}~. Jay Sarno
~'bc. Cris. Walker
Mr. Robert Olds
Mr. Joseph Brull
Mr. Frank McCoy
Stuart B. Fuller ,
Building Official
}~!r. Jolm Howell
Mr. Ray Allen
PreSent for Caldos - Mr. Ric Rossi
Present for~lnor - B{r. Norman~4ichaels
Present as an observer - k~. Cousins
Meeting called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Chairman.
Minutes from September 16 ~ 1970, meeting discussed by members. Motion to accept
minutes as written made by Mr. Olds. Motion seconded by I,~r. McCoy and all voted
aye. ~.~Anutes approved.
To consider abandonment of 50 feet., Road Right of Way
lying in the N. W. corner of Sec. 29, Twp. 45 S,
Range 45 E, rurming south approximately 600' from the
north line of said Section, bounded on the west by
Parcel 2,5,4 and sand beach of Lake Boynton and on the
east by Parcel 1 and sand beach of said Lake, as sh~,m
on Subdivision Plat of Sec. 20 and 20, Twp. 45 S. P~mge
45 E as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 20~ Palm Beach County
~quested by Caldos Properties Inc.
~r. Sarno then explained t~hat he had ta~ked with, Gene Moore and that this was
in fact a "papex~' road. There is nothing in this area at present nor is any
road contemplated. Abandonment would be a routine matter.
Mr. Rossi then explained t~at Lesiureville was not in this area yet but would
like to get any possible cloud off the property, ~nis would fall in the edge
of a conm~rcial area which is being negotiated for sale, All utility companies
have been contacted and there is no objection from them. Caldos has already
given an equal square footage to the Count/ on East side of Congress Avenue
for future widening,
},~inutes of the Special ~eetJ_ng
of the Plarming Board 9-25-70
~¢r. Brull then told of an abandor~r~nt on A1A in Palm Beach that had
"red tape" because of failure to abandon.
Cb. aim called for a motion.
~btion to grant abandonment ~ms made by ~. Brull and seconded by ~.~. Olds.
Ail voted aye and motion carried to recommend abandonment to Council.
~,btion to change from Special meeting to lqorkshop ~(eeting at this timbre made by
~. ~Coy and seconded by ~r. ~',/alker. Ail voted aye and Board went into
workshop session .
~'Ir. Norman Piichaels then came forward and presented a n~,: plot plan layout near
Congress Avenue in Gotfvie~ Harbor. This was changed from preViously presented
plan and showed two different types of buildings from the original submission.
His request was that the Plarming Board show this on the proposed n~,~ zoning
After much discussion by ~, ~chaels and the Board, it was the reconmendation
of the Board that S. $~. 14th Court on the ?qorth side be extended, to join
S. ~.~. 14th Court on *~he South side and that this area from Lazy Lake
$~aterway' to Perch ?~ater~'ay on. the ~est, be shown on the proposed map as R-5
with the exception of lots 25 through 50, block 27, and lots 28 thru 51, Block
10. The above mentioned lots and an area one lot deep on the ~ast side o~ S.
14th Court and proposed S. ~,~. 14~h Court would be zoned R-2 on the proposed
new romp. This would all be contingent on a new plan being st~mitted by
~ichaels shc~ing layout of above areas and square footage of lots an~ buildings
proposed to meet requirements dis_cussed~ by the B, onrd, This ~,~ould also
~e closing of S. ~.. 25th Avenue from congress Avenue to end of proposed
R-~ zone. Other streets sbc~,m on submitted plot to be closed and ne~ streets in-
staled at owners expense. It was also :brought out that abandonment of portions
of certain streets would have to be accomplished.
The above was put into the form of a ~otion by ~r. ~cCoy and seconded by ~.
}~alker and further added that this be shown on map and sent to ~,~. Dak, e for
insertion. All voted aye and. motion carried.
l¥~otion to adjourn made by ~..,~r. Olds and seconded by ~,'~r. ~,.IcCoy.~l voted m~e