Minutes 10-07-70KffNUTES OF T~{ ZONING BOARD F~LD OCTOBER 4, 1970
AT .CITY !~'%~J~L, BOlq~rON BKACH, FLORIDA, 7:30 P.~{~
~7-L~ren Blacketer
~frs. Mary Frances Fry
B.~. Vernon Thomson
k~r. Hammond ~ivingston
Mr. Elmo Elliott, Building Official
~ert J. ~tehrell
~ir. Charles A. Skeels
1)r..Fiidmrd G. ~4anthey
tvl~eting called to order at 7:50 P.M. by l¥~r. Blacketer
.~,4inutes of previous meeting accepted as read.
Old Lk~iness
Ail voted aye.
New Business:
Parcel i
~.~esteriy 115 feet of Lots 32 and 3~ Laurel
~-~lls, 2nd Addition as Recorded in Book
22, Page I Palm Bead~, Cotmty Records
P.,equest: R-1 to
Address: 524 N. z?. $ Avenue
Parcel to be used for ck~tex apartment building
.Applicant: David K Hayden
Mrs. Fry brought up the R-2A zoning and a disctssion follcn{ed. ~. Hayden
was willing to accept tJ~e change as long as it ~eould permit him to build, a
I~,frs. Fry made flxe ~otion to grant thee rezoning if it was d~anged to PR-A a vote
was called for and all voted to accept. '
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.~i.