. Mr. Weiss will have to release it immediately and try to get
applications in within 30 days. They want to finish the design by spring. Then the project
would be bid. Chair McQuire stated their budget is so small, but they should try it. He
has been on the Board for a while and he never saw art for parks.
Ms. Moodie moved the Art Advisory Board accept the Scope of Work for the Quantum
Eco Park. Ms. Drum seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Drum would volunteer to offer her visual talents. Chair McQuire stated in the past,
there were occasionally steering committees and a member of the Board could meet with
the artist.
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2021
VI. Old Business
Review of Workshop and Approval of Outline for City Commission Report (Ex. E)
Mr. Weiss read his recap of the workshop as contained in the meeting materials.
Chair McQuire thought the Art Advisory Board recommendations and goals would be
presented to the City Commission. Web presence should be much weightier. He thought
to have a separate website or micro site that feels more artistic.
Ms. Moodie thought the language is general in scope and it may be inclusive of strategies.
She thought in the future they can delve into the aspects of what they are covering. For
the purposes of presenting it to the City Commission, it may be better to keep it broad.
Mr. Weiss explained there will be a discussion about how much the public art website can
deviate from the existing website. They use a software called Drupal, which is a system
like Word Press. There are templates in Drupal, which could be dropped in. Ms. Drum
has built three different website all in Word Press and she volunteered to use those
services if there were no funds.
Ms. Moodie objected to the word "all" and leave the word "existing" on C3 on Exhibit E of
the draft recommendations.
VII. New Business
Workplan and Projects for FY 22 (Ex F)
Mr. Weiss reviewed what was in the art budget: Kinetic close-out, Avenue of the Arts, Art
Center gallery exhibitions and to find a way to collaborate on events as much as possible,
such as with the MLK and Pride events. They are trying to collaborate with the schools
and enhance their online presence. There are specific new art programs. Mr. Weiss is
finishing up the mural proposal, and the ordinance change, which he recommends they
spend $20K on it. Chair McQuire recalled the initial funds did not come out of the AiPP
budget, it came from the City. He requested when he presents the mural program to the
City Commission, he asked for funding. Ms. Drum noted Eugene Fagan appeared
requesting the Art Advisory Board assist with painting a pumphouse. He had indicated
they were willing to offer to buy paint and additional murals. Mr. Weiss responded they
could reach out to them (the Boynton Beach Greater Foundation)when they want to paint
murals, but the specific project Mr. Fagan was referring to was located on county property.
Mr. Fagan was willing to work with the Art Advisory Board on other projects. Mr. Weiss
confirmed they would. Mr. Fagan sits on the Foundation Board and is also a member of
the Recreation and Parks Board. He is a strong supporter of the community. They may
help the county and Mr. Fagan find an artist if they want to move forward with painting
the pumphouse at the Inlet.
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2021
Mr. Weiss was working on Forest Hills Park mural with the Florida Department of
Transportation sound wall mural. He noted someone made a commitment to donate trees
to the site. Chair McQuire was familiar with the park as he lives nearby and stated it is a
very cool park. The playground from the former Kingdom Park was replicated and painted
at this location and will feature a low mural on the sound wall. There are similar parks
going up on a larger scale in Palm Beach County. He commented the wall has the
potential to create something really impactful and it is well needed for this area.
The City will sign an agreement to work with Charlene Farrington of the Spady Museum
to work with the Black Community to identify the significant historic events within the Black
Community that should be honored and part of a formalized trail. It is part of the diversity
program. Ms. Farrington identified some individuals and would work with many other
members of the black community as a facilitator.
There will be Eco Park enhancements. It was an idea the Public Works Department
forwarded to him. Chair McQuire thought this project spoke to him. He asked if this
was part of what would be presented to the City Commission, although it could be. He
wanted to ensure whatever artwork and photography they create be made into a
documentary and shown in the amphitheater. He is a producer and director and he
noted they have a video person and hearing workers talk adds another layer to the
work. They could create their first docuseries or documentary for the City and it could
be hot. He thought the workers would have a lot of interesting things to tell and have
probably seen it all.
Mr. Weiss explained other items included in the budget were when sidewalks are
repaired, they include certain features. He referenced the project by Lucy Keshavarz
which included imprints or stencils in the sidewalk at the Old Dixie Eco-Walk. He asked
the members if the Conrad Pickel wanted to continue recognizing him on an annual basis.
Tours of his work were held with the Historical Society. The Cultural Center suggested
projecting images on the back of the cultural center, which would cost about $4K. He
reviewed possible future projects and advised what was not listed in the handout w
updating the guidelines. In the past, Mr. Weiss had written guidelines for developers, but
not for the public sector which details more about how the Board operates.
VIII. Public Comments
IX. Future Agenda Items
• Diversity in Public Art Program
• Future Art Events: Guided Tours, Zoom Talks, Monthly Art Walk, Etc.
• Digital Interactive Tour and Map like Otocast
• Coordination of Public Art on Boynton Beach APP
• Continuous Social Media and other Marketing of Pubic Art
Chair McQuire reviewed the above items.
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Art Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida September 9, 2021
Mr. Weiss stated there is an open house for the Arts and Cultural Center on the 18th in
the afternoon and that night is the opening of the Art District.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business, Ms. Drum moved to approve. Vice Chair Levine
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at
8:02 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist